Author Topic: Hid my shrooms really well while tripping balls. Can't find the rest!  (Read 5223 times)


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 :-[ :-X :-\ :'(

Although my first experience with these shrooms was amazing, something unfortunate occurred. I remember when I was really starting to trip balls, I decided "Hey. I'd better use the bathroom now." I came back to my room afterwards and realized I had left the shrooms on my bed. Good thing the person I live with didn't see. He mainly keeps to himself, so it's pretty safe for me to trip and not be bothered if I don't act too strange. He respects my privacy in that way. However, if he had come upstairs to go to his room he might have seen my shrooms and freaked!

When I got back into my room I just remember thinking "I gotta hide these!" I hid them.

Where the fuck I hid them I have NO IDEA. I've been looking all over. :( I keep looking a little bit each day, but I've looked everywhere I can think of. I wonder if I hid them somewhere not inside of this room...

Oh well. Hopefully  I find them again, and if not, hopefully I'll get another chance to try more in the future. These were awesome so this kind of sucks.

The only time this has ever happened to me before was years and years ago when I was tripping on a crap ton of LSD. I hid my LSD-dosed candies somewhere and was never able to find them. To this day I've got no idea where those remaining 10 candies went to.

Does anyone have any tips for trying to go about finding something without going nuts that they've lost/hidden? Every time I go look I get stressed out and wonder where I should be looking, mainly because I have covered what, to my knowledge is, every last hiding spot possible. Even really obvious shitty spots. Oh well.

If this has happened to anyone else here that'd make me feel a lot better and much less like a dumbass.
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Re: Hid my shrooms really well while tripping balls. Can't find the rest!
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2014, 03:39:09 PM »
You prob ate them


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Re: Hid my shrooms really well while tripping balls. Can't find the rest!
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2014, 04:29:44 PM »
You prob ate them

Although that's possible, I'm pretty sure I didn't. I remember when I found them on my bed the bag was still pretty full. Of course, I can't say that eating them wasn't a possibility... I was tripping pretty hard.

I've decided that I'm going to stop looking for them. I've done that with other stuff and it turned up eventually.
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Re: Hid my shrooms really well while tripping balls. Can't find the rest!
« Reply #3 on: August 09, 2014, 07:01:41 PM »

Man oh man. How I ever came up with this idea will forever boggle my mind...

I was dusting my room and accidentally knocked off my wall clock while doing so. The bag of all of the remaining shroom stash fell out from behind it. When I was tripping I got it into my head that I should tuck the shrooms safely away between the wall and my wall clock!

YAY! I didn't think I'd find these again. :) Now I at least know for sure where I re-stashed them.

Anyone else ever come up with crazy hiding spots?
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Re: Hid my shrooms really well while tripping balls. Can't find the rest!
« Reply #4 on: August 09, 2014, 10:58:10 PM »
I'm still missing about 300 bucks worth of 5-mapb 6-mapb, 25d, and 5-apbd  :whistle:
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Re: Hid my shrooms really well while tripping balls. Can't find the rest!
« Reply #5 on: August 09, 2014, 11:37:59 PM »
I once got super  :weedspin and decided to hide an oz in a bag of cheetos. About a week later I was cleaning out my truck and found the bag and just so happen to look inside thankfully. Seemed logical at the time I would get the munchies and return to the said bag.
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Re: Hid my shrooms really well while tripping balls. Can't find the rest!
« Reply #6 on: August 09, 2014, 11:55:44 PM »
Lol my friend gets drunk and and hides his bag sometimes. Sometimes he cant find the bag again. Hes found random bags months later. Best spot was taped under the lid to the tank on his toilet.


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Re: Hid my shrooms really well while tripping balls. Can't find the rest!
« Reply #7 on: August 10, 2014, 02:24:33 PM »
It was May 2000, and I took a vacation to Seattle , WA for a week!

What I didn't realize is, that not only did I bring coffee, other wares, I had forgot
I hid some buds in the coffee!

I get to the hotel, pour out the coffee into the filter and here this bag of weed drops out!



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Re: Hid my shrooms really well while tripping balls. Can't find the rest!
« Reply #8 on: August 10, 2014, 04:10:28 PM »
I used to have a little metal lock box that had some really, really strong dark, rubbery hash in it along with some ketamine and a few other things. I have no idea where that thing went to. It's been over 5 years so I consider it to have been officially lost forever.

One time I was cleaning out my room really well and I found an unopened pack of Spice Gold a few years ago. That was pretty sweet.

When I found my shrooms I wanted to do a little dance and celebrate:

That's me dancing around with one of those cheap ass LED glow sword things, which broke a few moments later. Used a program that lets you record any video content and turn it into an animated GIF image. The freeware program I used is called Licecap: -- The site shows you how it works. If you have videos and wanna turn a short movie clip you have into a GIF this program will do it. There are others that do the same thing. I use this and one other, but since I'm not in Windows OS right now I forget the name of the other program, but they both do the same thing.
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Re: Hid my shrooms really well while tripping balls. Can't find the rest!
« Reply #9 on: August 11, 2014, 09:44:11 AM »
Back in college, there was an extreme weed drought over one of the summers, and everyone was bumming their ass off as a result. Ironically, we had a boatload of fresh picked shrooms at the time, though. But who really wants to trip all of the time? :biggrin

Anyway, my future wife asked me to retrieve something for her off of the top of the cabinets in the kitchen of the place we were renting, and something caught my eye. I saw something in a ziplock bag that couldn't be seen when standing at a normal level. Upon further inspection I opened up a bag full of not one but two ozs of primo red haired, green sticky bud! Never did remember how it got up there; but, damn, I was a happy mofo that day! :Smokey:


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Re: Hid my shrooms really well while tripping balls. Can't find the rest!
« Reply #10 on: August 11, 2014, 11:47:55 AM »
I moved in a place with a gf when i was 19 it was in the "hood" area. I went to hide about 30 methadone in one of my hiding spots floor vents. And found a .357 and 2 bullets. So i can imagine peoples lost stash gets found by random people all over the world lol


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Re: Hid my shrooms really well while tripping balls. Can't find the rest!
« Reply #11 on: August 11, 2014, 06:53:06 PM »
haha Glad to hear ya found em niemandgeist!!

I can't think of any time I have ever found a hidden stash that I had forgotten about.. I never really stashed my stuff in a spot where I would forget it lol

I've usually always been good with at least leaving myself a cryptic note cluing me into what I did/where I stashed stuff. Some of the public libraries around here have awesome old book sales to get rid of really old/haggard books that are damaged or showing their age. You can get books for like $0.10 or $0.15 cents apiece, and they often have deals where you can get X number of softcover or hardcover books for $1.00 or so. I got a few books about codes and cyphers a long time ago and learned a few tricks on being clandestine with stuff I write. I also know some German so combine that with some German, which almost nobody can understand, an you've got yourself a recipe for success.

Combine that with knowledge of the Linux operating system, Bash scripting, and programming and you can REALLY keep people out of stuff if you don't want them to know something. That and there are some nice web apps for free that help you to keep things on the downlow. If you have a good algorithm, or custom algorithm/text obscuration function you've made yourself it's really simple to write your own script or app to encode important information for your eyes only. :)

I got a nice 1970's Red Cross first aid handbook for like $0.05. I also got a book on Red Cross water safety and rescue (again from the 70's), a book on how to do magic tricks with cards (have 4 decks of cards too but haven't started on that yet), among other amazing books.

I am always up for chatting online with some new and interesting people. I don't really PM too many people here much. If you see this and you're interested in chatting or are bored and such. Please hit me up. I LOVE conversation.


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