Author Topic: Fuck a BUNCH of cold...  (Read 1761 times)


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Re: Fuck a BUNCH of cold...
« Reply #15 on: February 20, 2015, 10:59:08 PM »
-21 this morning in my neck of the woods. 
Automobile barely started and I'll be damned if that clutch wasn't stiff as a frozen washrag.
Hell, spit would freeze before it hit the ground!

But climate change is certainly real. As for this cold weather trumping global warming, lmao.

Weather ≠ Climate 

IMO, humans are only making it all worse. Yeh, sure, historical climate change happens, but shit is happening QUICK right now.

The Southern Hemisphere is also experiencing record heat, whatever that's worth.  :flippy:

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Re: Fuck a BUNCH of cold...
« Reply #16 on: February 20, 2015, 11:09:19 PM »
The 2 feet of snow in my yard, bottomed-out thermometer, and countless weather data would seem to indicate that the polar vortex is indeed quite real.   :nannah:

If you look into the Earth's history KT, you'll find that it has always warmed and cooled, independent of any human intervention.  We're not that big a player, really, and weren't even here for the vast majority of that action.  This planet has spent most of it's history with a global ocean, and damn near froze to a cueball a few times.  At any given point, an evolving monkey species such as ourselves will find themselves on either an upswing or a downswing - fine equilibrium of temperature is not amongst the factory-installed options for this mudball.

But, we're smart monkeys.  That fire thing really made a big difference during the cold times (I'm understandably real grateful for that one at this particular moment).  When the sea encroached on the cities we so brilliantly built at sea level, we moved them to higher ground (again, and again, and...well, OK...we seem not to have learned this one very well in the long run maybe).  When the permafrost thaws, we move the village, like you said.  Adapt and survive...or don't, and die.   

Adaptability, that's our strength.  We have not thrived because the earth is such a welcoming environment, we have thrived in spite of it.  'Mother Nature' has a huge hard-on for killing humans.  (No really, she nearly succeeded with the Toba eruption about 70k years ago.)

The relative climatological stability we've seen during the current era is a bit of a fluke, and has paid off in spades for our civilizational development (such as it may be), but we should be cognizant that it is not the norm.  Our piddly lifespans and limited worldview has hidden this reality from us somewhat.  It's only now that we're starting to comprehend 'the bigger picture', thanks to billions of human minds and the power of analytical thought.  One good volcanic outburst, extraterrestrial impactor, or extrasolar interloper of sufficient magnitude, and we can kiss it all goodbye, collectively.  Again, we've been remarkably lucky for things to have been as stable as they have during our species' tour of duty here.  Warming and cooling cycles we can deal with.  Throw in a truly global climate-altering event like a thousand-year 'nuclear winter', from say an asteroid strike, and our civilization as we know it is fooked - "just like that".  Smaller events have set our development back many times.  Referring back to Toba - where would humanity be if we hadn't gotten pruned down to a few thousand individuals at that time?  How much potential did we lose as a species from this cull?  One can never say of course...maybe it's that genetic bottleneck that actually produced some of these hallmark human features that we've come to rely on so much. 

This concludes EG's musings for this week on the Earths Climatological History and it's impacts on Anthropology. 

Be sure to tune in next week when you'll hear me say "Grofkabobbleflap."  :wacked:


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Re: Fuck a BUNCH of cold...
« Reply #17 on: February 20, 2015, 11:19:18 PM »
Automobile barely started and I'll be damned if that clutch wasn't stiff as a frozen washrag.
Hehe, yep!  Fired up the 'ol Pontiac and the power steering said SKROOONK! PS Fluid must have had the viscosity of cold molasses. ::)
Hell, spit would freeze before it hit the ground!
Went to let the dog out (oh yes, very briefly...) at 3AM.  Opened the door and WHOOSH...the moisture froze out of the air plume instantly, dense enough to trip the motion sensor for the security light.

True story. :-\


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Re: Fuck a BUNCH of cold...
« Reply #18 on: February 21, 2015, 12:41:57 AM »
It appears 3V1L9371U5 you know way more about this than I do! but it is a fact places with ice caps are melting, and places which were warm are now frozen!

I am not sure humanity has anything do to with any of this!

But if it does not!

Than it is Biblical, Which I am not getting into at all! KT


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Re: Fuck a BUNCH of cold...
« Reply #19 on: February 21, 2015, 02:04:49 AM »
I won't deny 'change' for a second...because things are always in a state of flux.  No object is ever at a stable temperature in and of itself, everything is subject to thermodynamics.  Always either cooling, or warming.  Absent an external source of heat (atomic radiation, solar fusion, gravity torsion, etc.), an object in space will cool to absolute zero and stay there.

Earth experiences lots of factors.  Cloud cover variations, solar output variations, orbital and oscillational cycles, radiation of accumulated heat into space...any one of which are of significantly greater impact to temperature swings than anything man ever has, or will do (hopefully).  That's right - I will go to my grave well satisfied in the knowledge that sun spots have a hell of a lot more to do with this than cow farts. ;)

I do object to the whole AGW scam, for the aforementioned reasons.  "Carbon credits"?  Carbon is the fourth most abundant element IN THE UNIVERSE!  It's the key component of ALL known life forms!  I'm sure it's a hell of a good idea for the taxER, but not so much for the taxEE.  I will never pay them a thin nickel to offset my 'carbon footprint'.  If all these assholes are so concerned, they can stop flying their private jets everywhere, eh?  I'm pretty sure that would cover my puny footprint, as well as quite a few other people's.  Don't see them doing this, though, do you?  It's *almost* as if they know they're scamming everyone...

Maybe I know stuff...maybe I'm completely FOS and self-deluded!  :rollingonasslaughing: Either way, I'd never know, I guess, but thank you for saying so.  If I thought I knew things, but didn't, it wouldn't be apparent until some secondary reaction slapped me in the face.  This *has* happened lol but an open mindset allows for such revelations, with the flexibility to modify one's stance in light of new information.  If I find that I was formerly wrong about something, that's awesome, because that means I now know what's "right".  Or right-er at least.  Right-est until the next slap comes along!

We've been lied to so much about our history... I've tried to sort out my own sense of it all, as I guess we all do.  A lot of the conclusions I've come to don't sit well with accepted thought, but until I see some strong evidence to the contrary, I tend to stick to my guns.  Hasn't brought me the slightest bit of fame, fortune, or glory, but I suppose that's not the point.  I've been lied to.  We've been lied to.  Fuck those liars and the fuck horses they ride, too.  I have a medically remarkable low tolerance for bullshit, and what we've always been taught stinks to 'high heaven'.  It's only now that we have the tech to find shit out for ourselves instead of relying on what the village elder says.  Not to demean the wisdom of the village elder - such has great value - but it doesn't do jack when it comes to a lot of areas.  A phillips head screwdriver is an awesome tool...won't do a bit of good when confronted with so much as a single hex-head screw.  Human memory is a fleeting and unreliable thing, especially anything past current living generations....which is virtually everything, from a historical standpoint.  The whole "writing" thing really has helped, at least to provide records to reference the recent past.  We go back so much further, though...

Personally...if we want the human race to survive, we gotta get off this rock.  We've been lucky so far, but it won't last forever I'm afraid.  Other environments will have their own inherent risks, but as long as we're all "down here", our entire species is subject to the whims of whatever catastrophe nature can dish out...and she's been pulling her punches for quite a while.  And that's not considering if we go ape and "press the button" and burn the place to a cinder, or wallow in our own pollution until our DNA is no longer viable for reproduction (which I worry we're well on the way to already, but that's a tale for another time).

Not sure why I'm so talky tonight...guess I'll just finish this off with a by saying "Grofkabobbleflap"! 

Oh, and the freezing rain has begun to fall now.  Joy.  :-[


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Re: Fuck a BUNCH of cold...
« Reply #20 on: February 21, 2015, 09:35:32 AM »

Well said, EG.

Global warming is so real that they had to call it 'climate change', LOL! Newsflash - the climate has been changing, sometimes fast and sometimes slow, for about 4+ billion years now. I have no doubt that man polluting the planet is a very bad idea, and I'm all kinds of good with cleaning our ways up. That being said, we need real alternative solutions that work quickly versus slowly, and they must be proven versus theoretical. Until we figure that out, we'll need to use what we have/know in as responsible manner as possible, but we cannot crush the little guy in the process, which is exactly what the current line of thinking will do. Remember when Obama stated, '"Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket.” But this guy is for the middle class and all of that right? LOL!

At any rate, I have a simple question for those leading the charge against AGW - what exactly is the plan for all of the tax money that they plan to steal from citizens in order to stop AGW?.... :popcorn:

I suspect that it is all about taking the money and exerting control versus really fixing or stopping anything, and that's why I call BS! :nannah:


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Re: Fuck a BUNCH of cold...
« Reply #21 on: February 21, 2015, 07:16:50 PM »


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Re: Fuck a BUNCH of cold...
« Reply #22 on: February 21, 2015, 07:18:41 PM »
My bad for the mobile link.


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Re: Fuck a BUNCH of cold...
« Reply #24 on: February 22, 2015, 04:33:24 PM »
All the way up to THIRTY SIX today!!! Woooo-hah!  Time to break out the suntan oil... :P

All sarcasm aside, it's good to finally see some thaw action.  :thumbup:


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Re: Fuck a BUNCH of cold...
« Reply #25 on: February 22, 2015, 04:43:07 PM »
This is ironically on the front page of reddit right now.

This guy hasn't committed treason yet,
but I would put him on the list :knockedout:


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Re: Fuck a BUNCH of cold...
« Reply #26 on: February 22, 2015, 06:27:49 PM »
From everything I've read, Dr. Soon is probably a lot closer to the truth than the carbon kooks.  They can't disprove the data, so now it's personal attacks.  Same 'ol story - can't defeat the message, so let's attack the messenger.

He will SOON be fired for daring to speak a truth which goes against the status quo, the article said as much.

Smithsonian DOES NOT take kindly to anything that may upset their political apple cart.

At the end of the day, the science has to speak for itself, or it will be discarded in favor of a more appropriate model.  Despite the rise of social media, science isn't the popularity contest TPTB are trying to turn it into.

Take this guy, for example:

(Don't bitch 'cos it's Fox, the story is all over and that's the first link I came to...)

Didn't get fired for discovering remnants of soft tissue from dinos - that's an amazing, definitely noteworthy find.  This should have made his career.  Instead, he got fired for abandoning all objectivity and declaring that this was because the fossil was only 4,000 years old, as that would fit his religious beliefs nicely.

The fact that these guys confirmedly lived ~65 million years ago, and that said fossil came from well-dated strata notwithstanding.  ::)

Nailed the trick...completely flubbed the dismount!  :rollingonasslaughing:

So, there's a bit of dichotomy here.  On one hand, we have Dr. Soon, whose results and conclusions are likely correct, but questioned by receiving financial support from questionable places.  On the other hand, you have Mr. Armitage (notably NOT a Dr.), whose results are correct, but drew a ludicrous conclusion from them that could not be supported whatsoever.

Conclusion: Science is a fickle bitch, who doesn't play nicely with politics, religion, or money. ;D


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Re: Fuck a BUNCH of cold...
« Reply #27 on: February 23, 2015, 02:43:39 PM »
From everything I've read, Dr. Soon is probably a lot closer to the truth than the carbon kooks.  They can't disprove the data, so now it's personal attacks.  Same 'ol story - can't defeat the message, so let's attack the messenger.

That's it in a nutshell. When you cannot change the discussion by presenting your own facts, you assassinate the character of the messenger. That or you simply alter the facts to fit the narrative as several of these assholes have been busted for already. Of course, nobody is questioning the immense amount of money that is being spent funding all of the AGW alarmists and where it comes from. Simple question - if scientists all of a sudden conclude that they were wrong about AGW, then what happens to all of the scientists conducting the research? Most of them will be looking for a new job when the grant money from the folks with the agenda dries up, that's what. In short, there ain't a hell of a lot of motivation to be objective when you're on the gravy train.

It's also kinda funny that the pope of the AGW church, Al Gore, jets around the planet in his private plane and then comes home to his 40,000 square foot house to lecture us on how we should be driving a Prius to reduce our carbon footprint, LOL.


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Re: Fuck a BUNCH of cold...
« Reply #28 on: February 28, 2015, 05:55:14 PM »
All the way up to THIRTY SIX today!!! Woooo-hah!  Time to break out the suntan oil... :P

All sarcasm aside, it's good to finally see some thaw action.  :thumbup:

We have been in a deep freeze with no water and power..finally defrosting..think we had like 2+ foot at one point..Southeastern KY mountains..Lets move there...Not..


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Re: Fuck a BUNCH of cold...
« Reply #29 on: February 28, 2015, 07:18:06 PM »
Dang TIBS, thats crazy weather your having!


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