Mebbe I'm just hallucinating but one of her boobs looks rounder and less flat underneath than the other one? realize that bilateral symmetry isn't one of the most reliable functions of human DNA, right?

Bwahahaha especially with the POS genome our current species has inherited. It's falling apart, yo. The bottlenecks that have happened repeatedly to us poor primates have indeed advanced us past any known animal capability,
but it has weakened us at the same time. Remember the study about how humans instinctively hone in on people with good bilateral symmetry as being attractive? That's because, deep down in some primal area, we KNOW our shit's falling apart and therefore see that symmetry as a sign of healthy, robust DNA to glom ours onto. And we all know there's only one way for that to happen - skeet skeet!
Case in point: you just saw what appears to be even slight inconsistencies in symmetry on the model under discussion and immediately questioned it. On some (probably subconscious) level, you're sizing up her DNA and categorizing it for viability based upon visual features alone. Possibly rejecting, although that bikini line might change the final verdict if the peanut gallery is any indicator.
Bad breeding breeds bad people, and the effects are multigenerational. I think that's a big part of our problem as a species. Too many piece of shit people fucking their cousins for too many generations, making worse piece of shit people who are even more genetically unstable who continue fucking
their cousins, ad nauseum. Sad to say, but sometimes you just see people that you know got dealt a shitty hand by fate and whose only hope for long-term genetic viability is getting randomly knocked up by smarter people for a few consecutive generations. As Saint Carlin once said of the intellectually challenged, "it only takes a couple of seconds".
Our road from monkey to man has cost us some things. Just as the wolf's path to dog; there are definitely parallels to be drawn to 'breed specific' canine illnesses. Although we've gained some abilities, we are less stable as a whole.
One part of my mind says that we *should* be a race of tall, beautifully symmetrical, healthy-as-an-ox, long-lived
ubermenschen. The other part sees the our inherent flaws as what makes us beautiful in our humanity; art in imperfection, if you will. A paradox: can we be both disfigured and pleasing at the same time? I might argue that even the most pleasing appearances we can currently attain are still disfigured in comparison to an 'ideally perfect' form. Were we to encounter such a being, we'd likely view them as Godlike. Makes you wonder about all these mysterious "teacher" archetypes that came to ancient civs.
Anyway, I've gone way off the rails with my philosophical treatise regarding boob mismatchyness and it's permutations on the development of our species, so I'll just leave that right there.