Hey Galaxy Family!
I know it's been a super long time since I've been here - I miss ya'll!!! I am beyond busy with my 10 week old son, Fox - and I LOVE every minute of being a mom! So much so, that Hubby and I are going to sell our house and move to another town where the cost of living is much lower, so that I can be a stay-at-home wife and mother. We can't do this until Hubby gets a job in the new town, but we are hoping to make the move before this time next year.
Here's a picture of my pride and joy, when he was one month old. He's got blue eyes, blond hair, and killer dimples - lock up your daughters! LOL

I hope to get back on here more often, but until we get a really good routine, I'm afraid my presence will be sporadic.
Happy Holidays, love to all my brothers and sisters, and see you soon!!!