Product: Lemon Tree MJ Gummy Bears
Where did you get it? Won it as a prize from the great annual planet x/galaxy lounge 420 contest.
Appearance: Showed up as a blob of some gummy bears melted but hey, it was a freebie and man, do I love it. THanks again ACID. P.S. I pulled it out and read the package, love the old Planet X logo on there.

My experience: First experience was a big glob so I had taken it out to the package to cut into a jolly rancher sized piece. I gave one to my wife as well as the same amount to myself. The taste wasn't too bad compared to other edibles that I have tasted before in Cali. It kinda tasted like some sort of cherry or a strawberry flavor. I chewed it up enough to start tasting the Lemon Tree flavor strain then swallowed it up. I love gummies :quag:
The effects came on not too long afterwards. I felt a great headrush that allowed me too operate but also got that half 50% indica effect that made me sleepy lol. My wife and I feel asleep after a beer before I had to go pick up my kid from school, Got up in time due to alarms on the phones lol. Took another piece and I can say that I am feeling great. My back pain is awesome as well as my mood with depression.
Scale of 10: 10/10
This place rocks. I love you guys for this. I am not into the spice shit anymore but these 420 prizes are amazing .