Well, it's a positive step forward. Change came quickly here in Michigan. When recreational passed I was in disbelief, or shock, even though it was already obvious the majority of voters were for it. Almost immediately, someone put up a bill to remove the provision of being able to legally grow up to twelve plants. Thankfully, it was voted down almost as fast. For once, someone standing in the way of progress gets put in his place.
Jersey has been stalling its legalization. Bills passed through both the state and assembly houses but neither was voted on the floor. Murphy wants a 25% tax (fuck that) but the bills had only a 12% tax. As a result many think he wouldn't have signed the bill anyways if it got to him, even though he ran on a campaign to get legalization within his first 100 days in office (I wasn't holding my breath). Lots think something will get going in early '19 that has serious potential, but it's just been one hurdle after another 'politically'. Hopefully, NY and NJ can light a fire under each other's asses as each wants the $ it will generate as it would be better legalizing first so they can get people coming over from the next state (and others nearby) and spending green on that green.