Author Topic: GDP RSO & GDP Liberty 9 Cart review  (Read 854 times)


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GDP RSO & GDP Liberty 9 Cart review
« on: November 02, 2019, 12:32:54 PM »
Duo Review on GDP Liberty 9 Vape Cart & GDP RSO


 :weedspin :weedspin

Strain: GDP

Product: Liberty 9 GDP Vape Oil

Vaporizer used for this Cart: Inexpensive vaporizer which has a function to warm up vape 3 power settings.


This vape experience is different than the regular carts which are not the Liberty 9 Vape Cart
You can adjust it for the type of vape hit you like. I turned it a few times to experience different vape vapor.
Main reason I used this: Not to drink is always a reason. To stop pain is another huge reason.

 :weedspin :weedspin

Experience: After a few vapes at different settings my pain was GONE! Or I was in the zone and if there
Was pain I didn’t think about it nor did I really feel any pain This was awesome I enjoyed the Liberty 9 Cartridge a lot, chilled me out, knocked
Out pain and elevated my mood.

Review Section Two: RSO Oil GDP strain

Amount Used: Larger than a grain of rice but not excessive, but more than

How did you consume this oil to get it to kick in faster? I took it and put under tongue for a few minutes. I did not eat nor drink before or after until a few minutes had passed I had a small amount of water.

Now at about 1 Hour and 45 Minutes- I can feel this RSO take away the pain, and I also feel higher at the same time.
Now at about 2 Hours and 30 Minutes – RSO effect is strong and I am in no pain, chilled, higher and in a great mood
Now at about 4 Hours – Still feeling pain free, higher and great!

RSO COMPARED TO THE LIBERTY 9 VAPE CART – VAPING OIL: The Vaping Oil in the Liberty Nine is really great,
Doesn’t take too much vaping, to stop pain, feel high – very high in fact and chilled. The RSO does take longer
To work but it seems the RSO lasts longer than the vaping but I am not sure of how much longer? But it seems
A little longer both are great ways to alleviate pain, massive improvement to your mood, they both send you into chill mode
And The High is very awesome to say the least.

Would I use either again? You know it, I would 100%.

Great products for Pain relief --- TOP SHELF

End of Review ……………………………………………………………………………



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