This past week was a real drag, so I was rather excited when my Psychotic Mail Carrier delivered a cart of Dark Amber GC to my box. And before I go further, I want to thank BurnMan for the care put into this.
Upon removing the cartridge from the packaging, I screwed it into the Hermes 510 battery (reviewed here: ). The battery came out of the box set on the 2.8v setting, which is next to the lowest power setting. Not sure if this is a default, or random setting but I decided to take my first draw without moving it up or down. BurnMan told me this was more potent then the previous GC; that was a truthful statement. Even at this low level on the battery, beginning effects of the oil kicked in at under a minute. Of course, the house rule is always puff puff pass, so I waited 5 mins, moved up to the next setting on the pen and hit it again.
Taste: First thing I noticed was the fresh citrus flavor from the terpene profile. Mango is the first thing I thought of.
Effects: This is literally the most energetic strain I have tried. Breathing seemed easier, it felt like my lungs expanded with more oxygen. The euphoric lightening of mood was there, and a perceived recognition of the muscles in my body telegraphing the readiness to move. Once again, the buzz seems to hit at my head and shoulders first, freezing like a stone bust and then dissipating. This energy stayed with me for 2.5-3 hours.

Notes on the terpene profile: Both α-pinene and β-pinene are present; notable for increasing alertness, clarity, and cognitive functions as well as bronchodilation. Mercene is anti-inflammatory, and helps the body absorb THC. Humulene is an appetite suppressant, which may explain the lack of an attack of the munchies.
Personal takeaways: I enjoy this strain for the mood boost and energy. I sometimes get into a vicious cycle of "don't feel well so stay inside and then feel even more depressed due to lack of motivation." I used that energy to trim four evergreen trees; I felt muscles I didn't even know I had. But after 3 hours, I just hit the vape again to take my mind of my sore muscles.