Author Topic: Bluewalker Flower Review  (Read 3617 times)


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Bluewalker Flower Review
« on: April 30, 2022, 03:05:24 AM »
Description: Bluewalker (flower) PRC

Ammount: 1Gr

Methodology: Smoke da bowl... smoke it!  Then wait a day between trials and SMOKE MORE! 

Desription: Lovely light green buds covered in delicious crystals. A fragrant piney smell that reminds me of old school Northern Lights, but with it's own unique scent. Tightly compacted.

Experiment 1: use as a topper on a bed of CBD flower.
Experiment 2: use on a bed of inert herb. (mullein)
Experiment 3: 100% test subject

Experiment 1 went better than expected. I detected it's flavor, despite the 80/20 combination of CBD (Hawaiian Haze) to Bluewalker. Effects were mild, but you definetly feel the head change. Left me energetic, but with the added bonus effects of pain relief from the CBD. Not bad as a way to conserve in these hard times, but not the best use of it methinks.

Experiment 2 was kind of surprising. Used the same ratio of an 80/20 but mullein to Bluewalker this time. Could feel the effects much quicker on this mix. Definitely a stronger effect as well. I immediately picked up my tablet and started drawing, which hasn't happened in quite some time. Euphoria big time... immense pain relief.

Experiment 3 the full portion was a bit rough at first. Literally one hit shit for me. I inhaled it's piney goodness, and had a massive coughing fit like I was 15 again. As I coughed, the head change came over me and I felt the air reverberate.

Was this my fate? To die in a fit of coughing euphoria? Because it honetly felt so damn good it might be worth it. Once I caught my breath it was a full 20 minutes till I remembered to take a 2nd hit.

I was energized, I was creative... my back pain was gone... I honestly got so much done that night, just because the cloud I was living in was lifted finally and I could THINK again. I put on some good tunes, watched some new shows I wouldn't normally try... it was a damn good time.

Only smoked half the bowl, as any more would have probably made me crash.

Conclusion: Good as a topper, plays well with both CBD and inert herb, and strong enough to make you believe in the Force... I'd say we have a winner here.
Still got a mysterious parcel called Pure Honey Oil to try out.... sounds amazing.


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Re: Bluewalker Flower Review
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2022, 09:21:07 AM »


Fire review.!!!!!


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Re: Bluewalker Flower Review
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2022, 01:40:32 PM »
Tried a doobie of Bluewalker yesterday after work. I can attest to the goodness.


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