Author Topic: PRC Green Crack Vape Oil Review  (Read 3817 times)


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PRC Green Crack Vape Oil Review
« on: May 25, 2022, 01:15:59 AM »
Description: Green Crack Vape Oil (PRC)


Ammount: 1ml


Methodology:  Puff da vape!  PUFF IT!


Desription:  Green Crack came in a nice 1ml plastic syringe.  Dark like molasses but not as thick as a RSO.  Didn't notice a lot of smell when loading it into the cart, but then again I didn't think to snort at it.  Pretty sure you can be as covert as you want with this.


So full disclosure, my last and only "real" vape was, believe it or not, a damn freebie from Aliexpress.  You know, back before it was shut down to ship the things to the US.  It was a FLYoung, and built like a brick.  Thiiiick as brick... red too.  Had a damn LCD screen and everything.  Fritzed out after a few months.  So imagine my combined joy & horror at seeing "mini me" of my haunted brick in ectoplasm green.  And like... unknowable (or so I thought) parts... lol... a Mario warp pipe?  A mosquito proboscus in steel & plastic?!  A tiny lipstick?


Long story short... it was... in order... a Hades Mythology battery, an extender for big pimping, a filler needle for the cart, and the two halves of the cart.  A seriously sweet rig.  Totally appreciate it, as Things Are Tough All Over.


So after getting everything set & figuring out the controls, time for a hit.




Soooo smooth!  Weirdly minty.  That surely wasn't a full hit... that's a mulligan... go for another one!  Little bit more smoke that time, and I can feel it burning my lungs a bit in a goooood way.


The flavors are still a bit minty, but I can detect others now... like... citrusy.  As I'm sitting there, contemplating taking a "second" hit... the head change starts up.  (Technically that would have been a 3rd... which might have been a better dosage... but this is about when I started posting in chat about being one toke over the line)


This hits hard & fast.  The flavor is kind of mango pine, and it tastes nice and natural.  At this level you feel an intense feeling of relaxation but also like you're eager to get to work on some project.  It took a good half hour in to get to a nice plateau... and from there I just got up and did a lot of cleaning.  I'd break it up with Youtube videos and stuff... but it was nice to have energy.


It's like a wave of euphoria wrapped around your skull.  You're high and you feel every molecule in your body turn to jelly.  Yet at the same time it's like it frees a tiny brain demon.  "We really need to dust in here..."  The cobwebs clear and it's like,


I took the next hit after two and a half hours, mainly to test if I could go a little further... and rather pleasantly I was back up.  Perhaps another...


I was up till 5am cleaning.  I started around midnight.  Looking in the mirror my eyes are red, half closed... and I still want to do something.  Now I know why they call it Green Crack... lol.  Everything about how I feel should lead to couchlock, but instead am stuck on overdrive.



Conclusion:  This stuff is the gift that keeps on giving.  Barely scraped the surface despite taking nice deeeeep puffs.  Woke up in the morning with a big smile on my face and total relaxation.  No hangover, no pain... (that wore off mid afternoon... lol)  I'd definitely rate it effective and strong.  12 out of 10.


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Re: PRC Green Crack Vape Oil Review
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2022, 05:22:37 PM »
Thanks man, always have enjoyed reading the reviews and write ups.   :goodpost


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Re: PRC Green Crack Vape Oil Review
« Reply #2 on: May 30, 2022, 09:57:15 AM »
" It's like a wave of euphoria around your head"

Sounds Dope to me!!



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Re: PRC Green Crack Vape Oil Review
« Reply #3 on: June 01, 2022, 06:30:15 PM » the same time it's like it frees a tiny brain demon.  "We really need to dust in here..."  The cobwebs clear and it's like,


I took the next hit after two and a half hours, mainly to test if I could go a little further... and rather pleasantly I was back up.  Perhaps another...

I was up till 5am cleaning...

Once again, the GC does its 'legendary thing'!

Voted 'most productive strain' by a fictional group of consumers surveyed.  :thumbup:

Always good to see an Aki review!

 Woo! :horns up


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