Vendor: PRC
MJ Type: Sativa
MJ Strain: Guava

Experience with: 2 hitter Glass Pipe
Hits 1 to 3: Mood lift and waking up
Hits 4 to 6: Awake and feeling good
Happy High that's waking me
Euphoria Rollin in nicely.

If I was taking a Kratom Tolly Break
I bet this strain & a good cup of Joe
Would go well together. For a potent
Wake me up
Experience with: Airizer 2 Dry Herb Vape
> Ground flower = 2 Glass stem vape tubes
> Heated vape to 392 F
> Took a flavor terpine hit before vape
Reached 392
> Great rich flavor yeah !!
> Then I vaped 1 tube = about 11 Good
Vape pulls
> After about 3 minutes feeling waking up Sativa feeling.
> After about 10 minutes feel uplifted euphoric waves of chill
> After about 20 minutes feeling strong effects of the Guava
Note: This sativa was really good
no paranoia no anxiety.
Once and awhile some Sativa's
trip me out a bit. But this Guava
chilled and enjoyable and woke me up.
Right on !!! 
Over all Rating: 10/10 A great Sativa with no anxiety.