Author Topic: Gruntz Review  (Read 6593 times)


  • TGL Legacy Member
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Gruntz Review
« on: November 17, 2023, 09:00:23 PM »
I got some new mj  - it's called Gruntz. I really like it! I tried it in a vape pen for the first time. It started as a light feeling in my face, like across my eyes and bridge of my nose, very tops of my cheeks. I was in a good mood, feeling a little floaty but grounded enough to do anything I needed to. My friend and I chatted the evening away, enjoying lots of laughter that was not from being high, but from being relaxed and jovial. Does that make sense? In any case, two thumbs up!

I also acquired some new mj called Slurricane, but I haven't tried it just yet. I have a tiny bit of some old stuff I want to finish off because it's been hanging around too long. But I will likely be buzzed for most of next week (I'm off due to the holiday) and I'm sure I'll get to try it soon. ish.  :stoned


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