The Galaxy Lounge
Fun Stuff => Pictures => Topic started by: Galaxy Admin on June 01, 2013, 02:28:19 PM
What CAN you do?
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i freaking hate spiders!!!!!!!!
haha GUC all the girls in the house run when they see them, it is like they seen a ghost or something. Like the pic I will have to show my girls this. Thanks for the laugh.
haha GUC all the girls in the house run when they see them, it is like they seen a ghost or something. Like the pic I will have to show my girls this. Thanks for the laugh. OMG I turn into a total spaz when I see a spider. I knocked myself senseless when I slammed into a door trying to get away from a spider one time. Another time, I ran out of the shower, still soapy, and into the living room, where my hubby had company I didn't know about... LOL
haha oh damn....My little ones scream bloody murder they let out such a high pitched scream.
Wifey freaks over spider: Kill it Kill it! I scoop 'em up and set them outside. They eat other bugs, hence less overall critters in the house. (
( They should have sad awesome design. That one is a win. :smokin:
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( Ngls, wrong thread brodeine. Those appear to be .gif files if I am not mistaken. (
Ngls, admin SSF said, these gifs go in the gif thread. oky doky?
Ngls, admin SSF said, these gifs go in the gif thread. oky doky? I didn't think it mattered since Sunshine and Orthene posted .GIFs earlier. However, I try to fully comply to the rules of the board and try to abide by recognized conventions of etiquette on forums. ( <--it is a GIF
Ngls, admin SSF said, these gifs go in the gif thread. oky doky? I didn't think it mattered since Sunshine and Orthene posted .GIFs earlier. However, I try to fully comply to the rules of the board and try to abide by recognized conventions of etiquette on forums. ( <--it is a GIF *goes back and looks* Damn damn DAMN! I did didn't I... Wait though! Those are reaction gifs, Ngls. Not the actual response to the thread :biggrin Oh and that last Snoopy gif.. Must be graphically interchanging with itself. "Judges?!" ---- I'll allow it! :goodpost
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No offense intended to any of my brothers and sisters of the Judaic persuasion... ( ...I don't care who ya are...that shit's funny! :Smokey:
HAHAHAHA, that was true
( WHAT a rebel.
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( ( ( ( New York Hates Speeders
( ( ( ( New York Hates Speeders AHHHHHHhh..hahahaha
:lol: Classic Awesome post.
( HAHAHAHAHahahaha :lol:
haha :lol: mmmm Bacon
( Hey I know that's less than ten miles from my house...wooot!
( Halloween's coming baby
( Hey I know that's less than ten miles from my house...wooot! :rock: Nice :goodpost (
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lmao at moms dildo :lol:
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Iggy Pop needs to lay off the Coke and eat a sandwich or four.. :cokesniff
Damn, I thought that was Iggy. Saw him in the 80's, played 15 mins, mooned the audience and walked off. The effect was roughly the same as that photo.
:goodpost :titsout:
Goddamn I have a boner now.. :lol: no really...girl in pic me..
My kung fu is strong. Hey baby let's play helicopter; you be the propeller. ( May need to modify my invention. The idea is there but the execution seems flawed. ( This is definitely a work in progress...we'll get back to you.
( Shitty day at the beach
( Shitty day at the beach ( No feet steps even, the fuck?
:lol: (
:lol: ( That's what she said when I came knocking on the back door...
:lol: BWHAHAHAHAHA..did my ex-wife make that one?
( Bwhahaha...I have been that high.. we used to have a smilie that was hitting the stem
( Unfortunately I had this one happen to me. When the cops arrived they wanted to see my guns I asked them to read my sign & follow it's instructions (it was a No Trespassing sign) Did I forget to mention the cops I always seem to meet with are all Assholes :cigar
:lol: LMFAO :snort:
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( :goodpost :lol: ( BONUS!
( Rofl Diesel!
Hershel was the man! (
( ...(
( ...( Sounds like someone is playing red rocket
tt all makes sense now lmao red pandas are satan I swear! :smokin :o ( (
( Does anyone know where to get a good quality flux capacitor on the cheap??
:goodpost touch tongue
Damn - he's Batman! :goodpost
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[img width= height=][/img]
[img width= height=][/img] I fucking love otters. So goddamn cute.
:rollingonasslaughing:( (
( Shane is a trip!
WTF Lol (
Teenage Mutant Freshmen Turtles in College ( Why do I always have to be the cow? ( Types of bitches. Found this one online a while ago. Apparently this was a note confiscated from an inner city school: ( Black Monopoly. Simple rules! (Maybe kind of iffy, but maybe funny. I like to think we can all poke fun at things without hating one another, but humor relating to stereotypes can be funny at times, even if those stereotypes aren't true.) ( Breaking Bad: Snowball Fight! For this one you may have to right-click the image and choose "view image" to see it in its larger size so you can read the text. ( Found this ad a while ago when randomly browsing without Ad Block Plus installed. Count Dickula is rising! Increase the size of your penis NOW! ( That's it for now. I have a ton more.
( I can smell what that bear is cooking, and It smells like sweet honey. :)
( I once smoked an entire gram of shatter in one session. Good times. :D
( My first shell of kava!
( Now this explains why licking certain toads can get you high
( Good Guy Psycho
( they sure do. :goodpost
if your sick of her, Send her thru the time flux freaking capacitor or how ever you spell it!
( ( (
Oh he is fruit loop alright!! LOL LOL Funny shit!! :goodpost :goodpost
:goodpost :goodpost :goodpost I'll second that one! :rollingonasslaughing:
( that was largely unsatisfying
( :lol: (
<img src=" >
( By the way, I have the brand new Metallica album; giving it two thumbs up.
( That's quite a strange malady, to not look anything like their father... Gives a new meaning to "giving head"