The Galaxy Lounge
Welcome To The Galaxy Lounge => Introduce Yourself => Topic started by: Mr. Yak Bluntz on June 05, 2013, 12:00:38 AM
Hello everyone,
My name is Mr. Yak Bluntz. I was recently invited to the site by a fellow member, JB. Everything looks cool around the site and the people seem awesome. Kind of nice to be around a common community. Just wanted to introduce myself and look forward to meeting everyone and sharing common interests! :passone:
please dont hesitate to PM me and introduce yourself personally, im looking to make some new friends.....i wont bite.
Mr Yak Bluntz
Welcome to the BROTHERHOOD!!! :stoned :hookah: :stoned :hookah: :stoned :hookah:
If JB says your cool that's good enough for me !!!!!!
Welcome to the forum bro! :hookah:
Damn bro you already have more seniority than most on this board, lol...
well i dont want to toot my horn too early but as JB said we have known eachother for quite a while, ive just never been introduced to the "underground" LOL but im very honored and everyone i've met has been cool as shit to me. i did have one person mention i copied my name, but JB even knows me as Mr Yak Bluntz since we were first introduced on HIG so not much I could do about that...were all smart people im sure we'll figure a way around it not being confusing, i have 2 other names you can call me by HAHA.....but pretty much im ready to try some TOP OF THE LINE....thats why im here and to bull shit with all you cool fucking dudes and gals out there and pass that shit on :passone:
Welcome MYB, hope you enjoy your stay and the party.
Welcome, its about time you are here. :biggrin :passone:
Everyone is welcome here! Glad to have to meet you Bluntz :Smokey:
Well, you aren't asking for samples in your intro post, so that is a good sign! Welcome aboard, looking forward to some good reviews.
Thanks to all :passing-joint:
all check out my first forum created. its for the tv lovers here. go on over and read what I have to say cuz everything i say is great and important LMFAO, would you guys still like me if i really thought that??? actually not sure u guys do like me? haha ill shut up now.,1162.msg15611/topicseen.html#new (,1162.msg15611/topicseen.html#new)
Whats up man? You seem cool ass fuck. Glad you made you here.