The Galaxy Lounge
Fun Stuff => Videos => Topic started by: jbmac on June 19, 2013, 12:57:07 PM
John Oliver is doing a good job on the Daily show, that show and the Colbert report is the only place i get my news from on TV.
John oliver?
Unless we are in alternating dimensions, I believe his name is John Stewart....
John oliver is the funniest correspondant on the daily show r2 d3, the british one. And liberals need to be made fun of too, they make up half of our circus freak show government
Ahhh there is my issue. I never payed attention to the names of the correspondents. Dimensional rift repaired. :)
John Oliver is doing a good job on the Daily show, that show and the Colbert report is the only place i get my news from on TV.
News? It is about the same as the Onion.
The new Comedy Central show (still miss John Stewart) with the new guy looks good so far, woo hoo
The HBO show with John Oliver, however, is decidedly weak. Dude is just not funny - I don't get the appeal. :snoop:
I only catch his clips on youtube but I thought the one on mental health was spot on. He's not outrightly funny like a lot of American hosts are, I think the Brits tend to have more subtle/satire type of humor (see UK Office), and it seems like he tends to rely on comparisons as his punch, but their is some material there if you sift through it.