The Galaxy Lounge
Welcome To The Galaxy Lounge => Announcements => Topic started by: Galaxy Admin on June 23, 2013, 09:52:33 AM
We do not wish to delete an account if you want to be here and participate. For Our security and to avoid spammers and lurkers, we delete all accounts that do not post at least once within the first 7 days. I would suggest that first post to be in the Introduce Yourself Board.,5.0.html (,5.0.html)
We are a peaceful community that does not allow flaming. We respect each other's opinions even if we do not agree with each other.Thank you and enjoy your time here.
I wholeheartedly concur brother!!! :weedspin :weedspin
Better living with fun and security. :banana: :fatty :weedspin :passing-joint:
Is there a way to have this message come up during registration?
Is there a way to have this message come up during registration?
Good call
sorry that I dont post that much I guess im going to have to I love this forum!
Same here matty, love this place been here since day one and as you can see this is my first post
ty for posting. This is all do to a few trolls who probably have accounts here right now and we are weeding them out. All this is temporary.
Probably a hell of a good idea.
great idea
sorry that I dont post that much I guess im going to have to I love this forum!
Same here matty, love this place been here since day one and as you can see this is my first post
Oh Crap, please don't kick me out :bowdown :lol: I'll try to be less of a dickhole :o
Hello, 1st post here. Big time lurker, just here for shopping ideas. But to contribute, I'll throw one in for Dark Matter. I use daily but have always liked the basic strengths, don't need the 6X levels etc. So Drk Mttr may b weak for some but does this daily head fine. Officially not a troll, plz don't delete this weak poster!
:postwhore: ok I have now posted at least once, please delete my account. Wait I meant please delete all my posts. Wait delete nothing.
never mind , I just wanted to add to my post count. Lol
:postwhore: :postwhore: :postwhore: :postwhore: :postwhore:
Fucking Fuckers
Fucking Fuckers
Fuck the Fucking Fuckers
Fucking Fuckers
Fuck the Fucking Fuckers
Fuck the father fucking fuckers!
Fucking Fuckers
Fuck the Fucking Fuckers
Fuck the father fucking fuckers!
Fuck you and the horse you fucked on the way here you fucking horse fuckers!
Sorry guys, I'm a troll but I'm already grandfathered in WOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!
Bump. Good call AciD, always on your toes!
Cook the crack
Whipping yola
Water whipping
With the soda
Bump. Good call AciD, always on your toes!
This doesn't include the older zero post accounts before the BS started. We do have some legit lurkers here that bother no one.
Hello new friends please read this topic. Welcome to Spiced.
xoneraided - 14 Jul
mrwiggles - 13 Jul
slunty - 12 Jul
SirTlop - 12 Jul
giyongchy1994 - 11 Jul
which one of them is mycuntsteven ?
which one of them is mycuntsteven ?
All new members post or face account deletion. We need to know you are not a bot or a communist.
Bots will be drawn and quartered....then sauteed and served up with fava beans and a fine chianti.
PM them IQ. if they don't respond in a week, let me know and I will weed them out.
len53 - 01 Aug
PurpleSpace - 27 Jul
Bastarache1 - 25 Jul
mikespeed - 23 Jul
Welcome to Spiced please introduce yourself.
PurpleSpace - 27 Jul
Bastarache1 - 25 Jul
mikespeed - 23 Jul
have all been deleted.
len53 Post in the next few days or your account will be deleted.
Trim the fat
Already done. Some of the people that got deleted were here almost everyday and never posted. I pm'd and warned them multiple times. Glad they are gone tbh.
Good looking out. It is really simple. Post or answer our pm's or goodbye. :smokebanana
Already done. Some of the people that got deleted were here almost everyday and never posted. I pm'd and warned them multiple times. Glad they are gone tbh.
True that. This is a tight little community of friends, or friendly outgoing persons at the very least. Who lurks about their friends but never speaks to them? Stalkers lol.
Welcome new Members to Spiced. Please read this topic and make a post. Enjoy your Stay!
caesarrodney - 23 Aug
LorieDye - 23 Aug
FJ316 - 22 Aug
hiddentruth - 22 Aug
billygoat - 21 Aug
rastaonelove - 20 Aug
jerran23 - 19 Aug
up2late - 18 Aug
roddo - 18 Aug
Welcome to Spice, please look through this topic and introduce yourself. Happy Labor Day Weekend! :weedspin
bbc7777 - 01 Sep
cantlive4ever - 31 Aug
rcbulk - 31 Aug
Romo09 - 30 Aug
Dean03 - 28 Aug
mj334 - 27 Aug
RCBulk - Sketch user name.
RCBulk - Sketch user name.
Ditto for Romo09 :lol: :cokesniff
RCBulk - Sketch user name.
I was thinking the same thing.
He probably sells RC cars. HAHAHahahahah :steamroller :cokesniff
He probably sells RC cars. HAHAHahahahah :steamroller :cokesniff
:lol: :broccoli
Welcome New Members please take a few minutes and read through this tread. Welcome to Spiced!
xoneraided - 11 Sep
jared4580 - 11 Sep
roddo - 09 Sep
djalexcid - 05 Sep
chubbs - 04 Sep
Homey - 03 Sep
TorchLighter - 03 Sep
mattman1990 - 03 Sep
He probably sells RC cars. HAHAHahahahah :steamroller :cokesniff
Updated Member roster these Members have been deleted due to not answering pm's or making a First post. These accounts are NOT banned and are free to come back and return to Spiced. Please make a first post or verify your identity to one of our Spiced Team Members. 2013-08-25 0
TxPete 2013-08-25 0
blasph 2013-08-25 0
pr3ss_t0ne 2013-08-26 0
mj334 2013-08-27 0
Dean03 2013-08-28 0
Romo09 2013-08-30 0
rcbulk 2013-08-31 0
bbc7777 2013-09-01 0
Yankee01 2013-09-01 0
caesarrodney 2013-09-01 0
mattman1990 2013-09-03 0
TorchLighter 2013-09-03 0
The next batch of totally unresponsive accounts and all new accounts going forward that do not reply to mgt level pms are no longer deleted, they are banned by all means we have. We protect our own here.
If you want to join and are shy about posting, introduce yourself and post once in a great while. That is all we ask. :smokin:
Welcome new members to Spiced you all have been pm'ed please take a few minutes and read over this topic. Enjoy your stay!
roddo 2013-09-09
xoneraided 2013-09-11
mikesmokes 2013-09-11
Spangles 2013-09-12
tonytiger777 2013-09-13
caesarrodney 2013-09-13
elementx11 2013-09-13
FJ316 2013-09-14
henryleillo 2013-09-15
TZA368 2013-09-15
awest1981 2013-09-16
InfinityAffinity 2013-09-16
tvoss 2013-09-16
Seems to be around 30 of us active semi daily, rest lurking in shadows quiet.
:goodpost I was going mention that too. Lets go peeps come out an play... :smoking
Welcome tvoss :passing-joint:
Welcome to Spiced tvoss. Enjoy your stay.
Welcome tvoss :banana:
Thank you Acid.
Appreciate not deleting my man. And for sending me stuff long ago when I was down in the dumps.
Much love to yall
Thank you Acid.
Appreciate not deleting my man. And for sending me stuff long ago when I was down in the dumps.
Much love to yall
Nice to see you around bro
caesarrodney 2013-09-13
elementx11 2013-09-13
FJ316 2013-09-14
henryleillo 2013-09-15
TZA368 2013-09-15
Please post you are close or over the 7 day window. We have not heard from you or answered any pm's.
Welcome to Spiced. You really don't want to give up all this fun do you?
this has become the introduction thread..Hello New friends! Smokey smoke smokey :passing-joint:
Welcome new members...
Ruh_Roh - 05 Oct
Immaculate - 02 Oct
litta39069 - 01 Oct
JeffySmooth - 30 Sep
Enjoy your stay. Lots of good people and information here.
Please take a few minutes and read over this thread.
We enforce this to the fullest so please make a post. We no longer delete we ban accounts. This is for the protection of the community and it's members.
lol..i hope Ruh-Roh stays .. :banana:
Welcome new members. Please take a few minutes and read through this thread. Welcome to the community.
The members posted have not responded...
natewest 2013-10-12
tryp 2013-10-13
adudewithahat 2013-10-13
Bawse 2013-10-14
meowmixxx 2013-10-15
Thunders52 2013-10-15
lucaschrist 2013-10-15
Old but back again member posting here :getstones sup everybody
good job Swisha :beers:
New members please read and follow the step involves to stay an active member here.
Welcome to Spiced and enjoy your stay.
Welcome new members please take a few minutes and read this thread.
There should be like secret random threads that we have to post in on a given day ...and if we don't then someone comes over and short sheets or "hand in water till pee pee" gags us...good stuff..i myself am a fan of shaving cream torture...23 year Army vet here...I have been creamed by the most elite killers the government could produce.......and I have in return creamed them back.............Shaving creamed in hand...feather to nose..guaranteed to cause panic in the coldest of killers for atleast 1 second....
Hint...unload the targets personal weapon they keep under the pillow....and the one on his ankle. And the shooty under the bed..and take away his knife...and you probly should run. For a few years..
you know inretro spect lets stick with grindcandys idea of taking a shit on their doorstep and lighting it on fire....
:postwhore: THREAD NINJA SMOKE BOMB! :butwiggle: :bakedmonkey: :weedspin waiting for cartoons to :goodpost
I AM SO SORRY Tibs and All of You Guys, for Delay in Posting,as This Is My 1st Day Back Online!!!
As I Honestly Went Beyond the Typical Binge,but Ended up Finding an Amazing Combo of "Factors",That led to an Epic Staying Up
for a Very Longtime,and Time was Decided to be A Meaningless Worry!!!
Until My Wife Finally Tracked Me Down,and I am on Life Support with my Marriage and Totally Understand Now,that I am Back on Earth and I Feel So Guilty,and I Promised Only Relaxation techniques from Now On!!!
Sorry Guys and I Just Heard that Lou Reed Died,to Top off a Very Horrible Comedown!!! Sorry is the Only Word I have
Spoken to Everyone else In My Life,and Owe You All the Same!!!!
Welcome Home Thunders, I was wondering where you were, Stay strong brother...sounds like you turned the bus around just in time, Kick back relax and slowly melt back into the real world..
We are all here if you need us...
This thread still relevant? Some new members that havent posted for over that 7 days.
we are private now. all the members left are cool. :steamroller we are keeping the old accounts. they are mostly from ppl that always lurked(even at TGL) and are not causing any problems.
Welcome skullscrew and naturalguy.
Please take a few minutes and read this thread and make a post so the rest of the members can get to know you.
skullscrew - 23 Dec
NaturalGuy - 23 Dec
Welcome to PlanetX Sharkiesha45, hope you are enjoying your stay. I know you have been referred here, but I need you to introduce yourself to the community. Thanks for your attention to this matter.
Sharkiesha45 - 28 Jan
So whats up with the people that have 1-5 posts that havent logged on in months, some nearing a year. I dont understand why sharkie had to introduce himself when theres still 0 post count members.
Think we should weed out some dead weight.
So whats up with the people that have 1-5 posts that havent logged on in months, some nearing a year. I dont understand why sharkie had to introduce himself when theres still 0 post count members.
Think we should weed out some dead weight.
qwertybutt - 27 Feb
Please take a few minutes to read the first page and make a post.
Hope you enjoy your stay on PlanetX. :Smokey:,5.0.html
King is my friend. he is all good.
Hi. I'm D3 an I'm an intoxiholic.
Haha welcome D3
king has been verified no worries guys. thanks for keeping your eyes open.
hi. can someone give me a straight up yes or no answer if herbal blends are legal throughtout the u.s.if i had a pack on me and got stopped what would happen ? lhs xgen
No offense, you just get off the boat or wake up from a two year coma?
why cant you just answer please. i know the drill. i just want to see what the standard is as of today
as far as i know , none of the herbs in lhs blends have been banned yet, mullein, coltsfoot, etc stuff like that. just want to make sure. better safe than sorry
thankyou. if it just says its an herbal blend on the site how would one know it has actives ? what are the actually penaltys of this. jailtime ? probation? etc. i guess ill just steer clear.
Just like coffee has caffeine