The Galaxy Lounge
Welcome To The Galaxy Lounge => Introduce Yourself => Topic started by: tibeirious on July 16, 2013, 07:11:39 AM
I took a long while to get my head back, but I did it, now I am completely out of the loop, so just consider me a newb, it is good to see all my brothers and sisters here, I have to admit I was very sad when everything imploded. that was a time that I never wanted to see end. Wake and bake :smokepack
Happy Twosday :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance
Glad all is going well on your end tibs. Welcome to the Spiced Party. :weedpass: :passing-joint:
Hiya Tibs,
So glad to see ya back on a forum Man!
I had to quit blending when my blood pressure
doubled a few weeks ago. Still hoping that weed
will one day start working for me again. Plenty of
practice, but little success as of yet. :weedspin
Glad to have you back man :D
Just in time for these:
smaller and better for you too.
Hi Tiberious. I remember you form TGL
Good to see you posts and that you are OK.
@ Jones - It's gonna be about 3-4 weeks, with no blend use at all (not even a hit) to start feeing weed. Go straight for the 20%+ THC strains, and/or BHO wax or shatter
Also, a drug detox tea or two will help flush those nasty full CB2 agonists away allowing you to feel the partial agonists THC/CBD/CBN
$120 For High Mids? Woah! Thats quite pricey where I live. :o
Tib whats up brother how you been old friend ? so glad to see you over here. you made me feel rite at home over at tgl from the get go thanks for doing that Tib your one cool dude .glad your ok man . :biggrin
Hi Tiberious. I remember you form TGL
Good to see you posts and that you are OK.
@ Jones - It's gonna be about 3-4 weeks, with no blend use at all (not even a hit) to start feeing weed. Go straight for the 20%+ THC strains, and/or BHO wax or shatter
Also, a drug detox tea or two will help flush those nasty full CB2 agonists away allowing you to feel the partial agonists THC/CBD/CBN
I might give that tea a go, I wonder if it would help get the crap outta my system that is raising my BP
& causing me to be angry all the damn time.
Thanks for caring Man &Stay Cool
Thanks everybody, This place feels like home, it is so awesome to find all of you and reconnect, now I just have to rebuild my reviews and start all over. :popcorn:
Hey, welcome back!
What's up Tibbers? Missed ya man!!
Did u complete a rehab program?
I got help from a few groups and I go to AA twice a week..
Just so everybody knows it was not the blends that took me down, it was Vodka, I just got to a point that I was blind drunk 24-7. and I could not stop. One day at a time. Aside from a few Panic attacks and a smokers cough , the blends were pretty good to me.
Now dance you damn banana :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance
Agreed. Alcohol is evil if it's not kept in check...
Sup Tib long time no see glad you doing good.
Sup Tib long time no see glad you doing good.
Brother I have missed the hell outtta you, so damn glad to are family ... :weedpass:
Agreed. Alcohol is evil if it's not kept in check...
Word..i am not good at keeping highs in is why I am here.
Welcome back Bro! You and the Chocodiles were sorely missed! :broccoli
Hey Brother DimeBag, I missed you too,,Puff puff pass... :weedpass:
OG TIBZ wish i can smoke a pack of blunts with ya. Welcome
OG TIBZ wish i can smoke a pack of blunts with ya. Welcome
Hell yeah Grind! You r the OG. those PlanetX Chat room Marathons kicked ass.. :weedpass:
Great to see you here Tib. I've missed your reviews!
thanks brother, yeah me too..i am going to make an order in a few days and start my reviews up was a cool hobby.
thanks brother, yeah me too..i am going to make an order in a few days and start my reviews up was a cool hobby.
Awesome sauce!