The Galaxy Lounge
Welcome To The Galaxy Lounge => Introduce Yourself => Topic started by: Staceysmom on July 27, 2013, 05:15:09 PM
Super excited and very thankful to get to join in on something so underground....feeling sneaky. lol! whats up everyone? oh and yeah and IM YOUR QUEENS SIS~IN~LAW!! :lips: :lips: :lips:
Welcome to the party... :passing-joint:
:lipstick: :lipstick:
lol I opened that thread and thought IQ made a new profile hahaha so bright and colorful
lol couldn't of said it better =] welcome to the forum lil queen =]
pm me sometime queen. I feel weve chatted on the same thread but never actually bull shitted id like to get to know ya a bit other then colorful giant posts =]
Welcome to Staceysmom. Hope you enjoy your stay. Thanks for recruiting IQ. You rock. :weedpass: :weedspin
Welcome to spiced!!
pm me sometime queen. I feel weve chatted on the same thread but never actually bull shitted id like to get to know ya a bit other then colorful giant posts =]
ok sweets!!! can u get into chat???im usually in there ever nite after the house goes to sleep...around 10pm central
unfortunately not on my "smart"phone lol but hey you referred someone!!! I thought I recalled a post about a free credit card pipe with referrals?
I also read somewhere about 40 acres and a mule.
I wish there was an emoticon clapping lol that's a great read :cigar
love it!!! So excited about what my future holds.$$$ :lipstick: :lipstick:
Welcome new friend!
welcome to the party nice to see another female join the group :weedpass:
Super excited and very thankful to get to join in on something so underground....feeling sneaky. lol! whats up everyone? oh and yeah and IM YOUR QUEENS SIS~IN~LAW!! :lips: :lips: :lips:
Somehow I perceive the resemblance. Anyways, welcome sista!
Many Happy Returns!
Oh crap, forgot to use all caps. I shall rememba' next time lol.
YALL aint gunna believe the FISH THIS BITCH JUST CAUGHT!!! 8 LBER!! IMA HAVE HER POST PICS LATA!! SHes one of then lucky hussies!!