The Galaxy Lounge
Welcome To The Galaxy Lounge => Introduce Yourself => Topic started by: skush on August 14, 2013, 09:24:32 PM
Hey everyone! My name's Synester and I've just moved from the South to the NE and I love it here, just been having issues getting spicey! and finding those southern bud prices ;) I've been around in this scene for quite a while (spice, 3 years or so) and tried the first gen stuff and everything after it. I've only been using independent vendors and such online in the past couple years but it's been worth it most of the time, rather than using my old source in real life for the potpourri.
Everyone looks friendly here and I'm a pretty chatty person so I'm looking forward to reading and posting around this forum! I'm glad a user from another forum referred me here, this looks like a nice community and a resourceful site. It's always nice to talk with people you can relate with.
Can't wait to try one of the vendors mentioned here (Let me know your opinions on my thread!),1839.msg26980/boardseen.html#new
i've had some bad experience with other online vendors so I'm hoping I won't be let down.
Hope all is well with everyone,
Welcome Synester!
Welcome, meng!
Welcome bro... :passing-joint:
Thanks everybody! :) Happy toking
Glad to have you here bro! Hope you can fit right in.
Welcome to Spiced dood :weedpass:
welcome :weedpass: who refered you here and from what site just curious
welcome :weedpass: who refered you here and from what site just curious
:goodpost I'm also curious. ... :smoking
Thank you all! :Smokey:
Silver_fox recommended this site to me from LHG
Welcome! Silver Fox is good people. Enjoy your stay.
welcome :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance :dance
Thank you:) i'm pretty gratified he sent me this forum, i met a few cool individuals on the chat already and you guys seem like genuine people in a very nice connected community. Silver Fox is very cool as well! :joint
Welcome to the party
Hey there ;)
where'd your thread go bud?
Well, if Silver Fox will vouch for you...
your friend needs to contact ADMIN///ACID before advertising...period! JS........and im glad to hav a new member that talks lol.......
He didn't advertise anything, it was an introduction thread.