The Galaxy Lounge
Welcome To The Galaxy Lounge => Introduce Yourself => Topic started by: lwdarkwolf on February 24, 2013, 11:03:28 PM
Your Fellow TGL Master Reviewer (lol, jk) Checking in ya'll. Since blend reviews are now down, I will be posting all my Dude, MHH, and MNH blend reviews here from now on, and guys, do I have some hidden up my sleeve. A review for a new product by dude will be done this week by me, a lovely chocolately flavored powder we like to call Liquid Enjoy and Trixx Balls, so stay tuned. Nice to see familiar faces!
(, Welcome to the fun house! Look forward to your upcoming reviews.
Swisha! Good to see a friendly face good sir! And yes, I will be continuing my reviewing here and actually me and another partner are going to be actually getting into the vendor business, so keep a sharp lookout on those review threads, they will have samples of our new products hidden for requests, so persevere on reading!
Our prices will personally be unbeatable because I will be personally doing the blending, as I don't look to make money, I like to burn all ya'll down, no BS blend and no stemmy BS either. I might post a teaser pic of our blends here in the very near future, but need to order RC;s this week :D So any help on that would be nice as I only have one source! Just shoot a PM!
Blends will be primarily containing spearmint, marshmellow leaf, peppermint, mugwort, and some of my personal "sativah" blend, so it is a joy to smoke, so definitely keep an eye out for us. More info coming soon.
Check out the vendor section for a thread on RC vendors. You might get the pm you need more quickly making a request there. Welcome.
Hey, the more the merrier; and, hell yeah, I want something that will make me take notice. Welcome, lwdarkwolf
Welcome Bro-ham!
Sweet another wolf around...and one that is gonna bring some blendage to the table! I would be honored to do a review for a fellow wolf....we tend to stick together like that!