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Welcome To The Galaxy Lounge => Announcements => Topic started by: KratomToke on March 03, 2014, 09:10:05 PM

Title: The end Of Kratom?
Post by: KratomToke on March 03, 2014, 09:10:05 PM
So I am trying to track an order which was sent out last Thursday, February 27th
no tracking available? Now I know the weather is messing up the post office with all these flight cancellations.

but, I thought this until I read this:

I have used Kratom a little over 8 years, and I am reading this report, and I am thinking, didn't the FDA just approve a new pain pill, they did, and some have said it is the most dangerous one yet? Go Figure!

Looking back, The reason I started using Kratom was to quit drinking, helped me quit smoking cigs! But now, I don't do either, so I guess in my life it has served it's purpose. It just makes me upset that the same agency which approves all these RX drugs, which kill some, and have very very bad side effects, oh yeah they will still approve these drugs? WTF?
Title: Re: The end Of Kratom?
Post by: pguy14 on March 03, 2014, 09:22:24 PM
Right!? That new pill is from what i read a 50mg hydrocodone with no apap. People are gonna be dying off that shit thinking is the same as a vicodin.

Title: Re: The end Of Kratom?
Post by: DJ-D-Phunk on March 03, 2014, 09:33:55 PM
thats fucked, I love the TOM, Just started using it as an alternative to the FDA's smack that the docs try throwing down my throat...  This makes me mad as hell :o :'( ???
Title: Re: The end Of Kratom?
Post by: Galaxy Admin on March 03, 2014, 09:58:34 PM
try this dude (
Title: Re: The end Of Kratom?
Post by: KratomToke on March 03, 2014, 10:38:28 PM
Thanks Acid , I am going to check this place out!

Title: Re: The end Of Kratom?
Post by: Uruk-High on March 04, 2014, 11:34:33 AM
Gotta love governement assholes - 'poses such adverse health effects as aggression, hallucinations and vomiting.' Vomiting, maybe, if it does not agree with your body chemistry, but aggression and hallucinating? Total BS. And the crap they approve has those little side effects like trouble breathing, anal leakage, increased thoughts of suicide, and death. And the other whopper, 'Kratom is a new dietary ingredient that does not appear to have a history of safe use..." Really? I challenge them to name one case caused exclusively by this miraculous plant over thousands of years of use. Fuckers!  :hammertime:

And like you, I don't drink anymore because of Kratom and MJ. My body thanks me every day for that! I'll not stop using it as long as I can get my hands on it.

 :pissright: FDA  :pissleft:

Title: Re: The end Of Kratom?
Post by: avoca on March 04, 2014, 01:01:24 PM
You know fo sho this is bullshit when they warm against respiratory depression. That's why kratom is a miracle, you'd have to eat your body weight before breathing stops, impossible cuz one would vomit WAY before that.

On connoisseurs they're saying this is focusing on bikhuk which started labeling theirs green tea apparently.  Assuming this is fRom that same announcement. Also this is not law but a suggestion to agents. Without financial incentive to the individual agents hopefully most will overlook kratom for more lucrative seizures.

Still, this convinces me to order bulk from USA vndr asap.
Title: Re: The end Of Kratom?
Post by: spicer on March 04, 2014, 03:10:33 PM
Kratom helps immensely with chronic depression and anxiety, I'll be pissed if some dumb fucks get this plant banned. Its changed my life for the better, without having to resort to the wacky SSRIs and other types of antidepressants.
Title: Re: The end Of Kratom?
Post by: Galaxy Admin on March 04, 2014, 05:48:43 PM
some of us can grow it year round outside. if you have land, grow it.
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