The Galaxy Lounge
Welcome To The Galaxy Lounge => Announcements => Topic started by: Galaxy Admin on March 09, 2014, 10:09:28 AM
information from loyal members led to this discovery last night. I don't think any former customers are in any eminent danger. That would take a whole separate investigation and hundreds of individual warrants with no evidence other than being a mail recipient.
Usually they take down some small fish before they go for the whale. This time they got the whale first so it should settle down.
My concern for you all is that even if your name isn't in his shopping cart database from paying other ways, it is in his stamps dot com acct db for sure.
Like I said the whale is caught, the small fish should be safe as we ever were.
This is strictly an informational site anyway.
We do not get any fees from vendors. and haven't had banners for several months.
The banner pulling and everything that led us to this domian has been in preparation for end times so we could still go on as long as possible.
PlanetX is going to stay live.
I thought hard about pulling the plug and I will if it it means our personal safety but for now and as far as I can see PlanetX will go on as long as people want to come here.
We just got a dose of reality and remember that we are the last stand. There is no one else left in blend land. No forums, no news groups, no review boards.
Lets stick together and stay vigilant.
I love you all. (
holy shit. not really suprised. sure took longer then i would have thought. havent ordered fom him in months. it still hit way too close at home. think most people here would be smart enough that his blends are not worth it. stay safe everyone.
I knew that he was gonna get busted sooner or later. Hatter was the least careful vendor I've ever seen. Hopefully that's all that comes of this.
I'm not worried about his customers, but I hope nobody messes with the forum.
It's not even about blends (I don't smoke them), I would just miss all my friends over here.
It's not even about blends (I don't smoke them), I would just miss all my friends over here.
I would too.
Lets start exchanging e-mail addys make sure to do it using something like (privnote dot com) now so we can keep track of each other if we do have to go dark someday.
remember that know one can see what goes on here unless they log in and we are tight security wise as we can be.
In fact I have disabled registration again for a bit. Swisha was screening people to join but we don't need any new members for now.
Thanks very much for the heads up acid. I didn't quite realize we were the last standers. I personally didn't order from him. But -----
Should we delete anything in particular from this site? Or our own email accounts etc?
Thanks very much for the heads up acid. I didn't quite realize we were the last standers. I personally didn't order from him. But -----
Should we delete anything in particular from this site? Or our own email accounts etc?
I would never use my personal e-mail acct in a forum anyway. This is up to the individual though. I have many e-mail accts. each one has its uses.
After blends, Kratom will be the next target.
I've seen it showing up in packages, with cartoons on them, at gas stations and head shops.........
It's the people that start sticking this shit in packages and selling it at gas stations that fuck everything up.
I have a feeling sites like KC forum will be messed with soon.
Hopefully with all the 'big fish' out there, we just get ignored. It's not like anyone here actively sells or advertises anything, really, nowadays.
I just found the article. Wow I knew this guy was dumb months back when I googled "madhatterherbals" and his address popped up right away
Thanks very much for the heads up acid. I didn't quite realize we were the last standers. I personally didn't order from him. But -----
Should we delete anything in particular from this site? Or our own email accounts etc?
I would never use my personal e-mail acct in a forum anyway. This is up to the individual though. I have many e-mail accts. each one has its uses.
If we delete things from here are they retrievable by LEO commonly in this situation? I wonder if it's a waste of time. so you're not going like a madman and mass deleting tHings?
I just found the article. Wow I knew this guy was dumb months back when I googled "madhatterherbals" and his address popped up right away
His physical address??? Wowzers
I just found the article. Wow I knew this guy was dumb months back when I googled "madhatterherbals" and his address popped up right away
His physical address??? Wowzers
yea guess he didn't care about safety. The leos didn't even have to track him he gave away his address. What a retard
I just found the article. Wow I knew this guy was dumb months back when I googled "madhatterherbals" and his address popped up right away
post a link to the article, I cant find it
I just found the article. Wow I knew this guy was dumb months back when I googled "madhatterherbals" and his address popped up right away
post a link to the article, I cant find it
It is logical Senor Hat would eventually get popped, just judging from stories of poor shipping practices and management of online information on his part. This site should be safe as there are no blend purveyors on here and the site simply provides information and a meeting place for members (friends). Haven't done any blending in almost a year, but am grateful that this forum exists.
Everyone here is safe the feds are only looking for big guys. Hatter probably had so much shit its crazy. I swear his 1g sample he gave me had 4grams of chem in it. Yuck
I wonder if this will end up being on par with the Bob's Buds Bust
It is logical Senor Hat would eventually get popped, just judging from stories of poor shipping practices and management of online information on his part. This site should be safe as there are no blend purveyors on here and the site simply provides information and a meeting place for members (friends). Haven't done any blending in almost a year, but am grateful that this forum exists.
Thanks for the heads up Acid. Can't say I'm too surprised with how out in the open he was about his blends
Who was this Hatter of Mad you all speaketh of? I would disavow any knowledge of said strange character were I put to the task. Was he a really a member here? Someone posing perhaps. :-[ :-X JustKiddin
I knew that he was gonna get busted sooner or later. Hatter was the least careful vendor I've ever seen. Hopefully that's all that comes of this.
I'm not worried about his customers, but I hope nobody messes with the forum.
It's not even about blends (I don't smoke them), I would just miss all my friends over here.
I feel the same way, in fact this is the last forum I regularly visit,
but there is another blend forum in the UK that keeps on hanging around.
I'm sorry to hear that Hatter is gone, but as mentioned he was one of the least careful
vendors I ever had purchased from.
Thanks Acid for being so careful with all of our info.
...and within 1500ft of a school, no less.
WOW. I knew this was happening sooner or later. Poor hatter. Hope this isnt a start on more crackdowns. Thanks acid for the info.
Acid, first and foremost thanks for looking out for the folks! I've not had tea with the hatted one in years (long before the mystery samples he sent out last year), but I can't see this is at all surprising. Several of us had suggested that he might wanted to keep a lower profile in the times we are living it. If you read the article from his local paper, there was a school within 1500 feet from his house. Don't look good.
SHM, the times we live it. Joe ran out the NextGen line last week and now this
Edit to add: I did some googling, and per the CBS station ....... (quoting) ... "A man is under arrest, the result of an investigation into a synthetic marijuana operation encompassing municipalities on opposite ends of the state.A man is under arrest, the result of an investigation into a synthetic marijuana operation encompassing municipalities on opposite ends of the state.
Coventry Police Chief Mark Palmer says they initially launched the investigation into xxxxxxx.
Police say they had evidence of synthetic marijuana sales tied to xxxxx, a resident of Monroe.
Palmer says his department along with officers in Norwalk launched the investigation, in addition to agents from the Drug Enforcement Administration.
Palmer says they got involved because xxxxx passed himself off as being from Coventry."
1500 of a school? DEA?
I feel the same way, in fact this is the last forum I regularly visit,
but there is another blend forum in the UK that keeps on hanging around.
Thanks Acid for being so careful with all of our info.
I didn't count that forum since they don't sell here anymore.
They did some advertising for vendors on this side of the ocean just with their forums
but I wasn't able to post the other day so it must need something
I hear there is a forum at chemsrus
Thanks for letting all of us know! :goodpost
:goodpost On multiple occasions over a period of several years a few of the older folks (who go back to the original spice world) had suggested he would benefit from being more low key.
surprised he didn't get caught earlier lol
I'm surprised he didn't get busted sooner too, he had a full blown website and probably had lots of customers cuz he was so nice to people. I wonder how much stuff he had stocked up when he was busted
I knew that he was gonna get busted sooner or later. Hatter was the least careful vendor I've ever seen. Hopefully that's all that comes of this.
I'm not worried about his customers, but I hope nobody messes with the forum.
It's not even about blends (I don't smoke them), I would just miss all my friends over here.
I feel the same way, in fact this is the last forum I regularly visit,
but there is another blend forum in the UK that keeps on hanging around.
I'm sorry to hear that Hatter is gone, but as mentioned he was one of the least careful
vendors I ever had purchased from.
Thanks Acid for being so careful with all of our info.
I am part of that UK forum also. But I never go there anymore..
I have already exchanged my email with all my closest brothers and sisters..I have a few more to go , but I will get them.
Hatter Was incredibly sloppy in shipping packing, everything. He was a great Guy, But it was bound to happen sooner or later.
Like 420phd said we have been wanting to go Underground since 2008-9...if we had we would have never had these problems and we would never had picked up all the After the actual fact people. and we would have kept allot more of our actual brothers and sisters. But then again we would have missed out on meeting allot of awesome new brothers and I guess it balances a little..
As Acid is Our leader and he knows what he is doing, and we have kick ass Admins and Mods, and a community of people that mostly look out for each other. We should be Just Fine.
We are Closed, We are Secure, We Should Know who we can and can't really trust here by now. If we stand as A loyal Group Of fellow Pirates , Holding Out Against The Governments That would oppress and Sober and Dull our Drive and Motivation, Brothers and sisters In arms. Or Bongs...or Vape pens. Lol
Lets Watch Out For each Other and Keep The Secrecy Of Our Community Hidden.
No more new people. We don't need them now.
:horns up
Now the police put a face to the legend:
He looks like a typical nice guy, I could see hanging out with him
It's ironic that he was selling synthetic MJ cuz he also had over 4 ounces of real MJ
yep , that's him..MMA Shirt and all...Sad face, he Is a really Nice Guy.
Well hopefully he has been saving some money up for this day,
Attorneys & bail isn't gonna be cheap.
Well hopefully he has been saving some money up for this day,
Attorneys & bail isn't gonna be cheap.
one news website said he posted bail. If he's smart he will delete every piece of email and hopefully he has money stashed away somewhere.. at 700 dollar ounces he should have racks of money
Well hopefully he has been saving some money up for this day,
Attorneys & bail isn't gonna be cheap.
one news website said he posted bail. If he's smart he will delete every piece of email and hopefully he has money stashed away somewhere.. at 700 dollar ounces he should have racks of money
Yeah, I hope it all works out for him. OTOH it was encouraging that a local police spokesperson was quoted by the reporter. OTOH, though, there may be another "shoe to drop" and the fact they mentioned packages were "mailed" is not encouraging (i.e., brings in the postal inspector types).
He was a nice guy for sure. I do remember posts from like 2010 made to him and they would always start out something like "Hatter, you are a great guy and all, but .... (then some caution about his shipping/business practices). For SWIM, the final straw was about two years ago. One of his poorly packaged shipments had shake leaking out of the plastic baggie. SWIM lives in a small town and coaches the postman's sons on football team
I received a baggie of long Kiss Goodnight two plus years ago That was leaking out of the Sandwich stunk too..
that was my last paid order to him. But yeah he was really nice.
:goodpost Me thinks that other shoe will be a large boot with those ASSets. So much for "speculation" T was getting rich off this biz. Guess he did not only lack discretion with his blend packaging. A screen shot of the fucking bank account and balance.
@Acid --- thanks yet again for looking out for the folks here man! Your decisions have proved wise indeed.
too bad, hope he gets a light sentence. dude bought a few of my pipes.
too bad, hope he gets a light sentence. dude bought a few of my pipes.
Sounds like he coulda bought all of them
Poor bastard, I'm sure they'll take all those toys & money away
This just crazy sorry to hear bout this.
his court date is on the 14th according to the Norwalk Police Blotter.
Hopefully the cops don't have access to his cash but if he's keeping it in a bank he's screwed.
dayem brosef.
doesnt look that way here..
I get a things to do sticky sayin telling someone tpo update the site
For being a frickin' millionaire, he sure was chintzy with the samples, lol... Bet most of his $$$ is in Bitcoin now, but that's just a guess.
it would suck if bitcoins are $1 when he gets out of jail lol
This sucks but obviously it's not surprising. He had the worst shipping practices of just about anyone. I assume that's what led to his downfall. Then again he wasn't very discrete about his business in general. still a bummer though. a fallen brother. Pour one out or light something up for him.
If I remember right he actually got busted because he mentioned the name of his hometown.
Hatter did not make anything, he outsourced it all. He knew very little about how to actually make it himself, he would find blend makers and beg them for a 1 dollar a gram or so deal, then he would grab any one of 50+ name bags and trough it in and up on his site for a thousand dollars an OZ..
Since all he wanted to pay was super cheap the vendors always gave him the cheapest Damaiana crap shit they could make him.
Aura is right on this , Hatter was no Blend Master. and not a very smart Vendor.
I am really not surprised to learn that Hatter got busted. On one of the older forums I remember, when he first came into the scene, we all kept telling him that he was being too blatant and in-your-face with the way he ran his business and marketed his products. Like others have already said, his shipping also sucked balls big time. This guy wasn't careful at all and now he's paying for it. It sucks. He seemed like an OK guy most of the time, but really it was just a matter of time the way he went about doing things.
Hatter did not make anything, he outsourced it all. He knew very little about how to actually make it himself, he would find blend makers and beg them for a 1 dollar a gram or so deal, then he would grab any one of 50+ name bags and trough it in and up on his site for a thousand dollars an OZ..
Since all he wanted to pay was super cheap the vendors always gave him the cheapest Damaiana crap shit they could make him.
Aura is right on this , Hatter was no Blend Master. and not a very smart Vendor.
Better watch out, you'll get subpoenaed into court as Hatter's witness
For reals tho Tibs, Hatter was hitting me up to find him chem co.'s here
in the usa that didn't charge sooo much for chems. I suppose he could
have had a deal going where he sourced the chem for his lackey to mix up...
So I guess Hatter's 'all natties' are out of the picture again then? ...
LOL - just kidding. Sorry he got busted, but seems like the writing was on the wall for quite some time. Hatter struck me as somewhat of an arrogant SOB regarding his business at times, and that pretty much turned me off from ever wanting to check out his wares. In retrospect, that's a damn good thing! Hope this does not affect the Planet negatively in the end, though.
Long live PlanetX!
You can't ignore the feedback of 10,000 customers. He should a listened to his base.
Hatter did not make anything, he outsourced it all. He knew very little about how to actually make it himself, he would find blend makers and beg them for a 1 dollar a gram or so deal, then he would grab any one of 50+ name bags and trough it in and up on his site for a thousand dollars an OZ..
Since all he wanted to pay was super cheap the vendors always gave him the cheapest Damaiana crap shit they could make him.
Aura is right on this , Hatter was no Blend Master. and not a very smart Vendor.
Better watch out, you'll get subpoenaed into court as Hatter's witness
For reals tho Tibs, Hatter was hitting me up to find him chem co.'s here
in the usa that didn't charge sooo much for chems. I suppose he could
have had a deal going where he sourced the chem for his lackey to mix up...
He hit me up the time his Connection was 15 bucks a gram..I said no. i wanted nothing to do with him. I never said he was not guilty, he made a shit load of cheap bathtub blends that he stuffed into all his different labels, but it was all the same poorly made shit..
he admitted to outsourcing allot of his blends and his Brownies to another baker that was working with him. The brownies shipped from a different state. Don't you remember?
When I joined this forum a year ago I warned that selling blends now carried the same legal risk as selling cannabis, and that vendors should keep a low profile, only accept bitcoin and use stealth shipping. My advice is looking pretty good now, huh?
:goodpost yep
Hatter did not make anything, he outsourced it all. He knew very little about how to actually make it himself, he would find blend makers and beg them for a 1 dollar a gram or so deal, then he would grab any one of 50+ name bags and trough it in and up on his site for a thousand dollars an OZ..
Since all he wanted to pay was super cheap the vendors always gave him the cheapest Damaiana crap shit they could make him.
Aura is right on this , Hatter was no Blend Master. and not a very smart Vendor.
Better watch out, you'll get subpoenaed into court as Hatter's witness
For reals tho Tibs, Hatter was hitting me up to find him chem co.'s here
in the usa that didn't charge sooo much for chems. I suppose he could
have had a deal going where he sourced the chem for his lackey to mix up...
He hit me up the time his Connection was 15 bucks a gram..I said no. i wanted nothing to do with him. I never said he was not guilty, he made a shit load of cheap bathtub blends that he stuffed into all his different labels, but it was all the same poorly made shit..
he admitted to outsourcing allot of his blends and his Brownies to another baker that was working with him. The brownies shipped from a different state. Don't you remember?
I wish Man, I was already lactose intolerant by then & couldn't eat his brownies
I remember you got to sample his magic mushrooms
When I joined this forum a year ago I warned that selling blends now carried the same legal risk as selling cannabis, and that vendors should keep a low profile, only accept bitcoin and use stealth shipping. My advice is looking pretty good now, huh?
I don't see anything wrong with cash in the mail
Unfortunately most people don't have the patience for it tho
When I joined this forum a year ago I warned that selling blends now carried the same legal risk as selling cannabis, and that vendors should keep a low profile, only accept bitcoin and use stealth shipping. My advice is looking pretty good now, huh?
I don't see anything wrong with cash in the mail
Unfortunately most people don't have the patience for it tho
Cash in the mail requires the seller to give out an address.
When I joined this forum a year ago I warned that selling blends now carried the same legal risk as selling cannabis, and that vendors should keep a low profile, only accept bitcoin and use stealth shipping. My advice is looking pretty good now, huh?
I don't see anything wrong with cash in the mail
Unfortunately most people don't have the patience for it tho
Cash in the mail requires the seller to give out an address.
that's why you pay with vanilla or moneypak cards. This bitcoins crap is crazy I read an article that millions of bitcoins were lost fuck that
When I joined this forum a year ago I warned that selling blends now carried the same legal risk as selling cannabis, and that vendors should keep a low profile, only accept bitcoin and use stealth shipping. My advice is looking pretty good now, huh?
I don't see anything wrong with cash in the mail
Unfortunately most people don't have the patience for it tho
Cash in the mail requires the seller to give out an address.
that's why you pay with vanilla or moneypak cards. This bitcoins crap is crazy I read an article that millions of bitcoins were lost fuck that
You need to learn a lot more about bitcoin before you try to critique it.
When I joined this forum a year ago I warned that selling blends now carried the same legal risk as selling cannabis, and that vendors should keep a low profile, only accept bitcoin and use stealth shipping. My advice is looking pretty good now, huh?
I don't see anything wrong with cash in the mail
Unfortunately most people don't have the patience for it tho
Cash in the mail requires the seller to give out an address.
that's why you pay with vanilla or moneypak cards. This bitcoins crap is crazy I read an article that millions of bitcoins were lost fuck that
You need to learn a lot more about bitcoin before you try to critique it.
yea but if people lost thousands in it why would I want to learn about it? Just saying man
When I joined this forum a year ago I warned that selling blends now carried the same legal risk as selling cannabis, and that vendors should keep a low profile, only accept bitcoin and use stealth shipping. My advice is looking pretty good now, huh?
I don't see anything wrong with cash in the mail
Unfortunately most people don't have the patience for it tho
Cash in the mail requires the seller to give out an address.
that's why you pay with vanilla or moneypak cards. This bitcoins crap is crazy I read an article that millions of bitcoins were lost fuck that
What axa is trying to say is that any form of payment including mp and reloads, can be traced to the receiver. BTC cannot, well without extensive info and research. Everything else is wayy to easily traced back.
And yeh some BTC got "lost" but only to ppl who had funds in mt gox. As axa said, ppl had plenty of time in advance to get their shat outta gox hands. The ONLY thing that would be worth considering though is the fluctuation in price, and not necesarilly if they are going to stay in your wallet. If you research them (no money required) you will see the potential value of them and how you can use them safely, I.e. not have them stolen, but yeh I totally see the concerns. Like anything really with its good points and bad points.
Main point tho = anonymity for the receiver.
Ppl are just scared of new things. Without proper education they always will be
When I joined this forum a year ago I warned that selling blends now carried the same legal risk as selling cannabis, and that vendors should keep a low profile, only accept bitcoin and use stealth shipping. My advice is looking pretty good now, huh?
I don't see anything wrong with cash in the mail
Unfortunately most people don't have the patience for it tho
Cash in the mail requires the seller to give out an address.
that's why you pay with vanilla or moneypak cards. This bitcoins crap is crazy I read an article that millions of bitcoins were lost fuck that
What axa is trying to say is that any form of payment including mp and reloads, can be traced to the receiver. BTC cannot, well without extensive info and research. Everything else is wayy to easily traced back.
And yeh some BTC got "lost" but only to ppl who had funds in mt gox. As axa said, ppl had plenty of time in advance to get their shat outta gox hands. The ONLY thing that would be worth considering though is the fluctuation in price, and not necesarilly if they are going to stay in your wallet. If you research them (no money required) you will see the potential value of them and how you can use them safely, I.e. not have them stolen, but yeh I totally see the concerns. Like anything really with its good points and bad points.
Main point tho = anonymity for the receiver.
Dude no matter what Axa says, if you buy anything in any manner you are expecting for the seller to send it to You
That means somebody is gonna know your address. So Right there I gotta trust the seller with my most vulnerable info
Far as payment goes, the last time I lost money it was with GreenDot mp when the pos card flew outta my pocket while
I was riding my harley --Even so I didn't lose the money because some invisible, almost entirely non-existant number
was hijacked? from Mt Gox. At the very least if & when someone steals my money I wanna see it being taken.
The only way I would ever even get desperate enough to use any mostly non-existant future type currency is if I had
to in order to buy something illegal. I gotta think most folks feel similarly and a monetary system based upon illegal
transactions doesn't sound quite as solid as I like my valuable assets to feel
I hope anyone involved with Bitscam doesn't get too ripped off, you guys have had plenty of warning by now :bus:
Buyers do not normally get busted; sellers take the risk. Accepting bitcoin only helps sellers avoid prosecution, why the marketplaces on Tor are bitcoin based only.
he had court on the 14th I thought....any one hear anything???
a quick google search didn't turn up anything new. I'm guessing the judge needed some time to decide his fate or something...
This will drag on for a long time. Ive sat in jail waiting for court dates/had court dates continued for 4+ months two different times. Its a nice tactic prosecutors use, make you sick of jail/ready to just get on with your prison sentence. This wont be settled for a month or two
Month or two????
if the feds picked this up it could be years...
My case took two and a half years, my co defendants was 5 and a quarter before he was sentenced, they prolong the shit out if it
His first visit is the joke visit, in AZ they call it arraignment. The judge takes a look at the charges & decides if the state has enough to hold
the poor bastard and how much bail will be assigned. I asked my pi to get me some info and whenever that happens I'll share it w/ you guys
My pi says that Hatter was picked up by the local police at a request from the feds, he has already bonded out of jail so apparently he managed to squirrel away
some $$ somewhere. According to my info he doesn't have a DL or own any vehicles, so that is a good indication that his assets are in someone else's name
which is good news when the feds are after your ass. I have several phone #'s for him but I suppose it would be in poor taste to hand them out...
My pi says that Hatter was picked up by the local police at a request from the feds, he has already bonded out of jail so apparently he managed to squirrel away
some $$ somewhere. According to my info he doesn't have a DL or own any vehicles, so that is a good indication that his assets are in someone else's name
which is good news when the feds are after your ass. I have several phone #'s for him but I suppose it would be in poor taste to hand them out...
His facebook page has pictures of a lot of different sports cars. Idk if he owned them or not though
My pi says that Hatter was picked up by the local police at a request from the feds, he has already bonded out of jail so apparently he managed to squirrel away
some $$ somewhere. According to my info he doesn't have a DL or own any vehicles, so that is a good indication that his assets are in someone else's name
which is good news when the feds are after your ass. I have several phone #'s for him but I suppose it would be in poor taste to hand them out...
His facebook page has pictures of a lot of different sports cars. Idk if he owned them or not though
I used to have a friend who was a staunch Constitutionalist, he believed that the 16th amendment had never been legally
voted into power (ratified) since nobody in congress at that time had the balls to vote Yes on a national income tax, for fear they would
never again be re-elected (& he was probably correct He also said that the Federal Register showed the 16th had not been ratified). As a result he
did his very best to Never pay the irs thugs. One day of course, they caught up with him & stripped him of most of his holdings,
after that whatever he owned was placed in the name of his family's trust fund. After that the irs took a hint & fucked off, as they
were unable to prove that what his family owned was actually his property. I recall him showing me a copy of a letter the irs had sent
to him, demanding that he file & pay his taxes. The letter was signed by a K.T. Madsen and he had waited on hold 4 hours one afternoon
before he said someone picked up the phone & explained that K. T. Madson was just a machine that stamped the bottom of the letter
and could not actually come to the telephone. I really thought the guy was the coolest, he was a european auto mechanic and he refused
to get a driver license or any insurance. The police would pick him up from time to time but he always managed to talk enough constitutional
BS to scare them off. If that didn't work it was widely known around town that the dude had deep pockets and had no problems hiring the
best lawyer around to sue the ass off any cop who dared to mess with him. Dude checked out about 53 y/o, poor bastard.
Anyway I guess I'm just saying Hatter bears a bit of a resemblense to my old friend, being that we all have heard of his splendiforous collection
and yet here he doesn't even have a driver's license... Seems to me ol' hatter was smart enough to cover as many bases as possible and I
sincerely hope that was Every One, cause I would hate to think the gov't bastards were able to take anything much away from him.
Go Hatter!
Shame. If he was a millionaire why was it such a huge deal to buy PADDED BAGS. Cheap bastard
Shame. If he was a millionaire why was it such a huge deal to buy PADDED BAGS. Cheap bastard
I think this is the best summary of Hatter that I've ever read.
Shame. If he was a millionaire why was it such a huge deal to buy PADDED BAGS. Cheap bastard
I think this is the best summary of Hatter that I've ever read.
:lol: :asshat:
Shame. If he was a millionaire why was it such a huge deal to buy PADDED BAGS. Cheap bastard
I think this is the best summary of Hatter that I've ever read.
In my line of work I meet many rich people, I have noticed that most of them are cheapass bastards
which they claim is how they managed to save up all that $$$. Thing is Hatter likely viewed putting
anymore money into his packaging as simply throwing $$ in the trash. Sad fact is his lousy packing
skills had nothing to do with him actually getting busted, so in the end it kinda looks like he was right...
I can't even say that he coulda sold more stuff if he had packaged it better anyhow, people's other
main complaint was that his recipes sucked.
:tyrone: :jay: :thecarlton: :jay:
Does anyone have an update on the guy? I'm not seeing any articles online more recent than 4/1.
Does anyone have an update on the guy? I'm not seeing any articles online more recent than 4/1.
I thought the same thing. I know it takes time and everything but you would think you would hear something by now
Does anyone have an update on the guy? I'm not seeing any articles online more recent than 4/1.
I thought the same thing. I know it takes time and everything but you would think you would hear something by now
Why? When he gets out he will likely disappear off the map & recover a huge pile of the money he has saved up. He isn't gonna
stick around and wait for the govt to try & seize his remaining assets & he wasn't running his business as a hobby.
Does anyone have an update on the guy? I'm not seeing any articles online more recent than 4/1.
I thought the same thing. I know it takes time and everything but you would think you would hear something by now
Why? When he gets out he will likely disappear off the map & recover a huge pile of the money he has saved up. He isn't gonna
stick around and wait for the govt to try & seize his remaining assets & he wasn't running his business as a hobby.
Yeah. Hatter wasn't no Heisenberg Walter Fucking White and shit. If he was he might not have gotten... OK even bald goatee hat man got caught in the end, but Hatter? Pssssh. Maybe we'll hear from him again, but after this I'm thinking when he has his freedom back he's not going to dabble in this again... Oh wait maybe he will. Was a nice dude, but not the brightest.
I read he posted bond. Not sure when court date was but chances are, he didn't win that shit and is locked up now. News won't report anything else on it after court date, you will just have to look up the inmate lists in his area to find out for sure.
I just figured the CT news would follow up on his sentencing or whatever since his arrest was significant enough for them to report in the first place.
With the volume homeboy was moving, I'm pretty sure the state stepped out of the way and let the feds in on it.
USPS, Feds, and CT...Fed wins every time.
With the volume homeboy was moving, I'm pretty sure the state stepped out of the way and let the feds in on it.
USPS, Feds, and CT...Fed wins every time.
I don't think USPS was even in on it. I remember seeing in one of the articles that someone (LEO) in his vicinity had went through with an order and received it.
Then I'd imagine they just followed the $ trail.
Cat was in the bag from there.
I also saw a recent post on FB from one of his side biz's posted in May.
That would make me think someone else was running that side biz too, or he is out and doing just that now. ???
Surely someone had to call him out on his personal FB page and ask him about the arrest.
I'd imagine no one here is "friends" with him on there, but that would help to see his unlimited profile I'd imagine.
Would surely help the wondering minds on this to see how it played out I bet.
I doubt he'll get this settled soon. Felonies can take a while in court. Mine took two years.
I doubt he'll get this settled soon. Felonies can take a while in court. Mine took two years.
that's crazy. Maybe its just my state but my felonie only took 4 months to sentence me. Maybe they want to see if he will fuck up again until they charge him
He's got court on the 25th.
3 counts of 21a-277(b) SALE OF CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE
He's out on a bail bond, aka Professional Surety, for get this...$75,000
And then on 7/2 the poor bastard gets the rest of his charges...and don't forget the throw another 50k on the bond...
For some reason, that seems backwards, the state getting him first, then the county...
SIX felonies and one misdemeanor charge? DAMN! Good luck, Madhatter!
Operation of a drug "factory". LOL
Sounds like hatter has a lot going on.
Damn, he's probably looking at a good bit of time with all those charges...
Probably the most discussed, controversial, love him or hate him, PUBLICLY irresponsible and outed dude in the RECENT history of things that go spice in the night. Before you offer others, do they fit all those categories? This is not a judgement of the individual, just his actions and his responses to pleas of trying to tone it down. Apparently even money is not enough to buy freedom these days, ask John McAfee. MPVP does not buy you immortality, just a hot young girl-fiend while you are on your run before you have to give it up to Bubba in cellblock C. OR run from the Pirates of Belize.
I need some boobies so here we go :tits3:
SIX felonies and one misdemeanor charge? DAMN! Good luck, Madhatter!
NINE felonies...3 will be heard on the 25th, then the rest on the 2nd.
Sad day this is out of hand.
SIX felonies and one misdemeanor charge? DAMN! Good luck, Madhatter!
NINE felonies...3 will be heard on the 25th, then the rest on the 2nd.
damn. Well honestly I don't feel bad at all. I told this asshole last year to send me his "natty" blend and he sent me a sandwitch bag with herbs and white powder mixed in it ( obviously chems) and I smoked it with 2 buddies out front of a local bar. One freaked out and left his take out beer in the bar and ran home. The other was crying. A GROWN man crying recklessly and I had to keep him calm. I took his keys from him and had to talk to him for like 2 fucking hours. I was sort of bugging out too. Idfk what he was putting in these blends but why would you send me like a .7 of chems and a gram of herb and claim it was a natty?
I don't know why everyone is dissing the guy, except that many spoke negative to his face pre-book. Anyway he was a positive to the community and would go out of his way to be generous to all when times were good for him. there has been no chatter to my knowledge of him taking anyone down with him. Why do I feel we at least owe the guy respect enough not to piss on his corpse?
I don't know why everyone is dissing the guy, except that many spoke negative to his face pre-book. Anyway he was a positive to the community and would go out of his way to be generous to all when times were good for him. there has been no chatter to my knowledge of him taking anyone down with him. Why do I feel we at least owe the guy respect enough not to piss on his corpse?
well I'm pissed cause he sent me a sample of more chem then herb and said it was a "natty". Had people freak out on me while I was freaking out and trying to keep my cool. Was a very bad time. Was one of the last times I smoked blends
I don't know why everyone is dissing the guy...
Because he tried to kill a few of us with his methods...
Not that there was any consistency to really call it a method. As I live alone, plus the whole "dying of cancer, don't give a shit" thing I was going through then, I could afford to take the risks of his Russian roulette style of blending. The guy never communicated clearly what the hell he was putting into the blends, and I worry for more than a few people across the country that we as a group DON'T get to talk to.
What we already do know is bad, what we don't know has the potential to be much worse.
I don't know why everyone is dissing the guy, except that many spoke negative to his face pre-book. Anyway he was a positive to the community and would go out of his way to be generous to all when times were good for him. there has been no chatter to my knowledge of him taking anyone down with him. Why do I feel we at least owe the guy respect enough not to piss on his corpse?
well I'm pissed cause he sent me a sample of more chem then herb and said it was a "natty". Had people freak out on me while I was freaking out and trying to keep my cool. Was a very bad time. Was one of the last times I smoked blends
Lucky thing he didn't ask You for any payment then :knockedout: