The Galaxy Lounge
Fun Stuff => Videos => Topic started by: Galaxy Admin on April 07, 2014, 07:14:35 PM
Party On Dave :rock:
i can't see youtube videos on this forum :(
its just blank space
Party On Dave :rock:
Go Dave. :minime:
DAM , had the flu and working most of time lately, eating some blends now, to feel better, watched the vid, hungry as hell!!
Eating blends - what a diff trip!
LMAO good un Acid :beers: Dave the man!
I don't understand why the older entertainers are getting kicked off the air. Is it the same reason obama is firing all the 4 star generals?
well the important thing is that he is "going out"
am I right guys?! :)
well the important thing is that he is "going out"
am I right guys?! :)
I grew up with Dave, lots o late nights together, I am glad he is going out now , before he slips anymore
Remember when Dave used to do awesome shit like this?
well the important thing is that he is "going out"
am I right guys?! :)
I grew up with Dave, lots o late nights together, I am glad he is going out now , before he slips anymore
I was just being obnoxious when I posted that, but I am excited to see somebody else get a chance at it. I wonder who it will be? Craig Ferguson is killing it right now but I really hope he stays on the late late show so he doesn't have to start reading cue cards and stop swearing.
I agree, Keep Craig Late , he is funny as hell..
i think they should offer it to Conan
How does "The Late Show with Stephen Colbert" sound?
I could care less. Stopped giving a crap about this type of show 20 years ago...
Hope you guys like the new line up, though. To each his own... :beers:
Damn I actually don't like that because I'm guessing the Colbert Report will be scrapped. Which really sucks because its one of the best shows on comedy central :(