The Galaxy Lounge
Welcome To The Galaxy Lounge => Introduce Yourself => Topic started by: LHS on March 07, 2013, 03:26:51 PM
Good to be here. I already have seen some familiar names! I can not wait to participate in this forum, and be as helpful as possible to everyone. For you "newbies" to this industry, LHS stands for: ( We are one of the original vendors in this industry. I started off this business in 2000, BEFORE the "Spice" craze of 2006-2007. I created and sold all natural herbal blends and legal buds to head shops locally and eventually went nation wide. With the huge success of our products, we went on line on eBay, until we were "booted" off - :o I knew I had something special, so I created a website and began selling my creations worldwide! It's been a hell of a roller coaster ride these past several years! The spice craze started, and we had to adapt to the demand. Business was CRAZY to say the least. Then these products made there way into local head shops/gas stations, etc. That is when the downfall began. Shortly after that, the new laws/bans started taking place and every one in this industry was chasing the next "big thing" to add to their blends. Meanwhile, we were hard at work trying to come up with an all natural alternative. We successfully created our herbal blends and legal buds with what I like to call "Extreme Extracts" of all natural medicinal herbals, plants, roots, powders, etc. Yes, the demand is still there for the more potent, synthetic blends. But, we now have a huge loyal following for our all natty blends. With that said...We never stop working to improve our products. We have again successfully raised the bar in this industry and have come out with yet another Extreme Extract that will flat out blow your mind! 8)
I was emailed from a member here (SSF) and a long time loyal LHS customer. He received our new newsletter about this new creation and wanted to be a tester. So, I though...hmmmm....I will check out this site, sign up and extend the offer to anyone interested in receiving a FREE sample of our newly reformulated products! The names are staying the same: eg: African Sunset Xtreme, Lucid, Black Label, Jamaican Haze, Killer Chronic, etc, but the effects will be different (to say the least!!).
I am happy I received the email that sent me here. Looks like a great forum, with a lot of great people. I see madhatter is has to be good, right? ;) What's up Hatter? Been a while since we got booted from one of those other forums that changed formats, right? I hope I can be a source for info, products and whatever other questions you guys/gals have. Let's get this site ROCKIN!! 8)
Good to see u here Joe....
Yeassssss!! The OG has made his way in.
Mention my name and you'll get a good seat ;)
Welcome. Glad to see you around.
Btw Dan, I don't think these are what you are looking for as it's still all natty.
Welcome. Glad to see you around.
Btw Dan, I don't think these are what you are looking for as it's still all natty.
WAIT! lol.....This is NOT your Grandma's blend anymore :o Just asking for testers to win you guys back! Trust me - You will be pleasantly surprised!! What do you have to loose? It's FREE :P
Welcome Joe, glad to have you here. I was a past customer of yours for quite a few years. You always had outstanding service and treated me great. I understand the reason why youhad to adjust your product line this past fall. I wish you much success with the new products you are bringing to market.
Welcome aboard. Good to have you here brother!
oh so I see you Finally slimed your way over here
Ive had MAJOR PROBLEMS with this " Vendor"
hes a dick who wines to all the mods cause he cant take A TAB BIT OF criddsim.
SOON Enough
enough SAID................ >:(
Greetings to you LHS, glad to see vendors join; and I'll bite, I wanna try something new, and as long as you offer.... sure, thanks, LHS
Never tried an all natty blend but its worth a shot.
Welcome Joe! ! How are your newly reformulated wormwood buds?
welcome! Used to be AlcoholFreeat41 on TGL. But Now I am a new with my new name HERBS2013!
Welcome Joe!
edit: pm'd you for some samples heheh :P
Welcome aboard Joe!!! I sent you an E-mail for a sample tonight!! I can't wait to test it out bro!!!!
LhS is a high profile vendor with a ton of experience--I have no doubt LHS will be an asset to this forum and will help a lot to bring attention to, the good kind of attention!
WOW...thank you all for your warm greetings. I really missed interacting with you guys/gals. Hope all is well for everyone.
HARKONEN: why are you trying to start trouble already? I love criticism from customers, it helps us "tweak" our products accordingly. Now, when someone emails me with threats, cussing, etc, of course i am not going to sit and take that.
Let's make this place DRAMA FREE, man. Haven't we all had enough of that over at that "other" forum?
Peace! :P
WOW...thank you all for your warm greetings. I really missed interacting with you guys/gals. Hope all is well for everyone.
HARKONEN: why are you trying to start trouble already? I love criticism from customers, it helps us "tweak" our products accordingly. Now, when someone emails me with threats, cussing, etc, of course i am not going to sit and take that.
Let's make this place DRAMA FREE, man. Haven't we all had enough of that over at that "other" forum?
Peace! :P
I cant wait to try your new wormwood buds!! My life has been empty without them!! You rock Joe! !
you should come back with your chillin xxx and LHS black label blend (and I don't mean the all natty version either!). You could sell them exclusively here so you won't have anything to worry about as far as getting in trouble with the law. That's just my 2 cents, I really miss those blends when they had sprinkles on them :(
Glad you're here though!
Don't worry about harkonnen, it looks like he got butthurt and quit lol
I recently tried abunch of lhs products via free samples from lhs before these new extracts. I was suppose to review them but this is right when tgl banned it. 2/5 had decent effects that work on me. Which was black label wasent strong it was nice little stoned feeling wasent a placebo. And E.M.I i enjoyed this one it was mild not stoney it was uplifting feeling that was good for start of day or blending with mj/blends the rest i tried dident really do anything. Thanks lhs again i believe this is before said extracts.
He quit over that stupid shit? Wow
He quit over that stupid shit? Wow
lol talk about intolerant and close minded. I'm even willing to try out Joe's next gen stuff. And I was one of the guys who bought one of his weak previous gen blends...
We don't want his drama shit on this forum anyways.
I've had LHS in its heyday. And if this new formulation is half of that, it's gonna be good... wormwood buds were my fave. ..
HARKONNEN needs a good "BITCH SLAPPIN" IMHMFO!!!!! Of course he can always run back to his mamma METAL MELT DOWN over yonder at LMF. Good bye and good riddance. Who needs bad vibes like that ,especially with all the crazy shit going on right now!!!!
I personally cannot wait to try a sample of some of your new wares. (email sent a few days afgo) Forget the haters....wormwood buds and mango madness were some of my faves before the reformulation.
Thanks for all the support people ;D It is truly appreciated. yeah, I just do not want or need any drama. I just try to put out good products for you guys - it's that simple. I love doing research in this industry, I love experimenting with various ethnobotanicals, medicinal herbs, etc and I truly love when I make a discovery like this one! I love to share it with everyone. I bust my ass - doing this 24/7. it's my passion.
With that said, samples SHOULD start to ship this week :P
Can't wait to hear your take of our new gen blends.
Can't wait to try it Joe! ! You rock brother!!
Can't wait to try it Joe! ! You rock brother!!
You got it will NOT be disappointed brotha!
Welcome Joe! Glad you made your way here. Would love to review some samples man! Haven't had your stuff since before the reform, and I've been curious about this latest breakthrough extract. Party on!
Sledge!!! Good to hear from you. Benn a long time. Hope all is well. Just PM me your name and address and I will make sure we get you a sample. ;D
I'm game. I used to love the WormWoods.
Welcome Joe
Welcome Joe
Haha....hell yeah, they are coming back! Good to hear from you Swish - hope everything has been going well for you.
Thanks Joe all is well...busy as shit but all good. Man we need to get together again and throw some contests. Glad to see you are bringing back some of the classics.
Wormwood buds!! Wormwood buds! ! LMMFAO
Joe, is it too late to get a samp.? Just wondering... Are the wormwood buds reformed also?
Joe, is it too late to get a samp.? Just wondering... Are the wormwood buds reformed also?
I got your sample on the way! The WormWood and the rest of our Legal Buds will be reformed soon!
Anything on the site the the "drop-down" box when choosing the amount you want will have "Xgen Strength" next to it - reflecting the reformulation.
You took the words right out of my mouth bro!! :bowdown :bowdown :bowdown :banana: :banana: :banana:
I would like a sample if that's alright. this sounds like something I need to try! :)
I'm happy to see you here Joe from LSH. I recently requested a sample earlier this week. Should be here soon and I will review it once I've smoked it. I've been reading a lot of great things about LHS. I've never tried an all natural blend, but am really interested in trying all naturals that actually WORK. When I think of an all natural, I think of a blend that doesn't hardly work as effective as spice blends. Hopefully I become impressed since I set my expectations for blends pretty high. The more I read reviews/comments about LHS, the more interested I become.
Hey Joe!
Been thinking about picking up some Salvia Leaf, nothing too strong, just leeeaf :ppPpPP