The Galaxy Lounge
Brain Candy => Shrooms => Topic started by: tibeirious on July 22, 2014, 11:31:22 AM
Took my family camping this last weekend, Took along several Fun distractions for myself, the most incredible one being Some fresh Tahoe Golden Caps and stems...After the girls fell asleep I stoked the fire up good and ate 3 grams and smoked a nice j :smokebanana and settled back into my camping chair and watched the fire dance, within 30 or so minutes I was I the middle of swirling air and flame and stars...
:tripping: :tripping: :tripping: :tripping: :tripping:
For the next 3+ hours I became parts of the fire and part of the air and trees and lightning bugs all around me, everything swirled into this dark purple warm soft place , I could feel nature everywhere. it was Amazing, around 3 am I crawled into my sleeping bag and fell asleep right away and had some of the most Beautiful and relaxing dreams of my entire life..
I came back refreshed and with a much happier attitude and outlook on life.
and so far it is still residual, I still feel the awesome vibes three days later. Like I reset my switch.
If anybody has the chance to try these done this way..DO IT! life changing? maybe , Life Bettering? definitely
GET SUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
why is there an add for Ordering Asian Women on my Post?
mmmm..never mind ORDER MADE !
apparently she is going to love me long time... :bakedmonkey:
I agree tibs, if those are from here then it truley does reset ya for a few days, akmost had me quitting spice and start eating those weekley :). :hand-heart:
Glad to hear about your experience.
Shrooms + nature is the best combo for me too.
It reminds me of who we are and why we are.
Profound and liberating.
All the best to you moving forward.
Sounds like you had an awesome time Tibs! Was one of the best experiences of my life and the afterglow was incredible. :dancer:
Took my family camping this last weekend, Took along several Fun distractions for myself, the most incredible one being Some fresh Tahoe Golden Caps and stems...After the girls fell asleep I stoked the fire up good and ate 3 grams and smoked a nice j :smokebanana and settled back into my camping chair and watched the fire dance, within 30 or so minutes I was I the middle of swirling air and flame and stars...
:tripping: :tripping: :tripping: :tripping: :tripping:
For the next 3+ hours I became parts of the fire and part of the air and trees and lightning bugs all around me, everything swirled into this dark purple warm soft place , I could feel nature everywhere. it was Amazing, around 3 am I crawled into my sleeping bag and fell asleep right away and had some of the most Beautiful and relaxing dreams of my entire life..
I came back refreshed and with a much happier attitude and outlook on life.
and so far it is still residual, I still feel the awesome vibes three days later. Like I reset my switch.
If anybody has the chance to try these done this way..DO IT! life changing? maybe , Life Bettering? definitely
GET SUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Personally, 1.5 grams of cubes is enough to totally change my reality. Never tried the 'Tahoe Gold' cubes specifically, though.
3G's of some cubensis would have me on another plane. You must have really been feeling it. :D
2.5 is my normal Dose..I bumped it up to 3.0 because I felt so secure and upbeat for a change..I am glad I took the leap
These TG s are incredibly clean and smooth trip...I am pretty sure I would be comfortable at even higher doses of these..
Next trip is going to be stronger..i think I am/was on the verge of understanding something. Something big. Hard to explain.
Like when I used to smoke and eat Salvia and hear those high speed high pitched voices all screaming at once , the further down that rabbit hole I went the slower and more understandable the voices became. Unfortunately I burnt out on it before I got to the answer there...
Hmm well I guess I just had a natural tolerance to em, I tried 2.5 the first night and got euphoria and mild closed eye visuals. I took a break for a day and finished the next night and it was weaker than the first night. Lucky dogs :D
Hmm well I guess I just had a natural tolerance to em, I tried 2.5 the first night and got euphoria and mild closed eye visuals. I took a break for a day and finished the next night and it was weaker than the first night. Lucky dogs :D
Tolerance to hallucinogens builds very quickly. Pretty much a waste doing them on back to back days - need to space it out a bit.
I did em on Thursday and Saturday. I just heard a lot of people echo that they had visuals off 2g and I was kinda sad that I had only mild effects off more than 2g. It still was enjoyable though
I did em on Thursday and Saturday. I just heard a lot of people echo that they had visuals off 2g and I was kinda sad that I had only mild effects off more than 2g. It still was enjoyable though
Bummer. Definitely sounds like you have may have a natural tolerance to them if that's the case. I had just a small cap for a test drive last time around, .5 grams or less, and I had some light visuals after a rip or two off of the bong. Was good and heady, too. I would call that a fairly potent cap, and I used to be a very hard head for such things back in the day LOL. :tripping:
You may want to have at least a week in between sessions if you give them another go, though. I find that this type of substance is basically weak/worthless if you do sessions too close together, especially if the first experience was profound. Good luck next time around!
Just like acid you have to either wait a week or double the dose to get close to the same results..
I am so jealous, I use to do shrooms weekly back in the day (years). I miss the visuals and laughter. Wish I had a source but moved away from the area.
Shrooming the woods sounds like a TRIP for ReaL!
Have to say I would need someone else around, to watch out for the ANIMALS out there!
And so I have a good trip!
:goodpost :goodpost :weedspin :weedspin
You Guys should all try it at least once.
I've never shroomed in the woods. I had tried like... 12+ psychedelics/chemicals before even getting a connect for shrooms. The connect was supposedly great. People I knew well (online in the secret forums) loved the shrooms. So I ordered 1/8th. Tried them on an empty stomach. Liked how they tasted. All that happened was that colors were a bit different and that 5 minutes seemed like an hour. That was it. Very underwhelming. I'd try them again maybe these days but that's my only experience with them.
Now I did have an amazing LSD connect from CA. I went nuts on that back in the day. Had it dosed onto candies for me to arrive in the mail. For me, nothing can eclipse LSD apart from perhaps bipolar mania.
I remember going for a walk in the local parks and woods and seeing minotaurs, little girls, zebras, wolves, aliens, and anything else you can think of in the mud, moss, tree bark, etc. all around a natural environment. I could see things coming out of little patterns and stuff. I didn't "literally" see minotaurs and little girls. I just looked at trees/stumps/bark while tripping and could "see" this stuff. It's like looking at a wooden door with the knots and tree growth rings in it and saying "Do you see the dragon?" When you're tripping you'll see "the dragon" much more than you would if you were sober. You can see it. It's in your imagination. It isn't REALLY there, though. Still awesome and interesting.
Now that I haven't tripped on anything in 6+ years I can still "see" this stuff when I go out or stay at home. I can pick out things in boring/mundane patterns in carpet, paint, wallpaper, etc. more easily than others.
It'd be cool to trip on shrooms and walk out to the parks. I've got no connects though, unfortunately. I like to think that the shrooms I tried, the batch I got anyway, were just not as strong as the stuff people were raving about. One shroom's psilocybin content can differ markedly from another's anyway.
Basically mushrooms are the only psychedelic I'd try again. I feel that I've seen/experienced enough with everything else. Mushrooms were the only disappointing psychedelic experience I've had, which is odd, because the shroom connect was from the same old/non-existent forum where I got my LSD and so many other great things from back in the day.
Basically mushrooms are the only psychedelic I'd try again. I feel that I've seen/experienced enough with everything else. Mushrooms were the only disappointing psychedelic experience I've had, which is odd, because the shroom connect was from the same old/non-existent forum where I got my LSD and so many other great things from back in the day.
I would check them out again, Niemand. Sounds to me like you got a bad/bunk batch, or perhaps you had some cross tolerance issues because you were doing other psychs at the time. I can assure you that the funky fungi are the real deal trip wise, and I had my share of experience with Uncle Sidney back in the day, too. It's all about the type you get and where you get them, I suppose. Of course, I used to just take a spin through a local cow pasture back in the day. Nothing beats Mother Nature's chemistry set, IMHO! :tripping: :tripping: :tripping:
After reading this, I'm really stoked because these shrooms, same ones Tib tried, will be arriving tomorrow. :) :tripping: :tripping: :tripping:
Haven't tripped in nearly 6 years.
Thinking of doing about 1/2 of 2g. Don't have a scale, but the kind wizard who has bestowed these upon me was nice enough to split them up for me: 2g and 2g. I have plenty of experience with most other psychs, mainly RCs, and yes I have done all of the classicals but DMT. I've been reading and reading and thinking and thinking... Now am somewhat conflicted about doing closer to 2g instead of the closer to 1g. In time I will decide, but more input would be lovely. Going to use caution either way. Set and setting are primed and perfect. Weather will be perfect in evening. No obligations the next day. I've taken a 10 strip of good LSD to the head and had a good time and survived so I've been DEEP into the mind. WAY out there.
I don't want to go WAY out there, though. For my first real introduction I want to just wade in and get a feel for the water, if you dig. I guess I'll sleep on it. Wouldn't be surprised if I do closer to 1g or maybe a wee bit more than 1/2 of 2g to be safe though.
Start with the 1 g, and see where it takes you. You should feel them pretty quick, and full effects should be there within two hours or less. You can always add more if you think that you need it. I also feel the synergy with smokeables is stellar with these, so you may want to try that, too. I usually break out the trusty water pipe at the one hour mark... :stoned
Safe travels! :tripping:
If You are used to the head punch of Large doses of LSD then you should go ahead and start with 2 sweet spot turned out to be 2.5 grams...and while you can add to it really only prolongs the weaker trip, unless you take twice as much...
Remember, these are not a chemical, they are a smooth clean , easy laid back trip that only lasts 4-5 hours at most..I have never had such a easy to control trip in my life..that's why I felt safe enough to do it in the woods , basically without a sitter
worse case for me has always been reaching a place I have never been before.....and that is not so bad after all..
I slept on it and, when the shrooms are here and it's game time, I will either take just 1g or take a dose a little bit less than 2g as a compromise. I don't want to go with the full 2g because I don't know the strength of these and the only experience I have with mushrooms is the extreme time dilation and some colors looking brighter. I have to agree with Uruk-High that it's best to start lower. I'm comfortable either doing just 1g or what is very obviously less than 2g but more than 1g. I've consulted dosage charts on Erowid, Bluelight, and the Shroomery so I feel I'm pretty well-prepared for things.
I've also got lots of trip essentials laid out: Healthy snacks (lots of fresh clementines), water, some lemonade, a pre-cooked chicken meal so if I get hungry all I have to worry about is nuking it in the microwave, art supplies, music, movies (well, documentaries really), room is a bit tidied up, no responsibilities tonight or tomorrow morning, lots of video games, my bass guitar, and it's a beautiful dry summer day that's going to have an even more temperate evening. I'm still planning on going for a walk locally and watching the fireflies.
OH. I also have sparklers (poor excuse for fireworks) that burn all different colors!
I slept on it and, when the shrooms are here and it's game time, I will either take just 1g or take a dose a little bit less than 2g as a compromise. I don't want to go with the full 2g because I don't know the strength of these and the only experience I have with mushrooms is the extreme time dilation and some colors looking brighter. I have to agree with Uruk-High that it's best to start lower. I'm comfortable either doing just 1g or what is very obviously less than 2g but more than 1g. I've consulted dosage charts on Erowid, Bluelight, and the Shroomery so I feel I'm pretty well-prepared for things.
I've also got lots of trip essentials laid out: Healthy snacks (lots of fresh clementines), water, some lemonade, a pre-cooked chicken meal so if I get hungry all I have to worry about is nuking it in the microwave, art supplies, music, movies (well, documentaries really), room is a bit tidied up, no responsibilities tonight or tomorrow morning, lots of video games, my bass guitar, and it's a beautiful dry summer day that's going to have an even more temperate evening. I'm still planning on going for a walk locally and watching the fireflies.
OH. I also have sparklers (poor excuse for fireworks) that burn all different colors!
Bro it sounds like your ready. I got excited just reading about your preparations. I did these about 2 months ago and it was my first time ever and I had a very nice trip with 1.9 grams. Enjoy! :tripping: :5_1_125:
i brought a lot of some B grade teachers down from up north and they were okay, did most of them here with buddies.
there was this park by a school near my Hotel and me and my friend went there to smoke and chill during the day. awesome scenery, going to those woods again gave me flashbacks
it was a great experience until an elementary school teacher bitched us out of there;)
5 grams first time in '88.