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Brain Candy => Shrooms => Topic started by: niemandgeist on November 26, 2014, 10:40:28 PM

Post by: niemandgeist on November 26, 2014, 10:40:28 PM
Damn. It's been forever.

My life has been total shit for the most part for MONTHS now. Struggling. As far as job/money goes. Now I can finally come back here, though. Apart from money woes I've been doing aiight.  :sly:

Oh well. Anyway... I thought I'd let you all know I've found success:






 :tripping: :tripping: :tripping:

And this shroom I drew ages ago:


I may or may not have more going on than that, but I just grow for personal use and keep it small and secret.

You know what? These things are easy and inexpensive as all hell to grow.

It's good to be back. Just wish life was treating me better. Good thing mushrooms are dirt cheap to grow and I've made some friends who helped me out with spores. I also found a way to take spore prints from what I've grown in the past to become self-sufficient so that helps big time, too. Turns out I already had all I needed to get started for personal use. These little guys have been keeping me strong recently. Yeah, I could have made money from them, but I don't wanna chance that. They are all for me.

It's just nice to be back here with an update.

Just wish my situation was better.

Thank you all for the kindness and for the inspiration. Also big time thanks to Acid, who I'm sorry I couldn't get in contact with for a while now, but I reached out to him just before I posted this so hopefully it'll all be good. I owe him a favor.

I'm sorry to have been a stranger for so long, my good peoples. Man, you guys do not KNOW what the fuck I've been going through recently... Bad times. I mean, well, money wise, but otherwise good times of course.

I'm only here because of kind favors from real-life friends who let me come back. I don't wanna get into it. Struggling artist and all that BS.

But I am ALIVE and OK!  :hand-heart:
Title: Re: SUCCESS!
Post by: skush on November 26, 2014, 10:45:38 PM
Those cakes look great, i'm sure you'll have fun with that!
Glad to know you're holding on there and working through your situation.. Stay positive dude! Psilocin definitely helps with that and keeping clarity within  :tripping:
Title: Re: SUCCESS!
Post by: Galaxy Admin on November 26, 2014, 11:47:41 PM
You did great on your virgin run bro! Good to see you back home.  :beers:  :tripping:
Title: Re: SUCCESS!
Post by: Uruk-High on November 27, 2014, 09:19:45 AM
Great job, Niemand! Good to see you back, and best of luck to you... :rock: :horns up :banana:
Title: Re: SUCCESS!
Post by: niemandgeist on November 27, 2014, 03:01:54 PM
So let me tell you a little bit about the way I learned to grow cubensis mushrooms.

OK. So the Shroomery has been around since the mid-to-late 90's. They have some good info. However, they mainly do things just a few ways.

So, I like to think, and this is just how I feel, that Shroomery has good info, but they way over-complicate shit. There are other ways to grow these guys.

These things are cheap and EASY to grow for personal use, and if you wanna do bulk grows you can do that, too. They are a great community.

Anyway, I found out that once you sterilize and inoculate your PF tek style BRF jars, you can simply let them be and the mushrooms will grow right in the jars with minimal fuss and effort, as you can see in an above photo.

I read a LOT of books. I watched a LOT of documentaries. I also made some friends that I learned from in real life. Once I understood how this organism grows, and I also was a HUGE goody two shoes book nerd as a kit who loved to learn and read books, and I loved science (And Mycology), I had a knowledge base to draw from.

So then I realized, and some people showed me some things, that you can grow these things SIMPLY.

See, keep in mind that the mushrooms turn the BRF into mushrooms, so the mass inside of your jars will stay basically the same, apart from some moisture content. They will look flat and weird, but THEY GOT THAT MAGIC, SON!  :tripping: :tripping: :tripping:

Sometimes I'll take a few out, as you can see in another pic, and I put them into quart-size plastic containers.

I like to use the Ziploc Twist'n Loc brand, or I go to Stop And Shop or Shoprite or Path Mark or Target and shit and I buy the knock-off store brand (Same damned thing).

You can burn air holes around the container bottom (which becomes the top) using a hot nail heated in a candle or alcohol flame, held with pliers.

If you dunk your cakes before the first flush (I always do!), the moisture from the cake will be enough, in this smaller enclosure (individual fruiting chamber) so you DO NOT NEED PERLITE or misting.

It helps to take the tops off and fan them a bit once a day or every few days, though.

It may seem cramped in there, but the mushrooms will grow and contort to fit inside of these smaller containers.

ANOTHER BONUS: You don't put all of your cakes in one container, so contamination, after inoculation, and between dunking, if it happens, cannot easily spread to ALL of your other cakes.

EVEN BIGGER BONUS: They are easier to HIDE and keep STEALTH. I mean, this shit IS a felony, so I say keep it small, keep it to yourself (If you share online keep it smart), and enjoy!

Once the jars were fully colonized I gave them light. I left them on a shelf during the day by a window to get indirect sunlight.

If I didn't give them sunlight, at night I'd just shine a bright white LED clamp lamp on them.

I didn't even make it regular. Sometimes they get a few minutes. Sometimes a few hours. Sometimes random times. Didn't matter.
Title: Re: SUCCESS!
Post by: jones on November 28, 2014, 02:37:32 AM
That is beyond cool Man,
    I guess being a starving artist sux, Idk, I have zero talent as an artist
even back in 1st grade I sucked at anything art-like. I got pretty used to the art teacher picking on me,
year after year, teacher after teacher. I really wished I got something out of the cartoonist classes I took
cause I'd like to draw muhammed and make him the butt of jokes, it really seems to piss off the muslims

I have considered growing, but I'm not that in love with shrooms. To me they are a blessing and also a curse. See when
I do shrooms I usually have a lot of self inspection and then I find all my faults, and then I think like, G-d wants me to want
to deal with all that stuff, as he is showing me all this information, and that pretty much ruins the fun for me, because I don't
wanna change, see.

For example, I don't need shrooms to know I could be eating healthier food & exercising more (at all), and that by doing so I would enjoy a longer life.
      I just don't have enough desire to do anything much about it. I keep wondering how long I will hafta keep thinking about that, before I do something
but here it's been 18 years since I really wanted to work out so...and I hate to be greedy about anything, I think it's the root of evil-maybe I think too much  :ineeddrugs
Title: Re: SUCCESS!
Post by: KratomToke on November 28, 2014, 11:06:54 AM
WAY COOL! congrads on the grow! I wonder if really growing a kratom plant into a tree, wonder how easy or hard this is to do?

 :goodpost :goodpost :ineeddrugs :ineeddrugs
Title: Re: SUCCESS!
Post by: jones on November 28, 2014, 12:53:59 PM
WAY COOL! congrads on the grow! I wonder if really growing a kratom plant into a tree, wonder how easy or hard this is to do?

 :goodpost :goodpost :ineeddrugs :ineeddrugs

Why don't ya check on them opium poppies too?
Title: Re: SUCCESS!
Post by: niemandgeist on November 28, 2014, 08:09:06 PM
I've always been good with art and writing. When I was in grade school, each year the art teacher could only pick so many kids from each grade to win an art award. I had tons of those things. You'd get to go to the high school and get a ribbon as an award and all. My art teacher loved me. Then in my teens I just STOPPED drawing. I've done a bit here and there and a bunch of you've seen some of my work, but only recently did I start up again. That and I got back into web design and writing so it's nice to be able to create things that other people really love. I realize I'm pretty good at what I do and now that I'm doing it again I can't believe I ever stopped.

I don't use mushrooms very often, and if I use them more often it's like a low trip, like 1g (10g fresh). I don't like to trip balls anymore. Mushrooms are all I do apart from blends and e-cigs and beer and coffee. 3g or 30g fresh mushrooms is the highest I think I'd ever go, but 2g (20g fresh) is my sweet spot, but I've really been digging the lower lower doses lately. It's nice to get some slight trippiness and mushroom goodness going on when I can still go out and do yard work or go food shopping and stuff. I've also found that very low doses of mushrooms are great for headaches when nothing else seems to get rid of them.

I also love how inexpensive they are to grow. They are by far my favorite psychedelic and I have tried so much stuff in the past. When I was given the gift of mushrooms that experience just blew me away and woke me up. I love them way, way more than even LSD. It is so awesome to grow mushrooms, and I'm looking to grow some easy to grow edible oyster mushrooms and stuff soon, too, again just small amounts to cook with.

I've been learning a lot more about mycology (study of mushrooms). I found this big old mushroom called lion's mane out in the woods recently growing on a hardwood log, cut it off with my knife, packed it up in a bag, took it home, cut it, cleaned it, and fried it up in olive oil. The thing tasted JUST LIKE LOBSTER. I'm not kidding. I wanna grow some lion's mane down the line, too. I also like eating puffball mushrooms and I know a few other edible ones, but I stick to the easy to identify ones.

I also want to start growing some little mushrooms that just look cute in my house plants' pots. If I find any outside I can just dig 'em up carefully from the soil, bring 'em home, and transplant them into the pot.

Mushrooms are cool and they're so healthy for you.
Title: Re: SUCCESS!
Post by: Galaxy Admin on November 28, 2014, 08:20:24 PM
puffball shrooms marinated in Worcestershire sauce are like eating steak.
Title: Re: SUCCESS!
Post by: 1954 on November 28, 2014, 09:25:12 PM
Morel Mushrooms fried in butter and flour with salt and pepper... :weed-sign:
Title: Re: SUCCESS!
Post by: 1954 on November 28, 2014, 09:28:32 PM

You know what? These things are easy and inexpensive as all hell to grow.

wheres a good place to buy them?
I bought Morels on ebay before.
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