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Fun Stuff => Videos => Topic started by: Galaxy Admin on December 25, 2014, 10:09:31 PM

Title: The Interview
Post by: Galaxy Admin on December 25, 2014, 10:09:31 PM
Make sure you have adblock. (
Title: Re: The Interview
Post by: mrwiggles on December 26, 2014, 09:33:52 AM
I was a bit sad none of my local theaters had it, but from what my brother said, it wasn't that good of a film. Seemed like it was all hype and no substance. I'll probably still watch it since I'm sure I'll enjoy it plenty with some green by my side.
Title: Re: The Interview
Post by: mrwiggles on December 26, 2014, 10:09:32 AM
I would totally smoke a bowl with him and James Franco!
Title: Re: The Interview
Post by: jones on December 26, 2014, 11:52:41 AM
I was a bit sad none of my local theaters had it, but from what my brother said, it wasn't that good of a film. Seemed like it was all hype and no substance. I'll probably still watch it since I'm sure I'll enjoy it plenty with some green by my side.

   I think that pretty much most of what they have going for them are these korean threats, soon as that is gone the movie will be taking it's scheduled showing on TV, later on next year
       The koreans shoulda fought back by making their own movie about offing our fake prez, or better yet just offing him
Title: Re: The Interview
Post by: skush on December 26, 2014, 04:51:33 PM
I was a bit sad none of my local theaters had it, but from what my brother said, it wasn't that good of a film. Seemed like it was all hype and no substance. I'll probably still watch it since I'm sure I'll enjoy it plenty with some green by my side.

   I think that pretty much most of what they have going for them are these korean threats, soon as that is gone the movie will be taking it's scheduled showing on TV, later on next year
       The koreans shoulda fought back by making their own movie about offing our fake prez, or better yet just offing him

I don't think NK has the money to be funding something like that   :rollingonasslaughing:
Title: Re: The Interview
Post by: Lynx on December 26, 2014, 05:39:42 PM
It's super funny! It is kinda dumb (and at some points it gets sorta ridiculous), but that's the kind of movie it is and I thoroughly enjoyed it!  :Smokey:
Title: Re: The Interview
Post by: future perfekt on December 26, 2014, 07:06:56 PM
I've only watched part of it so far, I laughed quite a bit and it takes alot to make me laugh usually. I've not been a fan of either of their type of movies before, but I've enjoyed it so far. It seems either you like the movie or not from what I've seen from others.

"They hate us cause they anus"
"John Kerry, that oak tree looking mofo"
"For the record, I don't have stank dick"

(I think those are the lines lol)
Title: Re: The Interview
Post by: jones on December 26, 2014, 08:43:19 PM
I was a bit sad none of my local theaters had it, but from what my brother said, it wasn't that good of a film. Seemed like it was all hype and no substance. I'll probably still watch it since I'm sure I'll enjoy it plenty with some green by my side.

   I think that pretty much most of what they have going for them are these korean threats, soon as that is gone the movie will be taking it's scheduled showing on TV, later on next year
       The koreans shoulda fought back by making their own movie about offing our fake prez, or better yet just offing him

I don't think NK has the money to be funding something like that   :rollingonasslaughing:

  They don't need money, they got the Super Soldier, dude will be all methed up just like the nazis. Anybody who has done meth knows there's magic inside
Title: Re: The Interview
Post by: tibeirious on December 27, 2014, 04:58:44 PM
It's super funny! It is kinda dumb (and at some points it gets sorta ridiculous), but that's the kind of movie it is and I thoroughly enjoyed it!  :Smokey:

I just finished it..pretty good..nothing incredible.
Title: Re: The Interview
Post by: Galaxy Admin on December 28, 2014, 11:23:41 PM
This movie was typical hollywood garbage IMO, only found a couple parts funny and the rest of it was a waste of time

I concur with that brilliant analysis sir.  :beers:
Title: Re: The Interview
Post by: ENINEM on December 29, 2014, 12:43:38 AM
Ya it was pretty bad.. I watched it on Christmas Eve with my family

My mom liked it tho
Title: Re: The Interview
Post by: spicer on December 29, 2014, 07:27:59 PM
Funny thing is that those hacks brought in more publicity than it would've gotten without the controversy. Even at the expense of Sony employee's information getting released, I heard that digitally it made over $15m.

I honestly hope more movies can be released like that. You get fucked up the ass at the theaters.. you gotta pay for expensive tickets, ridiculous popcorn and drink prices, and still have to sit through product and brand advertisements. Getting sick of all the goddamn ads everywhere. Hate to see how advertisement will be 50 years from now, probably will have billboards set up outside of your house's window lol
Title: Re: The Interview
Post by: Galaxy Admin on December 29, 2014, 08:10:59 PM
Funny thing is that those hacks brought in more publicity than it would've gotten without the controversy. Even at the expense of Sony employee's information getting released, I heard that digitally it made over $15m.

I honestly hope more movies can be released like that. You get fucked up the ass at the theaters.. you gotta pay for expensive tickets, ridiculous popcorn and drink prices, and still have to sit through product and brand advertisements. Getting sick of all the goddamn ads everywhere. Hate to see how advertisement will be 50 years from now, probably will have billboards set up outside of your house's window lol

Fuckin A  :lama:

Comedian CK Louis now releases his newest stuff himself digitally so ppl pay a fair price. This business model would thrive easily if it was mainstream.
Title: Re: The Interview
Post by: spicer on December 30, 2014, 02:35:10 PM
Like Gabe, the owner of Steam, said - "Piracy is almost always a service problem and not a pricing problem". I would have to agree, I've got so many unneeded games on Steam that I dont even play, but bought just because of the price and convenience
Title: Re: The Interview
Post by: mrwiggles on December 30, 2014, 02:42:51 PM
With more people owning massive TVs and surround sound systems, I wouldn't be surprised if more films are released like the Interview. Some of us just don't care for movie theaters.
Title: Re: The Interview
Post by: spicer on December 30, 2014, 02:45:13 PM
 I hope so wiggles, the movie theater experience is not very fun. You gotta pay high prices, still sit through ads, and hope youre lucky enough that the rest of the audience can be respectful and not talk or use their phones throughout the movie. Seems the latter is more common nowadays..
Title: Re: The Interview
Post by: avoca on December 30, 2014, 03:17:39 PM
They hate us cuz they anus LMFAO
Title: Re: The Interview
Post by: tibeirious on December 31, 2014, 06:36:56 PM
I don't pay for movies..they owe
Title: Re: The Interview
Post by: avoca on January 02, 2015, 07:16:50 AM
other Then the seemingly secondary bit about the murder plot (post examination), Kim is portrayed as a rather cool dude. I was thinking overall it was... respectful? Strangely?  I expected more barbs I reckon, for Kim to be portrayed as ridiculous more so.
Title: Re: The Interview
Post by: jones on January 03, 2015, 01:01:13 AM
JB you are prolly right,
  Did anybody notice how that Red Box killed Blockbuster?
Title: Re: The Interview
Post by: Galaxy Admin on January 03, 2015, 10:40:09 AM
"North Korea is Best Korea".....KJU
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