The Galaxy Lounge
Welcome To The Galaxy Lounge => Introduce Yourself => Topic started by: 3V1L9371U5 on February 10, 2013, 10:15:03 PM
Looks like many of you I have the distinct honor of preacquaintaince. To all a' youze: howdy! :searching in vain for a wavy gif:
To the rest, a humble introduction. My s/n is "Evilgenius" in it's many iterations, "EG" works well colloquially. I may or may not have a neighbor who has a cat who once quoted Elvis as saying that I might have some experience relevant to these matters which may be worth sharing.
I might also add that the feline in question is a known philanderer and spawner of litters of questionable fatherhood, though this may have nothing to do with the matter at hand and should not color your perception of the ensuing events in any manner.
In short, "Greetings, mortals"! :sweeping bow:
w3LC0M3 8R0. 9R3a7 70 533 j00.
BigTime Greetings to Yew
The more things change, the more they stay the same. :)