The Galaxy Lounge
Fun Stuff => Videos => Topic started by: 3V1L9371U5 on April 22, 2015, 01:48:57 AM
Yet another shoutbox-inspired thread.
Some pretty entertaining fanfic, one of the best I've seen. Optimus Prime himself narrating, no less! These are the same folks who did the TROOPS parody; 2 eps so far, it seems that production may be a bit stalled on ep 3?
At any rate, some Star Wars viewing goodness I thought I'd share whilst we await Han and Chewie's homecoming. :popcorn:
That was good, reminds me a lot of seinfeld though as it seems mostly about nothing
Glad you dug it, jonsey. Definitely no canon-altering events there, but pretty entertaining for fanfic, IMO.
The quality of the uniforms and vehicles were very good, someday folks may think it's a missing tale,
like from the original's cutting room floor find.
Just as long as it doesn't get "remastered".
I'm still pissed about Sy Snootles and the infamous Greedo incident. >:(
Just as long as it doesn't get "remastered".
I'm still pissed about Sy Snootles and the infamous Greedo incident. >:(
I think I missed it?
The name Greedo does ring a bell, maybe in an hour it will come back to me
The original Max Rebo band (ft Sy Snootles on vocals):
...somehow morphed into this abomination of faux-bebop fuzzy fucks who were never there, along with random backup dancers/singers and some froggy fuck who weren't there either.
This was the sort of thing that scares me about the Disney takeover. Last trailer was epic tho, so I'm cautiously hopeful.
As for the Greedo incident...
Fuck you, George, it was right the first time. Han shot, Greedo died. One blast, not two.
These were simply not "improvements". To me, this is tantamount to lauding a peenor being spray painted on the Mona Lisa - "does not compute".