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Welcome To The Galaxy Lounge => Announcements => Topic started by: D3Dman on January 22, 2016, 10:16:36 AM
Ok - so this is a long story that will be condensed into two lines.
1. We just found out that my girlfriend is pregnant. I could be having another kid.
2. She has a non-cancerous brain tumor and pregnancy could make it grow.
Emotions are pretty confused at the moment.
Traditionally the mother's health is the thing to guard as when she survives she then is able to bring forth more children.
Sorry to hear, toughest of choices.
Tumors though, doctors only know how to poison a tumor. Maybe you're hope is there. Black seed (if no contraindications, if ok for preggers, Google), black seeds ground up and the oil too, half tbsp of each day and night. ....
You 2 may be able to stifle that tumor!
Bless yuns
Hoping for the best possible outcome for both of you.
Traditionally the mother's health is the thing to guard as when she survives she then is able to bring forth more children.
Sorry to hear, toughest of choices.
Tumors though, doctors only know how to poison a tumor. Maybe you're hope is there. Black seed (if no contraindications, if ok for preggers, Google), black seeds ground up and the oil too, half tbsp of each day and night. ....
You 2 may be able to stifle that tumor!
Bless yuns
Actually, Black Seed oil is supposed to be taken with yemeni raw unproccesed honey for it to give maximum effects. Without it it's only half the recipe.
It's something I've been researching. Now with the pregnancy, though, I do have to see if it's OK for pregnant women to take.
Oh no! Black seed will seek to protect mother against her fetus, im reading, like jungle women have used cats claw to force an abortion. Ultimately and terribly finally, all immuno therapies apparently will ultimately sacrifice a fetus to save host mother.
Funny how herbs can show us the LAWS OF NATURE --- as precious and crucial as babies are, they are also a danger to their mothers. ...
Interesting about the honey, sounds like father zago. He's healed cancers in south america with a honey protocol. I think I believe it --- cancer smells the honey, smells yummy and they gorge --- but it's not sugar so cancer can't really use it! ! Which then weakens cancer cells giving the black seed a back door entry to straight FUCK CANCER UP! Something like that.
I'm hoping then that the timing will be the answer, might can monitor the changes and accept a certain amount of growth while baby develops, if immuno herbs are too dangerous for baby.
Wow, tough sitch, D3. Life seems to throw the hardest curves sometimes.
Your Planetary brothers and sisters are here for whatever we may be able to do. Stay strong brother.
I wish she and the baby are OK! D3!
Sorry to hear about what is happening, Hope it will all work out!!
Oh no! Black seed will seek to protect mother against her fetus, im reading, like jungle women have used cats claw to force an abortion. Ultimately and terribly finally, all immuno therapies apparently will ultimately sacrifice a fetus to save host mother.
Funny how herbs can show us the LAWS OF NATURE --- as precious and crucial as babies are, they are also a danger to their mothers. ...
Interesting about the honey, sounds like father zago. He's healed cancers in south america with a honey protocol. I think I believe it --- cancer smells the honey, smells yummy and they gorge --- but it's not sugar so cancer can't really use it! ! Which then weakens cancer cells giving the black seed a back door entry to straight FUCK CANCER UP! Something like that.
I'm hoping then that the timing will be the answer, might can monitor the changes and accept a certain amount of growth while baby develops, if immuno herbs are too dangerous for baby.
I read this as well a bit earlier. We will just have to hope it doesn't grow too much while she is pregnant before we move on to any other treatment for the tumor.
Thanks everyone for all the well wishes.
Best of luck to you and your girlfriend, DI. Hope it all works out for you.
Best of luck. :thumbup:
vent here anytime bro. if you want to talk, pm me.
I am not religious by any means but i send all the positive vibes i can to yall my bro
It dawned on me while writing this other crap below - ALKALINE,
:kevsmith: :jay:
ALKALINE, you 2 could possibly look to take her completely alkaline if that would hurt this strange tumor. Most if not all cancer can't grow or even survive alkaline blood. So then it's to the juicer / blender you go and I mean every last meal. Fruit, watery mild veg, nuts, coconut, on and on. This could well stop all tumor growth if not kill it period.
My mom beat ovarian cancer in that way. Or rather that was her personal defense, the docs used surgery to remove but needed no chemo afterwards thank God, one of the everyday miracles you don't read about. .. alkalinity was my mother's answer.
CBD oil too eh?
i Didn't delete this below in case something thrre may work. But with her pregnancy im betting alkalinity is best bet.
Thinking, if there's nothing to try, if everything to combat the cancer hurts baby --- --- --- maybe try some of these wierder theories of late meanwhile. Like supersaturating their bloods with oxygen which kills cancer. Or super massive vitamin C treatments. Or The new water machine that makes it one molecule wide so that it hydrates them better which kills cancer (cancer must have more dryness). Something not chemical...
I'm stunned and don't know what to say. I'll be thinking about ya'll, sending love and light and thinking good thoughts.
That sux bro, prayers being sent your way..
prayers and good vibes sent your way brother, i am out here if you need me.
will these work?
Can't do black seed oil, since she is pregnant.... would make her body fight the baby. Well, babies. I'm going to have twins. I just found out. Wow.
So, good news, though.... Her tumor is not growing yet. All blood levels seem OK for now.
I think my life is about to become a soap opera. lmao.
Tibs, wow, I will examine your finding post haste, that price point is UNBELIEVABLE. People charge up wards of $15/oz of black seed oil, rip off.
But $18 for oil and that much honey?
I think maybe you've found one of the good guys, in it to help others. With that amazing price point....
Will investigate now, seems too good to be true!
DI, twins! I'm reading about the poly spirit Abraham's teachings, a little far out for me but it makes good sense so far --- ---
We can desire, and that act brings us closer to our desire --- --- but we cannot repel something we don't want, there is only Attraction in our experience. So thinking on something brings it into your life, whether you're wanting or rejecting, both cause attraction.
A tool for your thoughts as you 2 enter into this path. Focus only on what you need to happen, positivity is so crucial! I think you 2 will rule this mess after all.
my order just arrived, fast shipping, gonna make some tea and mix in the black seed oil honey...tastes awesome...
I am sending all my good vibes and positivity your way D3.
I just wanted to wish you guys the best D3. I hope eveything works it self out .take care and God bless brother.
I am a little confused. I googled cumin vs. black cumin and it seems that they are two different things. Also, there are two types of black cumin seed that list many of the same therapeutic properties as well as flavors when used for cooking. Both of the black cumin seed types carry the advisory that they are safe for pregnant women in a cooking environment but not in a therapeutic dosage. We use cumin a lot in our dishes at home but not the black cumin variety which has a much bolder flavor and is used in curry. I love cominos in food but can hardly even stand the smell of curry. (I used to do a lot of work in Indian/Hindi homes and commercial restaurants). My neighbor in the next apt. makes a lot of curry dishes and we share a common vent fan shaft in our kitchens. I have plastic taped over the vent on our side but the smell seems to seep through the wall. Of course I can smell their mj pretty good too. I only mind that when I don't have any of my own haha j/k.
Anyway, I agree with your thoughts to steer clear when a pregnancy is involved. D3 I hope your lady has a healthy pregnancy; please do keep us informed.
Orthene, I'm a little concerned nigella sativa may not be the biblical black seed. But it is the one science has began to study although they've only gone through a percentage of it's 90 alkaloids - amazing.
You can cook with nigella sativa, the dose would be far less for a dinner portion spiced than a tbsp of oil for example. It's milder than cominos , a little different tasting. And highly recommended for diners not preggers. Why not go ahead and beef up that dinner, 90 medicinal alkaloids that taste similar to cumin? No brainer there. We should be using all the spice we can stand, it's all medicinal.
Not sure if I mentioned, but a simple spice "mud" drink will benefit her. Being extremely choosy of the ingredients of course. But initially thinking cinammon, black pepper, turmeric, fenugreek, dandelion, oat straw, cardamom, ginger etc. All infused together into extremely disgusting spice mud drink. Bottoms up!