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Welcome To The Galaxy Lounge => Announcements => Topic started by: walterwhite on April 22, 2013, 01:20:54 AM

Title: Being Laid Off Sucks
Post by: walterwhite on April 22, 2013, 01:20:54 AM
Company that I used to work for has been downsizing the last few months, and it finally hit me - got the notice telling me I was laid off on Friday.  They merged with another company recently and things have been terrible so I saw something like this coming.

I was one of the last hired a year and a half ago so we are the ones that are first to go.  Got the bad news on Friday.

It sucks looking for a new job, a lot of spam or just terrible job listings....  Thought Obama was going to get more jobs going but I don't see that going on.

Just venting here, things are going rough last few weeks.  Car hit deer banged it up bad a month ago, still in shop, my dogs been sick losing her sight and now this?  Great.

Going to bed for a long while, I need some rest.

Sorry for venting, just stressed.
Title: Re: Being Laid Off Sucks
Post by: toy on April 22, 2013, 01:32:30 AM
ya they say when it rains it poors . Dont worry things will get better .
Title: Re: Being Laid Off Sucks
Post by: walterwhite on April 22, 2013, 01:40:54 AM
Thanks Wizard.  Glad someone understands where I am coming from.

Title: Re: Being Laid Off Sucks
Post by: creep26 on April 22, 2013, 01:46:48 AM
I know the feeling man.  I was laid off last April... Similar situation, whereas my employer was bought out by another group.  An international group.  Even though I had 7 years under my belt, I was the low man on the totem pole in my department.  Haven't been able to find a job so I have been daddy daycare for my 2 little girls.  It's awesome to spend all this time with them, but it has been a mind f&%k for me to not be able to be a provider for my family.  Hang in there man.  You will get back on your feet.  I have something lined up rg through networking with my friends.  Now the next challenge is finding someone to watch my 2 little girls.  Childcare in NY is expensive.  My wife and I aren't real crazy about bringing kids to daycare, would rather find someone to watch kids at our place, but so far can't find anyone.  Hate thinking about this nonsense... Time to get spiced!  That makes things better for a little bit!
Title: Re: Being Laid Off Sucks
Post by: D3Dman on April 22, 2013, 02:32:58 AM
I got some positive spin for you all.


Small vacation with bill money free (don't be dumb and waste it) until you find something better.

I know it sucks, but try to enjoy the time off while you can. Life is too busy.
Title: Re: Being Laid Off Sucks
Post by: R on April 22, 2013, 06:49:26 AM
jobs are scarce out there and they are getting harder to find, that is the fact.  My advice is use this time, right now, to aggressively look for another job.  Employers value the people that charge out of the gate in a situation like this, they like the ones who know what they want and go get it.  Also, take anything you can and just get back into the work force.  Don't get sucked into the unemployment doldrums, that is a mire you might never get out of--don't live off the government teat any longer than you have to.   

Life throws these things at you all the time--that really is the nature of life, it is supposed to be hard.  Get tough, get your mind around it and get going.  You will probably have to change directions but keep moving forward.  You never know where your life will go but if you stay focused, even in a new direction, maybe this adversity will be the best thing that could have happened.  I know it is hard, but just grit your teeth and get the job done man.
Title: Re: Being Laid Off Sucks
Post by: FloatingHeads on April 22, 2013, 09:35:40 AM
Sorry to hear about that Walt.  I've been in that position before and know damn well what you're going through.  Ngls is right, aggressively search and continue to contact potential employers after filling out an app.  Stay positive and Good luck!     
Title: Re: Being Laid Off Sucks
Post by: FSU on April 22, 2013, 09:45:36 AM
Been there with an auto manuf mold injection company who was going bankrupt n got bought out by another company, lot of people got laid off n quit, I got laid off and they told me i could get unemployment so I would try if I was you. Steady couple hundred bucks until you can find something again!

Title: Re: Being Laid Off Sucks
Post by: R on April 22, 2013, 10:55:04 AM
Wow.  That is really nice of you Hatter!
Title: Re: Being Laid Off Sucks
Post by: Spark101 on April 22, 2013, 11:42:38 AM
Major props to ya hatter, very nice of ya...I give Hatter 10/10..
Title: Re: Being Laid Off Sucks
Post by: walterwhite on April 22, 2013, 11:56:09 AM
Appreciate all the well wishes guys, I really do.

@ngls - Ya I'm trying to get back into the work force as quick as possible, pretty much up for anything right now with bills soon piling up, rent, food etc. 

@SQ - Jobs around here are limited right now, it's really competitive where I am at near DC, I mean really competitive.

Thanks for the nice words as well creep and floatingheads.

Glad some of you can relate to being lad off cause it really sucks, makes you mad depressed.

Appreciate you doing that Pebz, anything to take my mind off things for a few minutes is okay right now.

@ Hatter - Thanks for kind words and generous offer, what an awesome vendor, glad we have guys like him around here.  I sure would take something to ease the pain but if it's too much trouble don't worry about sending that.  I def appreciate it, didn't expect many responses I am really surprised and happy.

Brightended up a dark day for me, starting to see some light at the end of the tunnel.  Sending out resumes now.

Title: Re: Being Laid Off Sucks
Post by: FSU on April 22, 2013, 12:13:00 PM
Seems you're stressing over bills n food but have you tried to file unemployment yet/ I think I was getting like 300 every week or some shit...granted it was yeasr ago so cant remember but i do remember it was like a good bit every week or every other week not sure and then you get that back pay on ur first check n its a few hundred n you could pay on some bills n food...Hell apply for food stamps if u got to, gotta do what u gotta do on these hard times, its shit everywhere!  No shame in surviving homie, w or without gov assistance!
Title: Re: Being Laid Off Sucks
Post by: walterwhite on April 22, 2013, 12:21:35 PM
i still have both ur addy's. i will use them again Tuesday.
i got laid off on my birthday less than a week before this past christmas, fought till jan 11th to get my job back. best birthday, christmas, new years ever.

I am sending you both something like i said. will ship tuesday with all other samples. yea, yall get another round.

Thanks buddy, very nice of you my man.
Title: Re: Being Laid Off Sucks
Post by: walterwhite on April 22, 2013, 12:24:16 PM
Seems you're stressing over bills n food but have you tried to file unemployment yet/ I think I was getting like 300 every week or some shit...granted it was yeasr ago so cant remember but i do remember it was like a good bit every week or every other week not sure and then you get that back pay on ur first check n its a few hundred n you could pay on some bills n food...Hell apply for food stamps if u got to, gotta do what u gotta do on these hard times, its shit everywhere!  No shame in surviving homie, w or without gov assistance!

Nah, no unemployment man, I just lost it on Friday, haven't thought about that, just trying to find a new place of employment.  I have some savings saved up that should last me a few months if I still can't find work, but it's going to be hella tight, going to be eating TV dinners prob nightly, might be on the ramen noodle diet, like my college days! 

Thanks for the suggestions though FSU, nice thoughts...
Title: Re: Being Laid Off Sucks
Post by: GrindCandy on April 22, 2013, 12:28:03 PM
Good luck!
Title: Re: Being Laid Off Sucks
Post by: FSU on April 22, 2013, 12:32:34 PM
Oh well then you should be straight, here I was thinking you were broke n no job and know how long it takes to find something!  Then cheerio mate  :weedpass:
Title: Re: Being Laid Off Sucks
Post by: walterwhite on April 22, 2013, 12:37:48 PM
Oh well then you should be straight, here I was thinking you were broke n no job and know how long it takes to find something!  Then cheerio mate  :weedpass:

Ya not completely broke man but I'm close, hate the feeling when you have to check your bank account every time you go somewhere, make sure you have enough.

Can't even go out to eat right now if I wanted to.  I will probably be maxing out my credit cards in the next few weeks as well, because I don't have many other options right now.  Have car payments, vet bills kicking my ass right now.

Wish I was some expert bank robber or something, need a getaway guy like in Drive.
Title: Re: Being Laid Off Sucks
Post by: FSU on April 22, 2013, 01:27:42 PM
Well in that case I would try...U didnt quit or get fired, you got laid off n that is grounds for you getting a check. It'll help you eat n use saved money to pay on bills. Telling u, u get way more than what you think and it DOES help!U can get it for up to a year i think or 6 months  dont remember
Title: Re: Being Laid Off Sucks
Post by: FSU on April 22, 2013, 01:28:16 PM
Save ur CC's n credit n get ur checks u r allowed to get when u get laid off. Its normal
Title: Re: Being Laid Off Sucks
Post by: walterwhite on April 22, 2013, 01:57:53 PM
Well in that case I would try...U didnt quit or get fired, you got laid off n that is grounds for you getting a check. It'll help you eat n use saved money to pay on bills. Telling u, u get way more than what you think and it DOES help!U can get it for up to a year i think or 6 months  dont remember

Try for what Unemployment checks?  It takes weeks to get approved and checks sent out, I need a new job like yesterday man, can't wait that long. 

My girl is already getting on my ass about sitting around the crib, but she doesn't work, so that's another issue.  I'm the only one that was working.  Had a talk with her last night about getting a waitress job or something to help pay bills, it did not go well, got in a big argument she ended up slamming doors and all that.  Just shrugged it off myself though. 

Title: Re: Being Laid Off Sucks
Post by: FSU on April 22, 2013, 02:13:20 PM
Typical woman...Wants to be waited on hand n foot, especially w money   Know what you mean on that...You can still look for one and apply, and even if you only get 1 check before u find a job, at least it'll be back pay all those weeks you waited so it'll be a fat check and then bam, u got a job n a fat check to help u out a lil lol   Just another option yanno
Title: Re: Being Laid Off Sucks
Post by: FSU on April 22, 2013, 02:17:43 PM
Oh she is eh?  Who?!   :passing
Title: Re: Being Laid Off Sucks
Post by: walterwhite on April 22, 2013, 02:29:53 PM
Major props to ya hatter, very nice of ya...I give Hatter 10/10..

Me too.  What a nice guy.  Everyone on here is very cool and friendly all the time though, it's a tight knit community for sure!

Pm'ed a lot of you to thank you personally for kind works again.
Title: Re: Being Laid Off Sucks
Post by: R on April 22, 2013, 03:03:19 PM
Typical woman...Wants to be waited on hand n foot, especially w money   Know what you mean on that...
Easy there.  that is not even a realistic stereotype.  Most of the women I know have careers and jobs.  And most people, man, woman or other want to be waited on and so forth, but it's just not gonna happen in real life.
Title: Re: Being Laid Off Sucks
Post by: walterwhite on April 22, 2013, 04:02:20 PM
If she is able to work then there is no argument to be had. Not my business but it sounds like you need to assess some shit.

I hear ya man.  Opinions are fine.  It's a touchy subject with her.
Title: Re: Being Laid Off Sucks
Post by: dimebag420 on April 22, 2013, 07:11:42 PM
Nah, no unemployment man, I just lost it on Friday, haven't thought about that, just trying to find a new place of employment.  I have some savings saved up that should last me a few months if I still can't find work, but it's going to be hella tight, going to be eating TV dinners prob nightly, might be on the ramen noodle diet, like my college days! 

Thanks for the suggestions though FSU, nice thoughts...

Hell bro i got laid off on March 21st of this year. I signed up for unemployment online the next day and the next week i was getting a check. Dont feel bad about getting it, remember that while you were employed your employer kicked in to your state's unemployment pool so some of that money is yours anyway lol. Before the taxes they take out im getting a bit over 300.00 a week. Best of luck to ya brotha!
Title: Re: Being Laid Off Sucks
Post by: walterwhite on April 22, 2013, 07:31:45 PM
Nah, no unemployment man, I just lost it on Friday, haven't thought about that, just trying to find a new place of employment.  I have some savings saved up that should last me a few months if I still can't find work, but it's going to be hella tight, going to be eating TV dinners prob nightly, might be on the ramen noodle diet, like my college days! 

Thanks for the suggestions though FSU, nice thoughts...

Hell bro i got laid off on March 21st of this year. I signed up for unemployment online the next day and the next week i was getting a check. Dont feel bad about getting it, remember that while you were employed your employer kicked in to your state's unemployment pool so some of that money is yours anyway lol. Before the taxes they take out im getting a bit over 300.00 a week. Best of luck to ya brotha!

Thanks for info, I am looking into that tonight. 
Title: Re: Being Laid Off Sucks
Post by: mist on April 23, 2013, 02:34:10 AM
Yo WW keep your head up, things will turn around soon, only way to go now is up.  I know you told me the story a few days ago but thought I'd post anyway.

Had a tough few weeks, I feel for ya brother!  Tough losing a loved one then losing a job a few weeks later, I've been there, it sucks.  Lost my grandmother to cancer a few years back then a few days later I come down with a bad case of pneumonia.  Like they say, when it rains it pours. 

Stop by anytime you want to have a few beers and watch a game - you know where to find me!  I'll cheer ya up!!
Title: Re: Being Laid Off Sucks
Post by: mist on April 23, 2013, 02:39:56 AM
im sorry brother, fuckin loyalty is a thing of the past these days, its NOT the old days man in any way.

USED to be a damn mechanic was actually honest, not its hard pressed to find a half honest one (i remember all this shit and im not even that old)

Dude I'd like to offer you a free bag to ease the pain IF you want? I'll throw you a Z

Damn that's hella nice of you MadHatter.  Everyone could use a Z in times like that.

I know Walter personally, I'm sure he could use that shit right about now.

May send him a blunt rolled in the mail tomorrow just to keep him on the up n up.

Title: Re: Being Laid Off Sucks
Post by: walterwhite on April 23, 2013, 03:09:27 AM
I got some positive spin for you all.


Small vacation with bill money free (don't be dumb and waste it) until you find something better.

I know it sucks, but try to enjoy the time off while you can. Life is too busy.
I didn't say I was laid off. The way they do it at my job, is they cut your hours, just a little bit one week, and then the next week BAM, your scheduled for 7-14hrs all week, if needed, they'll reduce em even more. They do this until you no longer see the value in coming, and quit. Also, I will admit what my position was.. I was a waiter. This means, my hourly wage was only $5.00 an hour anyways, I lived off of tips. You cant make much tips in the 10 hours I was scheduled this week.. And when your only vehicle is a supercharged v8 mustang like mine is(My pride and joy.. The only thing I have in this world..) The gas it takes to make the trips to work cost more money than I could even make...

 The world is a shitty place and my boss is a fucking asshole piece of shit. He was the coolest fuckin dude in the world to me and let me do whatever the fuck I wanted when I was hooking him up with a half ounce of chronic every payday. Ever since I got my shit straight, quit slangin, and switched over to mostly blends, this guy has completely changed his attitude and been a total dick to me and started giving me hella disrespect.. For no fucking reason.. Fuck that guy... I didn't feel right at that job anyway...

Sounds like you are better off not dealing with that terrible boss, like people always say - you don't have to work for assholes.  I have worked at plenty of restaurants and I know the feeling of being a waiter, it gets old fast, but the tips are legit.

Seems like he got mad you didn't give him bud anymore, well fuck that.

I like mustangs as well btw!

Title: Re: Being Laid Off Sucks
Post by: walterwhite on April 23, 2013, 03:43:13 AM

Sounds like you are better off not dealing with that terrible boss, like people always say - you don't have to work for assholes.  I have worked at plenty of restaurants and I know the feeling of being a waiter, it gets old fast, but the tips are legit.

Seems like he got mad you didn't give him bud anymore, well fuck that.

I like mustangs as well btw!
Yea in the long run probably not, I wish I could of had another job lined out first though. I would rather put up with the terrible boss and not go into more debt, than vice versa lol! And yea my tips were always really good, I'm an excellent people person. And yea man, fuck that guy. Im talkin as much shit on that guy as possible to everyone in my community from now on lol.
And oh yea man, there's nothing like a nice 'Stang. Mine is a Black 2001 SVT Cobra, with a vortech supercharger and a 2004 terminator cobra longblock. 620hp, pulls like a fucking freight train. (:
But oh wait, not right now, because I blew the fucking $3,000 transmission... -_- Shiiiiit, I need to win the fucking lotto or something. Fuck my luck lately lol!

Don't worry about f bombs, I prefer them.  Nice Cobras are dope!!

Sucks you blew the tranny man, I hate car repairs, I'm fucked without a car right now as well until I can pay the bill hopefully soon.  Public transportation sucks sometimes.
Title: Re: Being Laid Off Sucks
Post by: walterwhite on April 23, 2013, 12:34:43 PM
All that stuff sucks Wizard.  Sounds like your girlfriend really screwed ya over, their are plenty of fish in the sea though, move on and you'll be better for it.

Thanks for that advice, I am doing similar things like that already.  Going to stop at as many places as I can today, going to take a long walk into town see what's happening. 
Title: Re: Being Laid Off Sucks
Post by: Akitsu on April 23, 2013, 02:01:25 PM
Yeah, I got laid off quite some time ago... my boss figured out he could do my job instead of playing WOW all day and double his profits.  By then I was massively in debt, and paying $700 a month in interest on CC bills.  Cashed in my retirement, sold my car, did computer repair, started selling hats, shirts, and art online... a rough couple of years to be sure.
I finally wised up an realised my situation was dire... contacted an attorney and wiped the slate clean.  Feels good to not be in the debt hole, but it isn't like having an actual job and steady income. 
That said, I'm happier than I have been in years.

My advice for job seekers?  When they ask if you can work holidays, weekends, or any other day... say yes.  When they ask when you can start, "Whenever you need me.  Right now if you want."  Be friendly, enthusiastic, and well spoken.  They want a team player, somebody who'll bend over backwards if necessary.  The person who comes in with limitations to when they can work isn't getting his foot in the door.  After you get in, and they like you... feel free to do schedule requests and stuff.  The first few days at least you should be on the lookout for things to do, and people to help.  Make yourself indespensible.
Title: Re: Being Laid Off Sucks
Post by: the hellion on April 24, 2013, 02:53:27 PM
Yeah, I got laid off quite some time ago... my boss figured out he could do my job instead of playing WOW all day and double his profits.  By then I was massively in debt, and paying $700 a month in interest on CC bills.  Cashed in my retirement, sold my car, did computer repair, started selling hats, shirts, and art online... a rough couple of years to be sure.
I finally wised up an realised my situation was dire... contacted an attorney and wiped the slate clean.  Feels good to not be in the debt hole, but it isn't like having an actual job and steady income. 
That said, I'm happier than I have been in years.

My advice for job seekers?  When they ask if you can work holidays, weekends, or any other day... say yes.  When they ask when you can start, "Whenever you need me.  Right now if you want."  Be friendly, enthusiastic, and well spoken.  They want a team player, somebody who'll bend over backwards if necessary.  The person who comes in with limitations to when they can work isn't getting his foot in the door.  After you get in, and they like you... feel free to do schedule requests and stuff.  The first few days at least you should be on the lookout for things to do, and people to help.  Make yourself indespensible.

Yeah that's how I got the job I'm at now... Already told walter to check it out....
Title: Re: Being Laid Off Sucks
Post by: R on April 24, 2013, 03:13:43 PM

My advice for job seekers?  When they ask if you can work holidays, weekends, or any other day... say yes.  When they ask when you can start, "Whenever you need me.  Right now if you want."  Be friendly, enthusiastic, and well spoken.  They want a team player, somebody who'll bend over backwards if necessary.  The person who comes in with limitations to when they can work isn't getting his foot in the door.  After you get in, and they like you... feel free to do schedule requests and stuff.  The first few days at least you should be on the lookout for things to do, and people to help.  Make yourself indespensible.
Good advice.  Find out who actually hires in a company or even their boss and make an appointment.  Even if they dont have a job right now, they will remember your initiative.  Be clean--clean is better than flashy and no one really cares about the label of your suit, especially id you are not going to be in contact with customers.  Be engaging but don't make jokes--just be professional. Look and sound competent-- make them know you are ready to work and will be an asset.
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