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About to make my first batch of Honey Oil

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--- Quote from: Ngls on June 25, 2013, 10:39:56 AM ---Just be safe, do it outside, protect your workspace from static electricity, have a safety/escape plan and think all the time it could blow up in your face.
I don't want to have to attend your damn funeral Bro.  I don't go to relative's fnerals.

--- End quote ---

I've been thinking 'This could blow up in my face' since the moment I decided to go ahead with it.

Definitely will be done outside.

Use a small piece 110 silk screem ziptied over the end, instead of a coffee filter. You can buy them at an art store.

I usually use a large PVC tube capped with a plastic fence post top, with a hole drilled into the top with a drill bit matching the size of the butane dispenser. Glue / epoxy the fence post top to the PVC pipe.

Use a large pyrex mixing bowl to blow the oil into.

When your done, you will place that bowl into another similar bowl with hot water in it. The bowl inside the hot water bowl will start bubbling viciously. Hold it over the hot water bowl until all the bubbles stop and the material reduces down. Once it completey stops bubbling, it is time to let it sit and cure. As it cures, you should "whip" it a couple times a day to get a nice thick consistency.


GREY WOLF does an super in depth, informative class showing his own method of of extraction, purging and cleaning of hash oil and other MMJ extractions. He has an amazing lab where he holds his classes:

Skunk Pharm Research LLC


Outside still isn't 100% safe. Butane is a heavy gas, it stays low to the ground and spreads out quickly. A passing car throwing out a cigarette can ignite it, your dryer turning on in the garage, your water heater, etc.

Make sure you have excellent ventilation, and if you do start a fire, use a fire extinguisher, water will not work.

When you are done making your oil, quickly remove all used materials from your house.

If you do get raided, any proof of BHO making will get u you charged with running a drug lab. No different than making methamphetamine's.

You don't want to use PVC, dub. Butane strips it. You get baddies in your oil.

Rigid PVC is resistant to butane, hexane and pentane at room temperature.  If you raise the temperature of the solvents, PVC will come under some attack from alkanes.  It is less resistant to higher alkanes.


--- Quote ---You don't want to use PVC, dub. Butane strips it. You get baddies in your oil.
--- End quote ---

PVC is what everyone uses out here.

The best would be those hand made glass tubes. But they are like $99 each as opposed to .99 cents each for PVC.

Your stainless steel turkey baster works well too, you just can't fit that much at a time into it.
It would be cool to find someone making stainless steel BHO tubes.


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