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Galaxy Admin:

Learn to pronounce the cannabinoids, impress your friends...

CBD is short for Cannabidiol.

Pronounced: can / a / bid / ee / all

That's it.

And here is CBN, short for Cannabinol.

Pronounced = ca / nab / in / all

Super simple right?

And here is a hard one, but really not that hard if you know the others...

THC is short for Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol.

Pronounced = dell / ta / 9 / tet / ra / hydro / can / nab / in / all


Yep, a lot of drunk people kill people, but they can't go after booze makers!
Stupid people make stupid laws. People kill each other stone cold sober too, shall me make sobriety illegal, we all take mind numbing government pills or something?

Strange this posted in wrong place!


--- Quote from: jbmac on August 05, 2013, 12:35:00 AM ---Yep, a lot of drunk people kill people, but they can't go after booze makers!
Stupid people make stupid laws. People kill each other stone cold sober too, shall me make sobriety illegal, we all take mind numbing government pills or something?

--- End quote ---

I can't see why more bar owners aren't sued. Lotsa places prolly the only
one who knows how many drinks a particular customer has imbided is the
bartender. Also if the gov't were to outlaw marriage,  I feel like
at least half the bars would close overnight. I don't see anywhere near the same amount of dead folks
caused from using spice or weed, but drunks, holy shit! Watch Out
  I betcha the states love drunk drivers, in AZ you can easily exceed $5,000 in fines& that doesn't include Your
attorney's fees. I remember when a cop would just let a drunk go ahead on home, rather than cost a guy his
driver's license, insurance & job. The popo I see no longer give a damn about citizens, if they cared the Us vs Them
attitude wouldn't exist...


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