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Deep Water Culture

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I have notice that with alot of dwc systems alot of brown roots.

Yes I have two air pumps with 4th inch airstones.I think the algae was due to the container being clear.I need to buy a hydrometer a ph tester with ph up and down then I need a cheap ppm meter.Ive been doing good going by eye and stuff but I seriously need all of that.

I hand removed as much of the stuff of the roots I could.The main root stztems are in coco coir with only a small amount of the roots actually in the resevoir.

What do I want humidity to be at?

50% is about the best to keep it at then if your flowering indicas and you get really big buds cut it down last week or so to prevent mold id you have mold fungus problem but %50 is about right with no problems. Just dont get below 40 anything below that is too dry imo.

^--- Mold will get ya sometimes if ya wait to I hear! ^_^ Good luck....and smoke me out one day!

Containers must be light-proof or algae will grow. Water temps need to stay below 70degrees or bacteria will grow. You don't want either.


Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

The best pre-made DWC systems bar NONE:
Current Culture Undercurrent Systems:

I have personally seen the Current Culture systems used in very successful commercial grows.


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