Author Topic: CODE MEDUSA....A Book  (Read 4603 times)


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« Reply #15 on: November 21, 2013, 07:59:29 PM »

   Tibs and I hop in the truck and start 1 hour ride to the entry point. As we go along this path it rather quiet and peaceful, like the very still calm before a very chaotic storm. I use this time to do mental preparation and thinking of every possible way to get caught and every possible way out. The ride was long but we finally get there, we stop about 3 miles out and start to walk in our guile suits.

Tibs “3 MILES!!!???”

Ryden “Stop acting like it is a long hike.”

Tibs “But it’s like 2 degrees outside; we couldn’t stop like a mile in a half out?”

    I don’t even say anything, I just stare right through his goggles and all he can do is sigh and keep going. I can’t help but laugh in my head; I don’t understand how such an amazing agent can be such a bitch when it comes to the cold.

   We walk for a good 20 minutes in the snow and have gone about a mile in a half. Half way there I get my binoculars and look towards the coordinates of the entry point.

Ryden “There is nothing, Just snow on the ground, there is not any signs of snow being moved or anything. It is like this area has never been touched.”

Tibs “How are we supposed to get in?”

Ryden “Wait for a shift change, like we plan.”

Tibs “where you at?”

Ryden “I got about 19 left you?”

Tibs “15.”

Ryden “Ok so when this shift change happens, chances are all the grunts will probably go in together, since they work with each other and probably bullshit while there entering the facility. The supervisors will either enter first, to handle the shift change, or second to handle the shift change.”

Tibs “Why would they enter second, don’t they need to know what is going on before the shift starts, that is why it is called a hand down in most places.”

Ryden “Right but there a few companies that want the grunts there first so when that shift supervisor shows up, they are already working and in some companies opinions the hand down goes smoother after the grunt change, rather than before. For instance the supervisor comes in after the grunts and during the hand down, 2 guys called out on your shift today.”

Tibs “Gotcha that makes sense, but the other way makes sense to me to though.”

Ryden “They both make sense; it just comes down to preference of the company.”

  During the time we are talking we still continue to walk for another 10 minutes until we are about a mile out, after that we lay down on our stomachs, and start slowly crawling to the coordinates of the entry point. We do not get to close, we crawl for about an hour and are about half a mile out, now it’s time to hurry up and wait.

  Tibs and I continue to hold for something to happen, we wait for 5 hours in our guile suit when we finally see how people enter and leave. I see a huge bus, modified to handle the terrain it is in, Drive up and drops about 50 people off and immediately leaves.

Ryden “Let’s see how they enter, the bus has to come back to pick up the people that our leaving.”

Tibs “You can only enter on entry points and exit at exit points”

Ryden “Right but there is sure to be a bus to take the people getting off back to their vehicles or a designated location.”

Tibs “I say we put ourselves into position to take the bus next time it departs, from there we can steal his uniform….”

Ryden “There is probably only 1 or 2 bus drivers, everybody will know there face. I say let’s start crawling up, one is bound to stray for a second or so, that will be our in. Also there has to be people leaving, we might want to track to an exit point and get them like that, then walk around to the entry point.”

Tibs “They are just still standing there, nothing is happening. How are we supposed to get in when the workers can’t even get in?”

Ryden “They will get in; they won’t leave them out in the cold for 5 hours Like I did you.”

   At this point I see Tibs look at me, and although his goggles where on, I felt the meanest stare come upon me eyes, which of course made me laugh.

Tibs “Look, Something is happening.”

 At this point we see a huge platform raise straight up, Almost like a huge elevator lifting up, it gets about 10 feet high then stops and workers start walking in to this huge elevator.

Tibs “we got to move!!”

Ryden: “wait, we will be fine, there will be another bus with more employees, that was only like 30 people, let’s start crawling and get right next to the entry point.”

Tibs “You better be right.”

Ryden “The staff count is way higher than 30 for the grunts, the paper said there should be close to  100 at any given time per shift at this entry point.”

Tibs “Alright let’s start the crawl”

  Tibs and I start to crawl over as the platform sinks back into the ground taking the employees with them. No one had any different uniforms, so I am assuming no supervisors have showed up yet, but I am pretty sure there is bound to be 2 or 3 at least with a staff that big.
   The platform completely sinks into the ground and once it shuts it is like it never opened, it sinks perfectly into the ground with the snow covering up any signs that it was there. As Tibs and I continue to crawl this half a mile, it takes about 40 minutes, But we are right next to the platform.

   Tibs and I continue to wait for the next bus to arrive, and about 20 minutes later it does. The bus comes and drops off about 50 people this time, this is going to be our one and only shot of getting in. we are going to have to be perfect. We are about 20 feet away from the nearest person, but notice 4 off in a distance talking to themselves

Ryden “I say we take out them 4, and grab 2 uniforms and go.”

Tibs “They are about 50 feet away from the regular crowd and only about 35 away from us let’s start the crawl.”

Ryden “We have about 20 minutes before the platform opens, let’s take our time.”

Tibs and I slowly begin a crawl, moving very slowly, it takes about 15 minutes, just to move 30 feet. Tibs flanks the other two so now we are each behind two people. I grab two knives, one from each thigh holster and unzip my snow guile suit to expand. I look at Tibs as he looks at me and I give my head a nod. As I give the head know the platform starts rising and everybody starts looking at the platform.

  Tibs gives the head nod as well, and we stand up simultaneously put our knives threw each one of their skulls, and we fall on them, with the snow guile suit  expanding it covers up all 3 bodies on my side and his guile suit takes care of his side. From there we quickly unzip the main zipper of the guile suit so we can get out of it.  I quickly take my legs out of the guile suit and get the picture of myself and the card maker out of my book bag. I get one person’s I D card take my picture put right on top of his and run it through the card maker, the card maker will laminate my picture on top of his and will look exactly like an I D card except with my picture.

  I continue to take off his uniform and I take a layer of clothing off me show the uniform will fit. The uniform is a jump suit of shorts, and dark blue. It resembles a painter outfit, or a winter caddie outfit. Nice and thin, easy to slip on and seems to me made of polyester. I put on the jumpsuit and leave my hoody under it for warmth, I take everything out of my book bag and put in holsters that I have had strapped on me under the jumpsuit.

   I have a place for clips knives and the guns that I have on me, and a place for my silencer. The card maker, I will leave under my guile suit, And the software hacking USB will fit nicely into my pocket. I have my jumpsuit fully on, and put the I D card back on the jumpsuit, I then crawl out from under the guile suit, to see Tibs doing the same thing, and we start to walk toward the platform, which has been raised completely at this point.

  Almost everybody is already on with a few people still boarding, and Tibs and I start a light jog as we see people waving us over, basically saying hurry up and get on befo


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« Reply #16 on: November 21, 2013, 08:03:58 PM »

  Almost everybody is already on with a few people still boarding, and Tibs and I start a light jog as we see people waving us over, basically saying hurry up and get on before it closes.

  We get on the platform just before it starts descending. We move toward the middle of the pack to try to blend in with the crowd the best that we can.  The Platform descends, and once fully descending, It leads to a pretty big opening with about 10 different hallways it breaks into, assuming different work sites for different areas of expertise. Now these hall ways aren’t really hallways, as it is just a huge opening but the opening breaks off into little walkways that have rails on either side.

   The 50 workers all go their own way with some going to all the walkways. Tibs and I follow a couple of people and take the walkway all the way to the right as that will lead to the control center. Each walkway is plenty large enough for two people walking the opposite direction to pass easily with a little extra space.

   We drag back so we can communicate; we notice that most people in here are speaking Northeastern Common Turkic, and since they are, that is the language we talk in as to not raise suspicion.

Ryden “Everyone in front of us has broken off to their work stations, and with the uniform and badge we have, we don’t have clearance to get past the checkpoint.”

Tibs “Does supervisors even have a different uniform.”

Ryden “I don’t think so, I see no other types of uniforms in here, check your I D card see if it just regular employee or lead or something like that”

Tibs, for some reason, got taught how to read this language, and I for some reason did not. I only learned how to speak it, but as my memory is still relevant to me, I vaguely remember being sent away on a mission when I was supposed to learn reading and writing skills for a couple of languages, this most have been one of them.

Tibs “Nope I’m just a grunt” Tibs looks over at my badge “You on the other hand are a supervisor.”

Ryden “That is great news, check this; I am going to bring you with me threw the checkpoint, and let the people know at the checkpoint that you are getting promoted and I am just showing you around the extra places in the facility that you couldn’t go before and how to navigate to the new designated locations you are allowed to go to.”
Tibs “Let’s get to it man, you think on your feet mighty swiftly my friend.”

Ryden “Well you know…..Every now and then I go in genius mode”


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« Reply #17 on: November 22, 2013, 03:29:19 AM »
I know I'm in this...and that makes me bias.....but hell I would go see this in a movie theater....and that is coming from a old-school pirate..

 :horns up :horns up :horns up :horns up :horns up :horns up :horns up :horns up :horns up


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« Reply #18 on: November 23, 2013, 10:05:16 AM »

Tibs and I continue to walk down the walkway, As we are walking a few people walk by us going the other way, but no one has any suspicion about us. We continue to walk when we get to the checkpoint, to find no one guarding it, but just a big heavy metal fence door that locked and only can be opened with a swipe of a badge. This makes no sense to me as you could very easily just climb over it, but I guess someone would see you if you tried.

Ryden “This part will be easier than I thought” I swipe my badge and get the green light. I open the door, let Tibs go through first, and then I walk in right behind him. We still have a quarter mile to go before we make it to the central control center

   As we walk, we notice this place is a little more populated as quite a few more people are passing by us. Tibs and I continue to keep walking like we are supposed to be there. One of our most exquisite traits is that Tibs and I are the best and staying under the radar in high pressure situations, we maintain our character and show no sign of nerves.

   We get to about a tenth of the mile from the central control center, when I see the real protection. There are at least 3 entrances to the central control center, and they all have two guards at every entry point with automatic weapons.

Tibs “Let’s slow up a bit, see if we can see how the employees pass the guards.”

Ryden “Good idea.”

   So we slow our pace and actually stop for a second, and act like we are talking about something, and as we start to continue our walk that is when we see how they get in. The man shows the guard his I. D. badge. After they show that, He has a necklace, almost like dog tags, that he shows the security guard. This has to be some type of extra identification to get in the central control center. The guards then pat him down and let him in.

Tibs and I continue to walk and Tibs notices a bathroom.

Tibs “I got to take a piss.”

Ryden “Me to.”

  Tibs and I walk in the bathroom and check to see if anyone else is in the bathroom. It is clear.

Ryden “look we could wait for one of them to use a bathroom, steal both there identifications, but when I get patted down, I am more loaded up then a guy overdosing on crystal meth.”

Tibs “Dump them.”

Ryden “And risk no way to survive if our cover is blown, I think not sir.”

  We look around and see a vent, I speak up. “Tibs, I know this sounds cliché but we could always use the vent, kill everyone inside, and have plenty of time to hack it.”

  Tibs “this is a warehouse setting, the ceiling out of here is like 200 feet tall, we would have to climb that, then hopefully find the correct passage to the central control center, after that we would have to kill everyone, before there was any screaming or they are able to run out. I know we are good, and we could probably take out about 10 a piece, but someone would slip the cracks, we need to be realistic.”

Ryden “I am, look the vents our 200 feet in the air, what are the chances of anyone growing any suspicion that people are crawling threw them. Yes it will be a 200 foot climb, We are secret agents, we do what it takes.”

Tibs “I agree, I’m not worried about the climb, I’m More worried about the 30 people we are going to have to silently kill all at one time. This isn’t assassin’s creed, just because they are not facing the way your facing doesn’t mean they can’t hear the grunts and moans of someone being strangled.”

Ryden “I have a silencer, If we can take them out back to front, we might have a chance.”

Tibs “That is if they are all facing the same way, what if they are facing all types of way, or what if they are in a circle with a big central screen in the middle?”

Ryden “We are making it more complicated then what it needs to be, I mean it is complicated, but we are so smart that sometimes we can over think stuff when two people activated get together.”

Tibs “What about the guards?”

Ryden “What about the guards?”

Tibs “they have to have some type of breaks, they can’t just stand there for 10 hours straight.”

Ryden “Good point, what are you thinking?”

Tibs “well, we can walk all around that place fine, without raising suspicion.”

Ryden “We can’t just walk around the for hours, waiting for the guards to change shifts.’

Tibs “No but we can find the most isolated entrance, take the two out and change uniforms.”

  Just then one of the guards walks in the bathroom, Tibs and I start to wash our hands like we just got done using the bathroom. The guard goes in a stall to use the bathroom. Tibs and I look at each other and our minds are in sync.

   The guard is taking his time, when someone else walks in the bathroom, just a regular employee, he is taking a piss. I do not want to kill and hide more bodies then I have to. The employee finishes going to the bathroom and walks out without even washing his hands.

   The guard flushes the toilet and opens the stall, As soon as the stall door opens and he takes one step out, I have my knife go right through his skull, he falls back on the toilet.

Ryden “Tibs, hurry up and get changed.”

   Tibs would probably rebuttal with a who made you leader, but there is no time for jokes now and Tibs just goes in the stall and swiftly begins the change.

Ryden “I am going to go see which door is missing a guard so you can walk straight to it.”

   I walk out and pass by the central control system, It is almost like a separate building itself, as this has to be the only place where the walls go 200 feet in the air to the warehouse ceiling. As I make my loop, I notice no guard is missing anywhere; they must have to be replaced, even for a bathroom break.

  I casually walk back in the bathroom; still no one is in there but Tibs and the dead guard, but the dead guard now has the uniform of a worker and Tibs is all suited up in the guard uniform.

Ryden “No entry point is missing guard; he must have been replaced for the bathroom break. Our only hope is the temp guard notices you and starts going out of position which will make your spot easy to find.”

Tibs “I’ll be fine man, what is the plan.”

Ryden “Well, my plan at this point is to wait for one of them C.C.C. guys to come and use the bathroom, take there uniform, go to the entry point you are at, and hopefully you will be the one that pats me down. Go ahead and go, I am going to stay in the bathroom and wait. This is the closest bathroom to the C.C.C.”

Tibs “Oh we are using acronyms now I use C.C.C. instead of Central Control Center, I am cool”

Ryden “Shut up and just go.”

  Tibs chuckles and walks out of the bathroom I go to a stall that is unoccupied by a dead body, and pull down my jumpsuit like I am going to the bathroom.

   I wait for at around 40 minutes, the good news is that I have heard any noise that would make it seem like Tibs got caught, So that must be a good thing. Someone walks into the bathroom and starts to use the urinal; I pull up my jumpsuit, flush the toilet, and walk out and start to wash my hands. I look to see it is just another average employee.

  Someone else walks into the bathroom, it is a central control center employee, but with this other guy here, I can’t take a chance. The regular employee gets done doing his business and goes to wash his hands, meanwhile the Control Center Employee, starts to use one of the other urinals.

  I continue to wash my hands, and the employee gets through and walks out, just as the Central Control Employee finishes his business, He starts to walk out without washing his hands, and the other employee has literally just left so the bathroom door is still somewhat open but it is closing. I speak up.

Ryden “Aren’t you going to wash your hands?”

   The Central Control Center Employee looks back at me a stares, like he is pissed off I said that and says “Yeah, your right.” And continues to go to the sink and wash his hands.

   I can’t risk any blood being seen, at least when I stabbed the guy in the


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« Reply #19 on: November 23, 2013, 10:09:31 AM »

   I can’t risk any blood being seen, at least when I stabbed the guy in the skull he went right back in the stall, Tibs set him up nicely like he was taking a nice dumped, and locked the stall. He must have climbed out from under the stall.

   I start drying of my hands when he gets done, He start to walk over to the paper towel dispenser, and I take the initiative to hand him a couple fresh ones.

“Thanks” he says and starts to dry off his hands, He turns his back to me to throw the paper towels away, when I immediately put him in a rear naked choke. He was not able to tuck his chin in time and I have a nice clean grip on his throat. He passes out in a matter of seconds. I snap his neck and pull him into the stall and start to change.

   Someone walks in as my jumpsuit is down and I’m about to take the legs off. I quickly lift up the dead body and go into a sitting position on the toilet. I hear the guy start to use the urinal. I am being as quiet as I possibly can. I hear the guy flush the toilet, wash his hands, and walk out. I continue to take off my jumpsuit and put on his uniform. I take off his necklace, and see that it is some type of USB port. He must use this to log in to the computer; why else would they give him a USB port.

   I complete my changing into his uniform and change him into mine. I continue to set him up like he is going to the bathroom and lock the stall then crawl out of the bottom. I wash my hands and walk out of the bathroom; hopefully Tibs is at one of the entry points.

   I start to walk toward the Central Control Center and do not see Tibs in the front entry point. I casually walk to the near side of me and figured I would walk around it the long way, so if even if he is the last entry point I pass, there will be no suspicion. Tibs is not on the side entry point either, but I do notice he is at the rear entry point.

   I walk up to the guards and show them my I.D. which is his. I hand it to Tibs, I then show them my USB Port and Tibs Pats me down and lets me through. I walk in to the Central Control Center.


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« Reply #20 on: November 23, 2013, 03:22:28 PM »

    I see about 30 chairs all with a computer and all seem to be connected to a larger computer. The computer monitor is on a wall probably about half the size of a Imax theater screen, still huge in its own right. The desks and chairs are angled where they can all see the main screen, and each row leads to a point in the middle of the room.

  I noticed only 1 empty seat, and go sit down. I see a place to put a USB port in, right on the monitor, I put my USB port in there and the screen turns on. The computer looks like it went to sleep mode as there are a whole bunch of programs opened. I look at the computer and realize I can’t read a dam thing that is on here, Maybe Tibs and I should have switched roles. It’s too late now to go change, I casually look around to make sure no one is watching and pull out my USB port with the hacking software in it, and put it into a USB slot on the computer.

  The first thing I do is locate the language hack, I open it up and it translates everything to English. Now I can do some work. I start looking at the programs that are already open, and sure enough there is one for monitoring all the nuclear weapons. Now my self-destruct and inactivate button are greyed out. I can’t click on them at all.

  I open my USB Folder and start the hacking system.  The program opens up and starts to locate all programs for hacking, A small window opens up showing the percentage of the hacking and projected time, It is going to take an hour for the hacking to be completed, If  everything goes smoothly for the hacking software. I minimize the window and take off my language hack. I am now staring at a whole bunch of nonsense now, but at least my cover won’t be blown because the computer is in English.

   The guy next to me looks and says “I can’t believe they have a nuclear bomb shelter holding nuclear bombs” he laughs

Ryden “When did you find this out?”

The guy says “I just found out yesterday, It could just be a rumor though, you know how everything gets blown out of proportion here because they do not let us know anything.”

Ryden “Yeah I know, why would they put are bombs in a nuclear bomb shelter.”

The guy says “well you all know about the self-destruct button that is grayed out, well apparently If every nuclear weapon were to self-destruct, this facility would go on lockdown and can hold all the radiation and the explosions of every blast that is in here.

Ryden “Wow so they might just kill us all any day if they decide to destroy this program.”

“No” he goes on “There is a 30 minute evacuation time period to get out of here.”

Ryden “You really think they will let us live, This could never be leaked if they decided to abandon it, they would lock us in here and we would die with the blast.”

“Nah, There have been people who have quit or moved on to a different job”

   I think to myself, and have you heard or seen anything from this people since there last day, but I let it go and say “Well that is good to know.”

“Yeah it is.” He says and start to work on something on his computer, meanwhile, How is this guy not noticed I’m not the guy who is was sitting here before, I mean our build was similar and had the same color hair, but we look different, but we do have similarities as well.

   For the next 30 minutes I stare into basically nothing, since I cannot read anything, I am constantly moving my mouse, maximizing and minimizing windows, and occasionally using the keyboard to type in who knows what into the system. I really hope Tibs is ok, I have not heard anything to assume he has gotten caught, but then again those two dead bodies have been taking a shit for over an hour now.

   Tibs can take care of himself, I’m pretty sure he has been in just as a difficult situations, If not more difficult. About 45 minutes has passed and I do a stretch to do a casual look around to see if anyone is keeping an eye on me and quickly pop my hacking window and minimize it again. The bar shows it is about 75 percent of the way done. This is good because that means the projected hacking time is right on schedule. I just have to continue to act like I know what I am doing just a little bit longer.

   The good news is, everyone seems to be keeping to themselves with the occasional small talk. No one is going over to other people’s computers to help them out or anything. Everyone just seems to be staying at their desks, monitoring away I guess. I didn’t keep the language hack on long enough to realize what I am actually supposed to be doing.

   The last 15 minutes go by, and I see that that it is basically completed but still not 100 percent. I minimize quickly and figured I would give it 5 to 10 more minutes, but 30 seconds after I minimize it, it pops up showing that it is finished. I quickly turn back on my language hack. The self-destruct is now available to me. I press it only to have an 18 digit code that I must input to start the countdown. The hacking system starts going through each individual spot finding the correct key to put in. this is taking about 1 minute a space, which is fine cause in 20 minutes we will be good to go.

   I minimize that window and turn off my language hack just in time while someone passes by my computer. He asks me a question “what have you been doing lately”

Ryden “Just doing the same thing, different day, you know how it goes.” I never look back to actually  talk to him, just turn my head slightly to acknowledge him, Did not want him to notice I was not the guy he is supposed to be talking to.

“I know the feeling” he says and continues to walk out of the central control center.

   That was a close one 20 minutes go buy and I activate the language hack again. I pull up the self-destruct and notice it is on the last number. I minimize that window and start looking at the other software’s that are up, I can’t believe what I see. At least 3 nuclear weapons are pointed at each point of land, 3 on Australia, 3 on the U.S. and Canada, 2 on Mexico, 3 on South America, 3 on Western Europe, 4 on the islands (one for Ireland, one for Scotland, one on Greenland, and one on Iceland) 3 on Eastern Europe, 4 on China, 2 on Japan, and 5 on Russia alone.

  I quickly pull up the self-destruct window, All 18 digits are locked in, I hit the self-destruct button, another prompt pops up, are you sure you want to self-destruct? I click yes. One more pops up, you will have 30 minutes to evacuate the premises, and then it will be completely locked down for self-destruction. Are you sure you want to self-destruct? I click yes.


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« Reply #21 on: November 24, 2013, 09:00:04 AM »

In GOD we trust, all others we monitor - 'Merika


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« Reply #22 on: November 24, 2013, 09:04:33 AM »
Wow there are more people than tibs reading it that is awesome


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« Reply #23 on: November 24, 2013, 09:09:13 AM »
Not going to lie but I just started.
Didn't think I'd read it, but couldn't stop lmao.
Getting pretty good IMO.

In GOD we trust, all others we monitor - 'Merika


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« Reply #24 on: November 24, 2013, 11:21:51 AM »
it really is awesome!!  :horns up

I want channum Tatum to play me in the movie......or Steve bushimi....cloris leachman already said she is busy..


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« Reply #25 on: November 25, 2013, 10:01:12 PM »
I'm just going to say when chapter 11 hits it will throw you're head into a spin


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« Reply #26 on: November 26, 2013, 10:02:47 AM »

I like waiting for things... :smokepack


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« Reply #27 on: November 26, 2013, 10:24:58 AM »
it really is awesome!!  :horns up

I want channum Tatum to play me in the movie......or Steve bushimi....cloris leachman already said she is busy..

Tatum?  Really?  Really?

Guys a piece of shit actor


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« Reply #28 on: November 26, 2013, 02:32:54 PM »
your right Walt, ..ok my new choice to play me is Sarah Jessica Parker.........or Mr.T...

No Wait! I will be Played by the Planters Peanut Guy And I will have a sexy pecan sidekick named scout....


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« Reply #29 on: November 26, 2013, 02:54:30 PM »
Only Bale could transform into you bro!


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