Damn skippy!

Had some of the Purple Sticky stuff, god-only-knowsxxx from
an LHS (kindly note: not
the LHS) years back.
It was stupid expensive, like $50 for like maybe 1.5g or something.
Sat down in my chair, cross-legged, and had a few puffs on a suitably purple pipe.
5 minutes later, I find myself convinced that my legs were gone.
The way they were angled, it looked to me like my legs were just perfectly rounded off at the knee.
Again, I was sitting cross-legged and thereby
on top of these suddenly-misplaced appendages.
Absolutely no question of how they had gone or where they went. No, no.
The fact that I'd sat down in the same chair not 10 minutes before, very much fully bipedal? Completely lost. Not even in the same universe at that moment.
All I could do was look down and think, "Fuck. My legs are gone."

Worried and wondered how the hell I was going to get out of that chair.
At some point, I did finally realize to my great chagrin that I was in fact
not missing any limbs at all, but had merely been tripping balls.
Had some fun until I came to the stunning conclusion that one cannot smoke and trip like one smokes to get high for any appreciable length of time.
It just doesn't work. A does not equal B. Does not fucking compute at all.

Now...maybe if I'm somewhere out in the wilderness on a sunny day, and I'm feeling especially positive. Maybe.
Otherwise, no dice. Sally's just got way too much 'woo!' in her for me!

<apologies for rambling and largely irrelevant salvia story>