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 I am lucky - I found - they do home delivery of medical weed  and take credit cards. Do to a seizure caused by evil prozac I cannot drive nor get divorced til July, so this will help me... :broccoli

Congrats JB!

July isn't that far off, you can make it!

Sorry to hear about the divorce, but it really did sound like you needed to get away from that swirling negativity.

JB maybe try herbals instead of prozac, like kratom (though addictive) or st johns wort plant (as opposed to pills). Kanna is the world's instant SSRI, no 2 week build up with kanna, immediate serotenergic (I tHink) action like kratom.

Woops!, kratom lowers seizure threshold though. ..

Has anyone herer used kanna for depression or low moods before? I've always been interested in kanna and its ssri like activity.

I haven't used kanna for depression.  But it is a nice mood lift. Careful though, I believe around 2 grams can be unpleasant, nausea.  definitely strong and worthy.  And cheap enuf for experimenting.


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