What was the drama? He told me people on here turned his website in to authorities and paypal. Said other vendors were trying to shut him down... Weird
That is weird..I doubt people were reporting him to the autorities, now that is just fucked up.
And the PayPal situation - He was blatantly selling herbal incense through PP.
Not just using them as a money processor, but actually linking them to his site. (Bad News Bears)
PayPal is not ignorant by any means in this industry. They shut it out years ago and very well catch on when people do not try to hide it.
That is obviously what has happened here - not reporting from others. I don't even think you can report people, only a transaction, eh?
I recall him saying that someone mentioned "wake and bake" on there. That lead them to investigate assumingly, leading to the rest of the problems.
We are not out to get him in trouble, or even ruin his business. We simply asked him a few questions, and he apparently was not going to answer them before continuing with his advertising. With that said, that was all of it. ALL OF IT. No drama guys.... Why is is so hard just to answer a couple questions (from the admin even, and far from exposing yourself) from the guys who are running this shit?

We are a nice bunch of blenders to get along with around here, so we like to keep it that way. :Smokey