Author Topic: Here's to finding free pot and getting high for free.  (Read 2406 times)


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Here's to finding free pot and getting high for free.
« on: March 18, 2015, 05:31:28 PM »
A few days ago I went for a walk out in the woods because the snow was all finally gone. There's a spot in the woods where everyone goes to smoke up. There are tons of tiny little baggies and empty blunt wraps all over the place.

A baggie caught my eye so I went for a closer look. I'm like "Nah, it can't be. It looks full, but I bet it's full of dead leaves."

Well, I opened it up and it was full of some wet pot and it reeked in a skunky good way. I took it home, air dried it, and got high for free two nights in a row. It wasn't much, but until this week I hadn't smoked weed in a year.

Then, yesterday, I was out for another walk and I found one of those aluminum one-hitter pipes that looks like a cigarette. Score! Free pipe! Got home and found that it reeked and had a lot of resin in it. Got nicely high again for free and scored a pipe as well.

 :cheech: :kevsmith: :weed:
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Re: Here's to finding free pot and getting high for free.
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2015, 05:45:04 PM »
Sounds like being on clean-up crew after a rock/rap concert... what nice things people leave behind. Sometimes cause they are just too paranoid to take with...
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Re: Here's to finding free pot and getting high for free.
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2015, 07:24:55 PM »
Cool, but the whole smoking somebody pipe you don't know is kinda risky people be laceing there shit not to mention the gdubs.


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Re: Here's to finding free pot and getting high for free.
« Reply #3 on: March 18, 2015, 08:47:57 PM »
Good times!

Reminds me of a day back in high school...buddy and I ditched class (how predictable).  We were dry, but dry and not in school beat the hell outta dry and in, so we went to hang out at a local lake instead.

Walking back to the car...I look down...naaah...surely that ain't...but it WAS!  To our great astonishment, there was about an eighth of regs just sitting there on the ground all rolled up, just fucking waiting for us to pick it up

The cherry on top?  A set of 'stats about a yard on down the trail.  :sly:

They could'a left us some papers too, but ya know, stoners are pretty resourceful in that respect. 

Best guess is that somebody got high and dropped out of their pocket, or ditched when a game warden came around. 

In either event, we made most judicious use of this fortuitous blessing.

'Dope from Heaven' FTW!!!  :tripping:


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Re: Here's to finding free pot and getting high for free.
« Reply #4 on: March 18, 2015, 10:34:58 PM »
Cool story niemandgeist

I have found blends and weed , one time out walking the dog I found a bag of weed, years ago, and then a couple times I found blends
hidden in my car, out of all places, yep found 1 baggie blend in the car! and then antoher time, when I was packing and moving again
I found a good size bag of Original k2

 :goodpost :goodpost :ineeddrugs :ineeddrugs


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Re: Here's to finding free pot and getting high for free.
« Reply #5 on: March 18, 2015, 10:43:43 PM »
When I was a kid, I used to find stuff all the time because we walked EVERYWHERE, but never any weed.

Back on '06 I took the kidlet to the community park and found one of those padded draw string bags with a glass tie dye bowl piece and a nug, but that's it.

Free is free though, so I'm not complaining.


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Re: Here's to finding free pot and getting high for free.
« Reply #6 on: March 19, 2015, 01:48:07 AM »
Stats are hemostats. The long tweezers with scissor style handles.


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Re: Here's to finding free pot and getting high for free.
« Reply #7 on: March 19, 2015, 02:50:02 AM »
DC with today's double Jeopardy answer!

Commonly known as the 'roach clip', although I always loved the alligator clamps with the feathers and crappy wood beads you'd win at the fair... 

Did I refer to those as roach clips?  Silly me...those are just retro-80's decorative hair accessories... :rollingonasslaughing:

Dr. Bumquist may provide some additional scientific reference:

Personally, I prefer the curved tip variety.  Makes for a more convenient angle to the lips.  The longer the handles the better too; everybody gets the pocket set, which is fine in a pinch, but I prefer smoking in style when possible.

Can't tell you the last time I smoked *a joint* now though.  Great for pot, but blend doobies gave way to bong hits with quickness.  Too much sidestream waste, and that shit is precious!  :steamroller


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Re: Here's to finding free pot and getting high for free.
« Reply #8 on: March 19, 2015, 10:19:53 AM »
DC with today's double Jeopardy answer!

Commonly known as the 'roach clip', although I always loved the alligator clamps with the feathers and crappy wood beads you'd win at the fair... 

Did I refer to those as roach clips?  Silly me...those are just retro-80's decorative hair accessories... :rollingonasslaughing:

Dr. Bumquist may provide some additional scientific reference:

Personally, I prefer the curved tip variety.  Makes for a more convenient angle to the lips.  The longer the handles the better too; everybody gets the pocket set, which is fine in a pinch, but I prefer smoking in style when possible.

Can't tell you the last time I smoked *a joint* now though.  Great for pot, but blend doobies gave way to bong hits with quickness.  Too much sidestream waste, and that shit is precious!  :steamroller

Now that takes me back. I used to have stats in various sizes way back when and a retro-80's decorative hair accessory or two. Haven't had a joint in forever either. Too wasteful for me, and why smoke paper?


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Re: Here's to finding free pot and getting high for free.
« Reply #9 on: March 19, 2015, 12:57:10 PM »
A long long time ago, back when GanjaTalk forums were still around, I went into this college arboretum/nature sanctuary thing near me and I ended up finding a long ass Gandalf pipe by a little stream and a waterfall. If you've seen Lord of the Rings you'll know what I'm talking about: A wooden pipe with a long ass stem on it.

I remember I turned around and thought "Nah that's just a stick", but I smelled tobacco (I used to smoke pipe tobacco). Sure enough I looked again and I scored myself a kick ass pipe! Wish I still had that thing.

Finding stuff is usually good. I doubted very much that the cannabis-smelling one-hitter was 'laced' or anything, especially since I found it by a diner that has a lot of Mexicans there who I KNOW smoke lots of weed. But yeah, I'll admit, I did take a chance, but it worked out well for me!

I have also found random pills and powders in bags, but I let those be. No idea WTF that stuff could be and I don't have a testing kit.
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Re: Here's to finding free pot and getting high for free.
« Reply #10 on: March 19, 2015, 03:19:45 PM »
You definitely should get a testing kit.

I need to order more, come to think of it. Thanks!


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Re: Here's to finding free pot and getting high for free.
« Reply #11 on: March 21, 2015, 09:37:51 PM »
I still have my trusty reagents in the fridge.  I test for anyone that needs since I find it really interesting, and I want people to be safe.  Its been a couple years since I used it though.  Actually that kit has cost me a good hookup due to the fact that I proved their stuff was bunk.  I guess they didn't want the news of being bunk to spread.  Screw them sheisty bastards......



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Re: Here's to finding free pot and getting high for free.
« Reply #12 on: March 22, 2015, 09:53:53 AM »
Sounds like your hookup wasn't such a great hookup if their stuff was bunk. Screw them indeed.  :hammertime:

I used to weigh stuff out on the spot with a portable when picking up a sizable amount from someone new. The excuses were pretty hilarious when they knew that weren't going to fuck around with ol' Uruk, LOL! I used to be able to eyeball just about any amount, but the scale didn't lie... :Smokey:


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