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Politics - WTF

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They are all....

Great video. Chilling are the implications. These nasty political adds, Trump is genius to replay it, awesome! Too bad this is the malignant angle of his genius. ...

I heard a commentator say Trump is hopefully a sheep in wolf's clothing. And that Hilary is a wolf in wolf's clothing... hope they're right cuz I do think Donald will win.

I've always been solidly with Jesus on this one though ------ "business men and liars will not see my father's kingdom", not that all business is bad quote unquote but who knows really in the end....EDIT --- but of course he says nearly the same about fags I guess, good grief!  I should know better than to look for positives in that religion.


--- Quote from: avoca on July 20, 2016, 01:45:08 PM --- :goodpost
They are all....

Great video. Chilling are the implications. These nasty political adds, Trump is genius to replay it, awesome! Too bad this is the malignant angle of his genius. ...

I heard a commentator say Trump is hopefully a sheep in wolf's clothing. And that Hilary is a wolf in wolf's clothing... hope they're right cuz I do think Donald will win.

--- End quote ---

I sure as hell hope Trump wins. At least he's never been a politician before, and he's not responsible for any of the crap going on in our country today. If he wins, we have a serious chance to battle the rampant corruption in DC on both sides of the fence. I like to think that he's serious about putting America first, too. If Crooked Hillary wins, she's going to take that corruption to levels that we've never seen before, and she'll likely destroy everything good about America in 4-8 years. She'll sell us out to globalists as fast as they can wire money to her 'charitable foundation'... :flamer:

NAFTA was a huge pile of bullshit, yep, I do believe hil monster will continue leaching us dry.

But as far as globalists go, Trump ummmm is a big huge globalist me thinks! I didn't quite get that tweet --- "put America 1st", shouldn't that go without saying?

But when we consider Trumps global reach it suddenly becomes clearly very clearly a terrible reveal of his globalist mindset.

That should just fucking be understood, that someone running for Pres would put USA 1st?  WOW  I guess most people took that asa slam on Hillary maybe?, --- but I feel it's his self imposed mantra to keep himself on track in publics eye.

Any way it's sliced, it was a message to his base which disqualifies me from quite getting it....

If clinton wins we're fucked. If trump wins we're fucked. Looks like we're fucked.


--- Quote from: avoca on July 20, 2016, 03:23:19 PM ---NAFTA was a huge pile of bullshit, yep, I do believe hil monster will continue leaching us dry.

But as far as globalists go, Trump ummmm is a big huge globalist me thinks! I didn't quite get that tweet --- "put America 1st", shouldn't that go without saying?

But when we consider Trumps global reach it suddenly becomes clearly very clearly a terrible reveal of his globalist mindset.

That should just fucking be understood, that someone running for Pres would put USA 1st?  WOW  I guess most people took that asa slam on Hillary maybe?, --- but I feel it's his self imposed mantra to keep himself on track in publics eye.

Any way it's sliced, it was a message to his base which disqualifies me from quite getting it....

--- End quote ---

I don't think doing business globally is quite the same as being a person with a globalist mindset. Globalists tend to think that America is just another country in the global community versus being something unique and special, and they tend to think that international ideas and law should take precedence over our own Constitution. That sure doesn't sound like anything Trump is saying to me. Yes, we are part of this world and have to participate, but America truly is something unique and special. If you haven't noticed yet, the world outside of America is a pretty fucking scary place these days. Gotta love having a terrorist group with their own damn state, and the dumbass Europeans are letting them walk right on in after fighting them off for 1400 years - madness! We better put someone in the chair that's going to have the balls to do what need be done, and that certainly ain't the Hildabeast. The stuff that's happening now festered on her and Ojackass' watch. No thanks to more of that.

And yes, 'America First!' should go without saying, with 'should' being the key word. Do you honestly feel that our past several presidents having been governing with an America first mindset? NAFTA, TPP, etc. Both sides of the fence have been ramming that sort of crap down our throats for years. I could give a crap what they say. America first is something you do, and they ain't doing it. There's a chance for change with Trump. Not a shot in hell for change with Crooked Hillary. Have you seen the list of countries she took money from while she was SoS? Sure, nothing to see there....


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