Author Topic: Grand-Daddy-Purple MJ oil With New Pic  (Read 1040 times)


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Grand-Daddy-Purple MJ oil With New Pic
« on: August 31, 2019, 10:54:59 PM »

GDP – Grand Daddy Purple THC/CBD OIL

Amount: 1 MIL Vape Cartridge

Appearance: A thick and dark yellowish liquid

Vape Used: One I bought which has 3 power settings and a warm up-setting. It wasn’t very expensive and it works great. Think I got lucky picking out a vape.


Experience explained on 2 different occasions

Experience #1:

   Turned Vape on and clicked pre-warm
   Waited under a minute and set to medium power setting
   Took my 1st puff.
   Less than 5 Minutes I went from tooth pain to Wow! This is cool!
   Took my 2nd puff.
   Maybe 2 or 3 minutes later felt great. Highness Is coming on fast now
   Took my 3rd puff waited a couple minutes – Higher than a Giraffe

So I am a few minutes in now with only 3 puffs on the vape and I am feeling great.
I am not in pain. Had mass tooth pain 3 bad terrible nights of misery before I got this and used it
And almost 4 days of pain which was almost as bad as the night pain

Experience #2:

   Turned on Vape and set to Low Power setting for 1st puff – Then clicked pre-warm on vape
   About 5 minutes or so, got an ok hit, knowing I need a higher setting on the vape
   Turned the Vape to High Setting took puff #2
   The hit was huge, way larger than I had thought, blew that out and then…
   High Zone achieved in 2 hits – DAM this GDP oil is some good shit mon!

Note: I did some have Red Vein Kratom about 3 Hours before Experience#2. The synergy
Between the Red Vein Kratom and this oil was amazing. No pain, very high, very chilled happy!
First experience I used zero Kratom, and it was very awesome for pain and highness by itself

Would you use this GDP oil again? You know it, This is a very stealth way to get high. A very fast way to get high and be in the no pain high happy zone. I do get bad insomnia sometimes especially if using a potent energetic kratom strain, but this GDP will lay you down ah ah in a great way. Time for HIGH SLEEP!

If I did not have this and the red vein Kratom I don’t know how I would have made it through the pain at all. I had to buy a pint of vodka before I got this in, Vodka does kill pain but I got way to wasted and the next morning’s hangover was rough. I only turn to Vodka in times of mass pain only. I know it works, but It also plows your butt.


I have never had Grand Daddy Purple strain of buds and or oil before. IT’S A WINNER!

 :weedspin :passing-joint: :weedspin

Overall experience === Pain Relief, Highness, Chill Mode, Insomnia stopper powerhouse in a stealth strong Grand Daddy Purple Oil thick liquid gold type of way! Gets the job done plus etc.
« Last Edit: September 04, 2019, 01:55:18 PM by KratomToke »


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Re: Grand-Daddy-Purple MJ oil
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2019, 03:08:32 PM »
Nice review KT.

Sounds like a great strain.

Always wanted to try the ol Grand Daddy myself.

Awesome that it helps you so much with your tooth pain.

Did it have good flavor?
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