Company: PRC
Product: Maximum Strength Pain Tincture 2400 mg THC / 1200 mg CBD. Medical Cannabis > Grand Daddy Purp
Packaging: When I received the package, I noticed it was securely sealed in a tamper proof bubble envelope. I found a nice white box with a security sticker. Inside the box was the bottle of tincture shrink wrapped.
Excellent Packaging!!
Click below for product pics Experience One Method : Sublingual /
Amount : 20% of one dropper. Time 9:00 p.m.
Held under tongue about 4 minutes or so.
Time: 09:45 p.m. Laying in bed listening to music and
A major Chill feeling comes over me. Feeling max relaxed
Time 10:30 p.m. Since I want to stay awake I walked into
the kitchen pain free. To make coffee.
Note : I am getting over Valley Fever and for about
three weeks been having major foot/lower leg pain
from The Valley Fever. I was happy making my
Coffee pain free.
Experience Two Time taken : 6:00 p.m. Method : Sublingual
23% of dropper. Time 7:00 p.m. beginning to
Feel less pain and relax mode beginning.
Time 07:30 p.m. Walked around and the pain
Is gone! Feeling some euphoria too.
Time 8:00 p.m. > Max Chill and no pain!!
Experience Three Time: 8:00 p.m. Amount Taken: 35% of Dropper
Method of Consumption: squeezed out into some water and then drank the water down
Time 10:00 p.m. - I am beginning to geel effects now. The other two times i had this
i put under the tongue for 5 minutes or so. Effects kicked in faster
Time 10:45 p.m. - walking around not in pain, making coffee, feeling very relaxed
some euphoria is kicking in. i could just chill and melt into the chair
Conclusion on all Three Experiences: Lliked under the tongue method and then drinking water to wash the rest of it down
as opposed to squeezing into water and drinking this way.
Key Points: Excellent for pain relief, long lasting pain relief, pronounced euphoria,
easy to dose, easy to use and very effective

END OF REVIEW![/list][/list][/list][/list]