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Bongs,vaporizers and grow books banned in Canada

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Bongs and Grow Books Banned in Canada!
By Dana Larsen, The Vancouver Sun - Thursday, May 16 2013


All bongs, pipes and vaporizers have been banned in Canada by the Conservative government. Selling these items is punishable with jail terms and some of the highest fines in the Criminal Code.

Books that describe how to grow marijuana are also banned, as is any other written or video material used to "promote, encourage or advocate, the production, preparation or consumption of illicit drugs."

The law, section 462.2 of the Criminal Code, is so broad that even promoting any “literature or instruments for illicit drug use" can get you 6 months in prison and a $100,000 fine for the first offence, and a year behind bars plus a $300,000 fine for the second offence.

Bookstores like Chapters and Amazon fall under the law, since they sell many pro-marijuana books and videos. But police raids have only focused on cannabis culture oriented shops.

Surprised about this harsh law? Don't be, it's 25 years old – enacted back in 1988 by the Conservative government of Brian Mulroney.

- Read the entire article at The Vancouver Sun.



There allowed to sell marijuana seeds

Thats ridic, the grow scene is enormous up there, shit the drug scene.


     Yes. But our brothers and sisters from the Great White North our living under the conservative regime of one Stephen Harper!!!

      I believe they refer to this as "HARPER HELL". He has instituted an American style drug war up their and they are building many new privately run prisons to house all of the unfortunate victims

      of his war on weed.

       Check out to stay on top of this  :stoned

Wow, that's horrible... I'm about to go to Canada for work... I was all ecstatic, now I'm bummed...


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