The Galaxy Lounge
Fun Stuff => Videos => Topic started by: dub on June 17, 2013, 08:46:25 PM
wow that's fucked >:(
My heart poured out for that baby and her mom. I hope those fuckers pay.
all I could do is think of my daughter and my grandson when I wached that vid. that shit will come back and bite him in the ass one day wach
Abuse of power. Ever notice the reason a lot of people become cops because they 1) couldn't get any other work, or 2) they were bullies in high school and that's all they know.
This makes me want to cry.
This is why I hate cops with a passion. All cops of any echelon. They are all scumbags who need to be gotten rid of as well as their entire genetic lines. Too bad he didn't go to prison so he could get sexually assaulted. But he's a cop so of course he'll never do time. This makes me sick. I hate cops so much. There's no such thing as a good cop. Well there is, but they have to not be breathing to fit that description if you catch my drift.
Agreed JB. 33yrs old and have yet to meet a good cop, and I have a family full of the fuckers. I don't associate with a one of them. Take that shiny star off your chest and put the radio down and lets see how big of a 'Man' you are. Simply disgusting S.O.B.
We are no more than cattle to feed the corporate penal system in their eyes, and they are just sonderkommando enough to go along with it.
What they don't realize is that they too, eventually went into the ovens all the same... :-[
The judge distracted the woman's daughter while all this was happening. :hammertime:
Anybody still think you can get a fair trial anywhere in the US? Bullshit like this goes on *everywhere*.
People are starting to wake up and fight back against these sick evil fucks...but they've seen it coming, and it's gonna be one hell of a fight.
I think we're going to see more and more people going down swinging and bustin' caps, and more and more cops getting hunted down and killed off duty until something gets resolved.
This is a case of enabling. The judge obviously knows what's going on... and it's not the first time. She's zoning out on purpose, because she knows eventually the person recants rather than face jail... and the whole thing is swept under the rug. <<The pretty ones are so much more obedient then... don't want to come back either. Makes the job so much easier when their will is broken.>>
Power corrupts... absolute power corrupts absolutely. It's not about right and wrong anymore... it's what they can get away with. They know the blind spots. The loopholes that assure them complete safety. They are the law. NEVER assume that the people in power have your best interest at heart.
I hope the judge gets brought up on charges as well.
Videos like this sicken me. I will gladly die fighting for freedom and justice and making these evil motherfkkrs pay for their ignorance and crimes against humanity. It's time for change :passing-joint:
Time to stop locking people up for victimless crimes such as posession of blends or MJ, and concentrate on things like this!
A lil' update...bitch got fired. :popcorn:
Hearing master Patricia Doninger is no longer an employee of Clark County Family Courts, as of Friday.
An I-Team investigation highlighted a case of Doninger turning her back on a woman pleading to her in court that a court marshal sexually assaulted her during a search.
Video uncovered by the I-Team shows Doninger not responding as the woman is arrested by the officer accused of sexual assault.
Fox (the offending gropist pig) was apparently sacked as well.
Contreras is suing the hell out of them, and will surely win. :)
An eye for an eye will cause us all to go blind my friends.
When comming up against evil its best to love.
This kind of stuff really can get to me.She was distracting the kid.This is sickness in the mind.I pray to god about everday and you know what?
We need to come together and help ourselfs out.
This all has to do with the Human condition.
I gotta disagree with ya on this one, Mandala. Eye for an eye works great so long as you're not one to go sticking your finger in other people's eyeballs. If so...well, one really has no right to complain of their self-inflicted 'monovision'. The problem is that we, as a species, are apparently a bunch of busybodies who can't leave well enough alone.
in regione caecorum rex est luscus...
Good to hear this duo were sacked. I can only imagine how many less vocal women got the same sickening treatment at their hands.
IMHO we should spam their pictures on social media sites to ensure they never get the opportunity again.