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Welcome To The Galaxy Lounge => Announcements => Topic started by: iBaked on July 08, 2013, 11:17:53 PM

Title: All you can eat ribs - Golden Coral
Post by: iBaked on July 08, 2013, 11:17:53 PM
Floridians take note..
Well, everyone else should too I suppose...

Getcha Sum!
Title: Re: All you can eat ribs - Golden Coral
Post by: Swishahouse6 on July 08, 2013, 11:24:31 PM
Title: Re: All you can eat ribs - Golden Coral
Post by: orthene on July 08, 2013, 11:27:06 PM
Oh emm gee hurlspew!
Title: Re: All you can eat ribs - Golden Coral
Post by: walterwhite on July 08, 2013, 11:51:02 PM

Gordon Ramsey would have a field day
Title: Re: All you can eat ribs - Golden Coral
Post by: Spark101 on July 08, 2013, 11:53:24 PM
I will not go near coral.  :o
Title: Re: All you can eat ribs - Golden Coral
Post by: R on July 09, 2013, 12:22:38 AM
I've worked in food prep.  I am aware.
Title: Re: All you can eat ribs - Golden Coral
Post by: iBaked on July 09, 2013, 12:27:57 AM
I've worked in food prep.  I am aware.
Videos or it didn't happen.

Whistleblower Protection Act has your back, bro.
Title: Re: All you can eat ribs - Golden Coral
Post by: R on July 09, 2013, 12:36:47 AM
it was a long time ago.  Hand held video cams were a novelty at the time.   I will say the cleanest place I worked, albeit briefly, was Wendys.  The dirtiest place was a vegan restaurant. 
Title: Re: All you can eat ribs - Golden Coral
Post by: jones on July 09, 2013, 01:36:50 AM
We have lotsa Golden Corrals around these parts,
    I too have worked in food service, spent about 12 years as a cook. Back then you could
still find white folks working in the resturaunt kitchens. You can get just as sick
in a five star resort as at Golden Corral, but it's way more fun at the 5 star.  :flippy:
I know I just don't eat in buffet style resturaunts anymore & I stopped, once I had been hired
to work a buffet. The food was obviously low quality, the damn chef of the resturaunt was
driving a brand new Yugo so that
much was pretty clear... :lol:

The cleanest place I ever worked was a small family owned mexican resturaunt, the owner showed me how to keep
it that way. First get a large bucket of boiling hot water & dump it out on the floor, now pick up all that water with a
mop & that is it, no more food particles & no more bugs. Of course, if you started with bugs around I suppose it might
become a bit more of a hassle to get rid of them.
Title: Re: All you can eat ribs - Golden Coral
Post by: AMeanOne on July 09, 2013, 09:29:29 AM
Well all i can say is i usually quit eating at places when i start cooking there because omfg, that shit is nasty in the back. Not all kitchens obviously, but a majority of kitchens are disgusting, and you would never eat there if you saw half the things we've seen. And as for buffets, im equally as wary of all those germy hands and people coughing all over to ever want to eat at a buffet again.
Title: Re: All you can eat ribs - Golden Coral
Post by: R on July 09, 2013, 11:51:26 AM
Whistleblower law or not, what are the chances that guy would still be able to work there.  OK, he probably doesnt want to work there, but for the most part he can kiss a cooking or food service career goodbye.  That's really the trouble with making people aware of problems like this. 
I suppose the long term conscientious thing to do would be to work one's way to manager and change the system, but that is probably wistful idealism--the lead by example thing almost never works. 
Title: Re: All you can eat ribs - Golden Coral
Post by: orthene on July 09, 2013, 01:49:56 PM
I used to write sanitation reports for restaurants and multiple other hospitality venues. With many of the larger chains, managerial policy works against sanitation. Managers receive bonuses for having no overtime per month, and they are more concerned with getting crew out the door before they can accumulate hours. Managers will rush closing crew out with the assumption that the morning crew will pick up slack. However, morning crew is all prep, and they are more concerned with being able to service the first patrons and/or morning rush (depending on hours of operation). Chinese restaurants are notorious for being infested with insects, but I have also had clients (mostly small family operations) that were Chinese restaurants, whose operations were pristine and very concerned with sanitation. The language barrier is a large obstacle as many owner/managers spoke very little English and only the frontline staff was fluent. Many managers could not read sanitation reports, and prep crews were subsequently not charged with this responsibility. Check out the restroom facilities in your local restaurants; if there is no attention to detail in these common areas do not expect the kitchen to be in much better shape.
Title: Re: All you can eat ribs - Golden Coral
Post by: the hellion on July 09, 2013, 03:19:35 PM
I've never gotten food poisoning from, well, anything. Either they're clean as hell in Ohio, or I have some sort of special immunity. ..
Title: Re: All you can eat ribs - Golden Coral
Post by: R on July 09, 2013, 03:29:21 PM
Check out the restroom facilities in your local restaurants; if there is no attention to detail in these common areas do not expect the kitchen to be in much better shape.

Excellent idea!  Thank you for the tip!
Title: Re: All you can eat ribs - Golden Coral
Post by: GrindCandy on July 09, 2013, 04:48:50 PM
Working at restaurants suck!
Title: Re: All you can eat ribs - Golden Coral
Post by: AMeanOne on July 10, 2013, 01:13:54 AM
Orthene i agree with your bathroom statement mostly, because if i were to see i nasty bathroom i would assume the back is nasty too. But where i cook at, the back of the house has nothing to do with the bathroom being clean, and our kitchen isnt that bad. Its the servers that only make 2.75 and hour that need to clean the bathrooms.......yeah i wouldnt want to either

Edit - You're also spot on about managers wanting to get staff of the clock as soon as possible. Its all about saving that labor cost, and all it does is allow grease and food and whatever the fuck to accumulate over time and become that much harder to clean down the road. That is whenever it actually gets cleaned, could be years for some cracks and crevices........
Title: Re: All you can eat ribs - Golden Coral
Post by: walterwhite on July 10, 2013, 01:28:22 AM
Anyone watch Kitchen Nightmares?

Great fucking show
Title: Re: All you can eat ribs - Golden Coral
Post by: Akitsu on July 10, 2013, 09:38:25 AM
Florida Golden Coral are pretty bad at the best of times.

That said, in NC we have a restaurant report card system, and GC is at 97% or better at all times... and yeah, they even check the dumpsters.  So I can have oodles of delicious well cooked buffet while the rest of you worry... lol.

In short, yeah... this guy works for a lazy asshole who simply doesn't care.  As with all buffet places, go on your own experience.  If a place sucks, don't go back.
Title: Re: All you can eat ribs - Golden Coral
Post by: Seatbelts on July 10, 2013, 04:18:15 PM
Anyone watch Kitchen Nightmares?

Great fucking show
Hell ya, I like how its on netflix now too. Some of those episodes....

But I know first hand about this kinda stuff, I briefly worked for an Iranian gas station manager. We had a deli, which I ran. We were instructed to reuse 4 day old fried chicken that had been under a heat lamp all day, and make it into chicken salad.. Well one day one of the 4 day old chicken salad sandwiches I made sat in a cold drink freezer, for 4 more days. 8 day old chicken, 4 day old mayo, 4 day old lettuce and bread that was soggy. He the instructed me to scrape off the wilted lettuce and remake it and put it back out. After this he started trying to pay me under the table, which I refused and then started actually stealing from my check and 3 other employees. On top of that, they made me move a refrigerator by myself from the store I worked at, load it into his truck and then he drove me to his trailer and made me unload it by myself, carry it up the stairs and inside. I gashed my had pretty bad setting it down, (needed stiches) and the fucker actually had the nerve to yell at me for bleeding on his new fridge..

All of this made me rage, So I had it out with him over him stealing my check, then he tried to physically remove my wife from the store at which point I lost it, and would have gone to jail for assault if she hadn't got me to walk out. On my way out the says "what you gonna do about it" and laughed.

So now Im fuming, 100 out of my check was taken, my wife was basically assaulted and then he has the nerve to taunt me about it? no.

I called the health department, which said they couldn't touch it because there wasn't enough seating for it to fall under there jurisdiction. So after being frustrated that the health dept couldn't stop contaminated food from being served, Not being satisfied I called the state board and finally got the department of aig to check.

39 health violations were found, while the inspector was there he witnessed them not using gloves to cut food and made them scrap an entire tray of chicken, to which mike (the manager) tried to argue with the inspector making it so much worse. Some of the better violations, No thermostat in the cooler, RTE foods stored below raw foods, no sanitation, they made us use windex watered down none the less. No 3rd sanitation process, (they ran out of tablets for 3 weeks) all the way down to improper light bulbs in the heat lamps.

Needless to say my friend who worked there said when they showed up unannounced they started shitting bricks. The health guy pad locked their doors and they were so mad at me he was willing to risk getting in whatever irs trouble you get into when you refuse to mail an ex employee their W2.

So if you ever are driving and think "hey that gas station sushi looks so good"! Just dont. 
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