The Galaxy Lounge
Welcome To The Galaxy Lounge => Announcements => Topic started by: Pebz on July 24, 2013, 10:04:50 AM
Pae pow is available today, first one to order anything, gets last spot for today 7-24-13.
All orders today get $10 off express shipping!
However if you order an oz of BAWLZ ( still $10 off an oz ) and get 3.5 g samples of new white lotus, it is blue lotus kicked up a bit. Also test out the new Nut Buster Nuggets. These are up there with BAWLZ in aroma, but its best to have you get and see / test it and get back to me!
That is a quarter bag free of hard hard head to whovever jumps first.
yes! I am looking forward to the NBN!!!! hopefully today is the day!!!!
damn the usps, expected delivery date was today damnit, my package is in the next city over, one more day i guess, they say good things come to those that wait, so wait i shall.
Ahh feces. I thought this was a new blend name or something. Next time!
Or Is It a new blend ? Lol
← a little slow
Ahh feces. I thought this was a new blend name or something. Next time!
Or Is It a new blend ? Lol
← a little slow
lol ... Pae pow is not a new blend, but the Nut Buster Nugz are, I should have mine tomorrow, and I'll let y'all know whats up, however I have learned thats Pebz word is as good as gold, when he says they are right up there with bawlz I tend to believe him.
say Pae pow 5 times fast out loudand see what it sounds like, its a a lil cryptic play on words I think
Yeah I got there but took me a sec-but by then that slot was taken DOH!
WTF USPS!!!! my package sat in the next ciry for over 19 hours, now it wont hit my box until tomorrow. 5 days? unreal, something told be to go express, but typically its only a 2 or 3 day wait for priority, ah well, back to the waiting game :offtopic: sorry
What part of the country are ya in bro? I'm in ND an priority is always a day or even 2 days late? Not Pebz issue, an only from his part of the country I have this prob. I can order first class with track from everywhere else an it gets to me faster really odd. PO SUCKS
Sucks for yall USPS does that.
Hit ya up Pebz
deffo not pebz fault, and I was mistaken they didnt update it, my order is out for delivery, I shall receive it when I get home, I am in NYS, so 4 days, Ill drop a review after I try the goods this eve.