The Galaxy Lounge
Fun Stuff => Videos => Topic started by: Akitsu on July 28, 2013, 09:17:01 AM
... or should you? I dunno, seems that the ships are far more fun and explodey when you just pile on engines like a mad scientist and shit. Believe it or not all of these were "working" before the update changed a few parts, which led to some seriously hysterical failures at the launch pad. (The two missions in progress are the Vega 1 and the Ion Driver 6... so both those designs worked. The Psychoactive 1 in all it's massive glory almost made it to orbit the last 5 times I launched... just had a minor rotation problem and some rather tricky staging)
And yeah, I blame all of this on being fully blended every time I play the fucking game... lol.
I have been meaning to play this game. The older daughter is always watching youtube videos on this game. Cool Post. Everything is better when your blazed.
damn that game is trippy as hell and im pretty blatted
Yeah, its pretty trippy how you can build something completely insane and watch it fly. Gonna try a interplanetary trip soon... but will probably build the ship in sections and launch them.
New video now with witty (not very) narration! Yaaay! And yeah, that cough at the end was from toking up before I started recording. ^_^ Everything is better on blendage.
Playing this game myself with the daughter still trying to figure it out. It is pretty cool game to just kill time and watch your creation take flight or blow the fuck up on the launch pad.
Thanks for the Vid Akitsu your crafts are way more advance than mine, lol.
I highly recommend watching Kerbal shows like Insane Rockets Division or Scott Manley. Lots of great information and ideas. I just started playing the game in July... so don't think it's an impossible task.
Thanks for the suggestions Akitsu looking into them now. :weedpass:
Episode 2! Probe-tastic! I launch dozens of probes into the ether to see how orbital mechanics spread them out for future knowledge on how to rebuild the ship into something viable. Interestingly enough, these failed and admittedly cheating runs have given me a lot of great ideas... and next episode I turn off all cheats for the redesign! (Still, playing with the cheats was never my thing anyway... just a means to an end)
Oh, and I make a cheap spider UFO that blows up... a lot. God I love this game.
Lol... it's not really that hard. I know jack shit about physics, math, Newtonian motion... I just watched a lot of tutorials and went my own direction with it.
Giant space umbrella! Flying squid! Oh wait no, it's the Icarus II from Sunshine. Heh. Episode 3...
That is Awesome..i love these vids..
Got two more in the works... the Whizzing Arrow from Oban Star Racers, and the Probulator 5000. Should have them up in a day or two.
Sold - I've got to try this. Maybe a new hobby for awhile... The game I mean. I'm not really going to build one of these in my garage LOL I'd like to keep my house intact and not get on the news since my skills began and ended with model rockets back in the day. D engines could really blast those balsa wood rockets in farm areas where my neighbors would be picking the remains attached to a chute off the backs of cows half a mile away LOL.
Behold the might and power of the Space Billboard, which is just the prototype for the orbital Jumbotron! Bwahahahahaha!!!!
Sweet brutha Akitsu :bowdown
Online game?
Online game?
No WW you do not need internet to play.
Kerbal Space Program doesn't need an internet connection to play, but it is a game under construction... they keep adding features and new parts and gameplay elements. There's a new update around the corner that adds in a bunch of stuff. Think of it as a space sim sandbox game...
And lo, I spent the night editing the Oban Star Racers episode. What is Oban Star Racers?
Here's the episode... and yes, I'm high as ballz doing the narration. ^_^