The Galaxy Lounge
Alcohol => Reviews (Alcohol Related) => Topic started by: Dashneo on July 29, 2013, 11:26:36 AM
I'm more of a spiced rum fan but I like my whiskey. What's your favorite brand?
I like crown royal :beers:
Reminds me of the last time I thought I needed a New, Legal Hobby.
I figured becoming an alchoholic would be suitable, so I headed on over to sam's Club
and picked up a bottle of single-malt scotch. I don't remember the brand, but it was the
cheapest one I saw at $85 a bottle. I rushed home to sample it & Yechhh, it tasted awful,
pretty much just like every other strong alcohol beverage I ever had. My old crack whore
girlfriend (who was an alky) mixed me several drinks & after I told her how bad it was, she
politely inquired if I was finished with it then? She drank the rest of the bottle & it didn't
take her long either. I guess I thought it would taste like candy or sumpthin. Oh Well,
that ended another legitamite possible legal hobby for me....
I see your point, alcohol tastes horrible. I've learned how to drink liquor: fill mouth halfway with chaser. Take a swig of chosen liquor. swallow and immediately drink more chaser.
Either that or I get the liquor cold, follow the above method except for I chug a few gulps of liquor before drinking the mouthful or 2 of chaser.
try a $20 bottle of captain morgan's spiced rum and mix it with either dr pepper (my personal favorite) or some kind of cola. I love the taste then
just like blends, mixing is key with alcohol, I like rum but NEVER drink it straight, i mix it with diet soda or juice, whiskey with 7-up, mix it up!!!! Oh
I wish I could wake and bake!
Mixing expensive liquor is blasphemy
I recently gave buffalo Trace a shot and really liked it. Compared to most mid level whiskies it's pretty smooth.
Mixing expensive liquor is blasphemy
So I had heard,
My alky friends tell me it takes practice and much more
Practice to get to where you can drink and make it look delicious
& he wasn't talking about mixed drinks either
When i was a drinker i would never mix anything that cost me over $30-40 a 5th. If your going to do that buy cheaper average stuff. There bad & good expensive liquor and same with cheap ive had cheap shit surprise me. But all and all liquor never really tastes amazing.
Even when mixed, quality booze tastes better than cheap booze
Even when mixed, quality booze tastes better than cheap booze
No reason to mix a good scotch, though. Either you HATE liquor, or the scotch was one of those 'overpriced' guys.
Liquor is a tool of the Corporate Sodomites. It is not wise for an Herbsman to partake of this devils brew!!!! :joint :joint :joint :joint :joint
Nothing masks being baked better than a bit of alcohol, "Honey are you on something?" Well, I've had a few beers goes over better than oh I got high....
The secret is to not over-do anything, better to have 2 hits and 2 beers than 4 of either.
Nonsense im not slowing down till a pack of swishas are gone!
I want to try some mj infused beverage.
Nothing masks being baked better than a bit of alcohol, "Honey are you on something?" Well, I've had a few beers goes over better than oh I got high....
The secret is to not over-do anything, better to have 2 hits and 2 beers than 4 of either.
With my wife 'I'm high' goes over WAY better than 'I've had beers'.
I want to try some mj infused beverage.
That taste like sour green appless mother fuck lol
I want to try some mj infused beverage.
That taste like sour green appless mother fuck lol
Green Dragon Pucker? LOL :stoned
I want to try some mj infused beverage.
That taste like sour green appless mother fuck lol
Green Dragon Pucker? LOL :stoned
That is a brillant idea *hits google* if i find a way i will so do bud infused green pucker drink.
*googled it but shit im to lazy i got enuff i gotta do already LOL*
My bud has some wine infused with coca leaves from Peru,
He bought it online, they scaraped all the labels off, you can see where the glue is still
stuck on the bottles.
My bud has some wine infused with coca leaves from Peru,
He bought it online, they scaraped all the labels off, you can see where the glue is still
stuck on the bottles.
hmmm that sounds interesting wine infused with coca leaves im gonna google that shit
Best tasting whiskey I ever had was Beer.
I prefer beer or wine, but the best tasting whiskys I've ever had are Tullamore Dew or Bushmill's single malt aged ten years. I'm a fan of Irish whisky... Both of those are superb for flavor and smoothness, for whisky that is...
Like the rest of you, I prefer my beer over just about anything alcoholic. That said, if I'm ever inclined to drink a bit of whiskey, then I go for some small batch over crushed ice. I recommend Jim Beam's higher end offerings - Knob Creek or Booker's. Both are mighty fine and not for the timid. :beers:
Like the rest of you, I prefer my beer over just about anything alcoholic. That said, if I'm ever inclined to drink a bit of whiskey, then I go for some small batch over crushed ice. I recommend Jim Beam's higher end offerings - Knob Creek or Booker's. Both are mighty fine and not for the timid. :beers:
nice choice man, my second favorite is Jim Bean Whiskey if I'm not smoking
Jamesons :cigar
Jamesons :cigar
I can't drink whisky unless I have a decent Cigar too. :cigar
Jamesons :cigar
I can't drink whisky unless I have a decent Cigar too. :cigar
Jameson is delicious, but I don't know, I always thought Tully dew and Bushmill' s were smoother Irish whiskys...
I prefer beer or wine, but the best tasting whiskys I've ever had are Tullamore Dew or Bushmill's single malt aged ten years. I'm a fan of Irish whisky... Both of those are superb for flavor and smoothness, for whisky that is...
are those exspesive think I might try a bottle this weekend
Tully dew is only like twenty a fifth. The single malt Bushmill' s is more, tho you can always get regular Bushmill's for about same price as Tully
thanks hellion
No problem bro