The Galaxy Lounge
Welcome To The Galaxy Lounge => Announcements => Topic started by: Galaxy Admin on September 16, 2013, 06:50:38 PM
I think we all know how much this cherished member cares about this community. She has had all of our backs in more ways than one since the beginning. She is a very genuine, "wear your heart on your sleeve" type of person. She is LOUD and PROUD and we wouldn't want her to be any other way.
Thank you for your service AND WELCOME TO SPICE MANAGEMENT!
You are so Right AciD, there is no doubting that IT really cares about this site!
Congrats ItalianQueen
:weinerwiggle: congrats! She does a lot of good stuff for this forum!
Congrats IQ!! :broccoli
Congrats IQ, awsome hun... :lips: :passing-joint:
Way to Go Queen! Keep up the Good Work!
Oh wow look at you lady!! Awesome, well deserved. :broccoli :rock: :broccoli
Congrats IQ! Wooot!
Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! - Daniel Bryan
- I late for the coronation?
OH MY GOSH!!!! WORDS CANT DESCRIBE HOW HAPPY I AM RIGHT NOW!! I AM LITERALLY JUMPING UP AND DOWN !! Thank you so much for this opportunity!! I am truelly HONORED!! :bowdown :bowdown :bowdown SOO NOT WORTHY!!
Thank you so much Acid , from your description of me..You know me ALL to WELL!! I Could Write a book On my feelings for you!! there are 2 MANY words! (
Many More Thanks To Come !! For Starters Pebz&Boss , SwishaHouse6 , SunshineFolk , Dashneo , TimeBomb , Walter White , Neil2k , JbMac , JB , Miz_Dee (MY GIRL!!) , Jones , Othene , Dimebag420 , Digi , BluntZ ,Mattynugs,W1Z, TOY, MYMANDAN, Staceysmom, Akitsu, Avoca, Spark101,AND 3VIL! OHHMY I have SOO many KNIGHTS!! TO MANY TO LISTS!! WATCH for separate Thank you posts :Smokey:
I am Sure you ALL already know how much I love SPICED.BIZ!! BUT SPICED IS NOTHING WITH OUT OUR SPICERS! A true Queen Loves Her People More than Herself!! YOUR QUEEN LOVES AND IS ALWAYS HERE FOR EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU!!!
ACID Thank You So Much For This LOVE!! I Feel Like Im Wearing This On my Head rite now!! (
thank you so much for the shout out this forum needs you IQ!!
congrats iq. [:
Goodbye Ngls
Goodbye Ngls
hey now if he came back and was cool I'm sure IQ wouldn't care as long as he was cool. What I'm aware of he left never got banned. I might be wrong?
Congrats IQ! I don't get here nearly as much as I like, but from what I've seen this is a member who really cares about the community. Great choice!
Congratulations IQ; you truly are a dedicated member of this community! I could not think of anything more fitting than for you to be moderator.
Someone beat me to it, but "Long live the queen!" Congrats, IQ! :banana: :banana: :banana:
congrats iq. [:
Princess and The Queen are the best.
Love ya dee! We missed ya in chatassssssssssssss
Goodbye Ngls
hey now if he came back and was cool I'm sure IQ wouldn't care as long as he was cool. What I'm aware of he left never got banned. I might be wrong?
I think he was saying Ngls isnt coming back now, not that IQ would ban him. Congrats on the promotion IQ :bowdown
Stop giving that user free press guys, he likes us yapping about him most likely.
I liked Ngls so ill talk about him if i so choose so. I have no side in their fued, nor do i care that they even have a fued. I agree he made a bigger deal then need be about the whole situation, but he has much wisdom that is very beneficial to the forum. Cant everyone bury the hatchet, I did :dance
Goodbye Ngls
Saw him of a dif forum today
Congrats Again Queen! :weed:
congats IQ..Happy twosday
nice job queen. thanks for the shout out and you Will do great.
Very Nice IQ. Congrats.
Thanks for the shout out queen! I'm glad you finally got a well deserved promotion :Smokey:
Mother Fucken hell yes QUeen you finally made it .I knew you would make it to management one day I just knew it .You really deserv to be there and we deserv to have you there .GOOD FUCKING SHIT QUEEN Im happy for ya Sis I really am .I know you helped me a few times seems like yuo've allways got someones back .Thanks for having mine Sis I apriciate that shit ;) big time .
:banana: :dance :rock: :horns up :horns up :rock: :dance :banana: :banana: :dance :rock: :horns up :horns up :rock: :dance :banana:
c o g r a d u l a t i o n s
:beers: :weedpass: :beers: :getstones :beers: :weedpass: :beers: :weedpass: :beers: :weedpass: :beers: :weedpass: :beers: :weedpass: :Smokey:
Yeah, nice one IQ !
Shell be back soon guys. Hopefully tomorrow sounds. Shes recovering well on her meds. Wanted to let yall know..
too quiet with her not around
IQ lay it all out for us in case someone has advice. Unless you already have and we could look for that thread. i would say if it's in your digestive, have you tried smoothies / juicing? That may make no sense at all, 'im not sure the details, but i know it's some of the best medicine i've ever seen.
Lol, what's a good pimp superhero, timeLazerCockBomb superfly electro pole river rat Wheatstraw he's a bad mutha Shut cho mouth. I'm comin to find you one of these days!! :lol: :rock: :beers: :weedpass:
Miss Queen
GET WELL SOON!!!! :stoned :stoned
Each and every one of yall!! and I really mean that!! I been goin fuckin crazy with out yall! its just unreal how I feel rite know! I cant really type all that well cuz my fingers swole up from the iv meds.......same crap..... don't know the cause, there was an infection...vomiting,hot cold sweats from hell..vomiting blood....started a full week ago and out of doctors and ers....2 nites ago they admitted me tho....fuckin finally...dumbasses......have I mentioned how much the doc and hospitals LOVE RAPING MY INSURANCE COMPANY!! and me!! cuz im fresh out tha cell 3 days in....NO FUCKIN ANSWERS!!
oh yea aND I QUIT BLENDING TO......STOMOCH STILL JUST DESIDES TO REJECT MY BODY ON A FUCKIN WHIM!! LITERALLY!! I was posting the no begging post one minute....hurling the other!! perfectly septicly sick!!
im sorry I kno im rambling im just fuckin letting all out!! they cant fuckin fix me....and im scared.......ive cried all fuckin day today,,,,cuz im scared...I just want MY LIFE BACK!!
again sorry, I kno its not my diary but I needed a vent!!! I have holes in me everywhere feels like my hands are way to describe it.....but im not vomiting anymore ATM.....and my stomach is moving as far as I kno.the kings out pickin up my 7 rxs now...and NONE OF THEM WILL FUCK U UP!! HAHA lol.cant even get a good fuckin pain pill out tha deal!!
I'm glad to hear you are out of the hospital, it sux in there. I can't believe how bad the food
is. I'll be there all mopey & when they come in & ask if Ya want to eat? Then they get me all
excited "Oh Boy, Food" I'll be thinkin... Then an hour l8er---Ohhh what the hell, some innocent
lil' creature had to die For This?!!?
I have a friend, when she eats the food will go down her esophusgas, but it doesn't always open
to allow the food to reach her stomache. Then after awhile she will go & just spit-up whatever
she had been eating for the last half hour. As a result tho she is very thin...
Is that anything like Your malady my Queen?
Congrats Some More! :weedspin
Sorry to hear all the crap you are going through IQ..My prayers for you feeling better soon..
Hospitals do suk
Congratz queen!!!!
I hate to like veggies but I do feel better physically when I eat right
Sounds like some weed wouldn't hurt either, it can really calm a body
I've told you before and I'll tell you again babe I will freaking send you some fucking top shelf medical cannabis from my beautiful state of Colorado. It would be an absolute honor. We have just about the best shit in the country for real. I truly would love to help you with it someday though. It would mean so much to me. :lips: :hand-heart:
HAHAlol get ready to lol @ to scared to mail real...............lets all try to wrap are heads collectively @ that one ok!! :weedpass:
Def hafta have stinky proof bags for mail
You know I'd vacuum seal that shit lol. People have no idea how much Cannabis is moved through the USPS every day with no clue.
Come on Queen jump on the bandwagon. Jb send that shit here I will smoke it and send the clouds to her.
Interest rates can't go much lower