The Galaxy Lounge
Welcome To The Galaxy Lounge => Announcements => Topic started by: timebomb on October 06, 2013, 09:45:45 AM
DEarest online friends, I have been quick to anger and not handled some situations in the positive ways I should've. If I have insulted you or called you names I sincerely apologize. They is no excuse for name calling and immature behaviors. I am not a hateful person but have been hateful in name calling. We all need to set an example of KINDNESS, RESPECT, and HONESTY.. again I apologize to the entire family and especially to those whom I called names. If we have issues with posts lets debate them without name calling or being hateful. Love yall. PEACE. :passing-joint: :dance
very cool
Very cool indeed. And i dont wanna piggyback on your thread but id like to apologize to anyone ive pissed off. Ive got a big mouth, and i use it too much sometimes.
Thanks bro :)
DEarest online friends, I have been quick to anger and not handled some situations in the positive ways I should've. If I have insulted you or called you names I sincerely apologize. They is no excuse for name calling and immature behaviors. I am not a hateful person but have been hateful in name calling. We all need to set an example of KINDNESS, RESPECT, and HONESTY.. again I apologize to the entire family and especially to those whom I called names. If we have issues with posts lets debate them without name calling or being hateful. Love yall. PEACE. :passing-joint: :dance
Timebomb, you ass. :nannah: :dance
TB your a dick. Lol jk your cool in my book! :weinerwiggle:
Cool Beans , You Rock TimeBomb
Thanks bro :)
I THINK U SENT ME A DRUNK PM LAST NITE ADAM!! :lips: :lips: :hand-heart: :nannah: :nannah: THAT WAS A FIRST TO!! LOL BEEN DRUNK DIALED NEVA DRUNK PMED!! LOL U WAS THA FIRST!! :weinerwiggle:
Lol I must of been fucked up I don't remember :/ gulp... did I at least spit better game then timebomb? Lol jk bro :) and queen :) but for real can you forward me that pm?
Fuck me. Here we go again, I don't care who is wrong or right KNOCK THE SHIT OFF. Take it to pm or contact an Admin if you have too. What the hell happened to the love around here, the good vibes? I think everyone needs to go to their own corner and chill. We are all wasting so much energy fighting between each other. Why not take it out on our worthless Government and the 'Man' always trying to hold us back? Please Guys, shit gets said and is taking personally when anger and tempers are high. Here I set fire to it now inhale :weedpass:
Well while were at it I'd like to apologize to jb for being a dick! Anyone else have apologies?
Good post, Swish. Listen to him!
Held my tounge enough.
Leave this girl alone, enough is enough. No wonder females dont come here, I wouldnt either, get shit on or harrassed a lot.
Let her be and lets relax for once guys. Should change the site name to Drama.Biz.
Keep doing your thing, Queen. No ones threatening you, and if they did, theyd be in trouble with Heisenberg..
No need for internet gangstas, keyboard tough talk anymore.
Have a drink on me yall...
Well I guess I am gonna apologize for reading this whole thread; I feel like a voyeur. Honestly, the infighting is unbecoming. As Swish said, a pm or taking the issue to an admin is much more dignified for all involved. That being said, I have love for ya both.
Ya know, its not very often me and JB agree on anything but good post bro! This shit needs to be squashed and honestly if TB is threatening a member of our mods, and especially if he is threatening to fuck with her real life, that should get him tha noose. I hate seeing all this going on, everyone of yall is like family to me. IQ is like a cool ass step mom to all of us stoners and shit lets show back just some of the love that shes shown us.
I can't believe what I am seeing,
And on a forum Titled Timebomb Apologizes too. I can't imagine what is going on but anyone
who has read Timebomb's postings in the last few weeks can't take them seriously. Isn't
Everyone on this forum aware that Timebomb is withdrawing from Opiates? Jesus Christ Nobody
can imagine how this stuff can twist a user's brain.
Don't make any Rash decisions based on an addicts perspective. Queen, it isn't fair to Yourself or
the rest of Us for You to Take Timebomb Seriously while he is in some kinda Full Dick Mode. You think
he can control himself, but if he could he would be quit of suboxone like a Year Ago.
Please Queen, don't take the ruminations of Fools and Addicts Seriously Because THEY Don't & You Shouldn't Either
Also Sweety as I said earlier It Isn't Fair to The Rest of US on Here for YOU to let one addict Run You Off :hand-heart: :lipstick:
Please, Please Reconsider Your Leaving Here
Its all good, JB, no beef here. Just was startled by the PM's you sent me.
I didn't know what I did. Unblocked for sure. You fine by me.
Its probably too late. Maybe we should all be getting eachothers info for those that want to continue to communicate after the boards gone. I know i think that if cops are being called and getting brought to this place in anyway we should shut down..................
How about this, Timebomb? You shut your mouth or I'll kick your teeth down your throat and shut it for you.
Nailed it, JB. Couldn't have said it any better.
jb you just hit the nail on the head budy toy--> :bowdown :wacked:<---jb :wacked:
This is all very unnecessary.
If this isn't enough for a ban then IDK what it would take
Glad its over..
TB is no more.
Acid please come back and enjoy the party again. To all the spicers thanks for sticking it out over the last few weeks. Now lets bring back the love. Now who has my lighter I need to hit this :weedpass: :nannah: :passing-joint:
TB is no more.
Acid please come back and enjoy the party again. To all the spicers thanks for sticking it out over that last few weeks. Now lets bring back the love. Now who has my lighter I need to hit this :weedpass: :nannah: :passing-joint:
Fire is on me brotha, light it up.
TB is no more.
Acid please come back and enjoy the party again. To all the spicers thanks for sticking it out over that last few weeks. Now lets bring back the love. Now who has my lighter I need to hit this :weedpass: :nannah: :passing-joint:
Fire is on me brotha, light it up.
aaaaahhh cough cough cough thanks man I needed it. LMAO :smokepack (
Fear and Drama on the forum, people trust and get burned...Started with Sam the Shithead and should end with this. Zero telerance policy on emotional and mental abuse for sure. I'm pretty positive many of us have this in RL, what the hell is wrong with people the way they conduct their cyberlives... perhaps they would also do this in RL but I'll bet not when they KNOW someone can find them and kick their ass for it. Not so anonymous as you think. I don't know TB or the Queen personally but I do know when someone is going off the deep-end.., seen it with friends and family... same thing that made Richard Pryor pour 151 on himself while free-basing, it was no accident and he eventually admitted it. Nothing makes sense to a full blown tweaker but the demons in their head. So Sorry it all came to this IQ. Maybe its the fact that we are all feeling scared and repressed by the current situation... DEA still funded while Social Security is in question, take away things that make us feel better (including CBs) and replace them with rat poison. Would not be surprised if that was the desperate plan that began when "they" realized they've lost the "war" and could be/should be deep sixed. You know what fund wasting agency I speak of.
Well said :horns up
I'm glad things are working for you Queen,
IDK that my $500/week meth habit (back in 97) made me evil, but it certainly made me different.
I thought everything was wonderful and I still did my job everyday, but I know there were a few
glaring differences. For one I started only shaving half my face everyday, and I quit wearing any shoes.
Even throughout the summer I didn't wear shoes & my feet were Black. I can't believe my customers
were letting me into their homes! Most of them dropped me after seeing me in that condition, lucky for
me new clients are moving in all the time, so I still have work to do.
Hey IM, just wanted to mention that as far as forum access on a tablet goes they are really quite inexpensive. Just got 7 inch tablets for both my grandson's at 79 bucks each at Wallyworld. Added another nine dollars per to get a three year warranty. Android operating system with Google Play; just wanted to pass that on.
I got my 16 year old a 7 inch next book from Wal-Mart, only 64 bux. Works pretty good. Runs Android 4.2 with Google play.
Does it support flash?
Yes! It supports Flash 11 right now. Have not played with it enough to know how to update it..she wont stop playing Candy crush and Angry Birds and temple run. She be addicted..